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Television and Film #763
Television and Film
What are the best films where roasties get what they deserve?
Most annoying/rage-inducing character thread? ill start
Why are white males so fucked up?
Can we get a Bollywood thread PLEASE?
For all of you fucking idiots saying that she's fat etc...
A complete amateur has to teach a multi-billion dollar company how to grade their colors properly
What are some things they could plausibly do in the second season that would ruin the show?
So now that all the aliens have left, is this a thinking man's sci fi or dumb memeshit like inception and interstellar?
Why isn't your dick 8.5 inches long and 6 inches thick?
Sup Forums, you claim to be the board of a thousand shitposts but I counted and you only post about 60 of them
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Who was in the wrong here?
PROTIP: if you prefer right over left you don't belong here and should go back to rёddit
Who would you cast as Mercy in an Overwatch videokŋö?
*muffled humanoid screams*
Its a Winston Churchill ep
/got/ game of thrones general
Now that Kate Beckinsale is openly dating an 18 year old...
Childhood is idolizing Sam. Adulthood is realizing Frodo makes more sense
What did she whisper in his ear?
How ya holding up senpai?
I bet now Marvel feels stupid for not making a Black Widow movie
Yo that's my boy user. Hey I told them all how crazy you were about movies so you better of brought a good one...
Will there ever be a show as comfy as
What are some films with a great high school atmosphere?
Adam Goldberg
Literally why did he attack the cameraman?
Kevin Smith on Paul Thomas Anderson (magnolia)
I'm about to watch this. What am I in for?
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
What did they mean by this?
Guys, this is really spooking me
Why can't they just let him go free?
Draco Malfoy is doctor alchemy 100% confirmed
In this episode of house...
Was jenny a bad person?
Don't mind me, just the best cop movie of all time passing through
It aint me starts playing
Seriously. Could they have picked a worse actress?
What movies do you think the cast of Silicon Valley enjoy?
Can he keep it up with Blade Runner 2049? Will the streak finally end?
How does it look worst than something that came out 10 years ago?
Why hasn't he been canned yet?
Eyes Wide Shut
Do any other anons remember these? It was like Santa Claus, Jack Frost, Rudolph, and I think something else...
What was this expression trying to convey?
She'll be fine
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
Post terrible special effects from film and TV
They want me to apologize to a monkey, Jerry
ITT Poorly described shows
The head of the American Ministry of Magic in 1920s America was a black woman
Is this the definitive adventure film?
What were they talking about?
Childhood is idolizing Jeremy
What fantasy series would make for good movie franchises?
ITT: Post films that never fail to move you
A full roll of Lethal Weapon 2 pogs from McDonalds, and an oven mitt. This is seven dollar bills all day, Brando
Shall we discuss Leia in her slave outfit?
Marvel Netflix confirmed MCU canon. Agents of NonCanon BTFO
We watch and discuss movies, TV shows, and anime at arnabstream (com)
Name a better fucking actor
What the fuck was her problem with Data?
Sarah silverman getting triggered at the mere mention of one of her jokes
What's your favorite Bond film?
Yo user, spit a beat
Who is your favorite actor from the office?
Let's have a nice, civil discussion about the career of /ourgal/, Siggourney Weaver
Who else /turnedonbycryingliberals/ here? Donald Trump has gifted me with a new fetish
Supernatural live thread
Why? Why the fuck is this considered a good movie? Why does this piece of shit movie have a 89% rating on Rotten?
The Walking Dead 7x06-7x08 titles
Can we have a commercial thread?
Who was in the wrong here?
Sup Forums what's the best movie to put in a time capsule
I want
What's the verdict? Billy clearly insulted him a little bit imo
Who's character was butchered worse as the seasons went on?
W/ Westworld general
I love these things
Does anyone even watch this show?
Computer, Generate a 15 foot tall MEW, make her on her period and turn me into a tampon. Disable safety proticoles
Name one SNL skit better than Celebrity Jeopardy
This company makes the best tv
Meme off bro, you and me!
Kino: Enemy
What are some good tv shows to watch while eating?
Heisei > Mellenium > Shin > Showa...
Artsy Fartsy
Chart Thread
Movies that feel like they share the same universe
There are people out there that don't think Thief is Michael Mann's best film
Name a more kino scene from the past decade
Uhm how did they get away with this entire movie?
Student is a victim of a hate crime and murdered at age 14
What do people think of Arrow Season 5 so far?
Why is WB such a failure?
"You are just a machine. Can a robot write a symphony? Can a robot turn canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?"
What went wrong?
Huh? really makes you think
ITT: Actors and Actresses who masturbate a lot
ITT bluepilled shows that think they're redpilled
Honest opinions?
Hiro just said on IRC that Sup Forums is going to start a pay-to-post system
Really makes you think
Tfw the cashier would give you an earful for not rewinding the tape
Couple finished sex
Tay-Tay a cute; her hair so silky I could floss my butthole with it
Just marathoned the first ten minutes, when does it get good?
American "comedy"
How does anyone find British """humour""" funny?
Jon Stewart slams liberal 'hypocrisy' for branding Donald Trump voters racist
ITT Actors you could probably take in a fight
Was this show any good? I might watch a few episodes just for the novelty of it, plus he seems like he'd be funny
Is Vicky Vette the ultimate mommy?
Lets have a thread discussing Scarlett Johansson's best roles. Be sure to post a lot of pictures too as visual evidence
What the fuck is her problem?
The Apprentice Thread 2
Character named "Snake"
What are some good films to watch after a breakthrough on DMT?
What is Will Ferrell doing in Kong?
Can we talk about Kevin Smith and his shirt?
Welcome to the Baneposting Kinoplex!
Claims aliens come out of a portal I her backyard
Most quotable film ever
Why do people hate on this movie again?
What's some essential christmas KINO ?
Do shows virtually disappear when they go to the CW?
Why girls love Suicide Squad so much?
Shit alien design tbqh family
Emma Roberts is getting shagged by this guy at this very minute. How do you feel Sup Forums?
Ate raw meat
So in the light of all the whining about GiTS I decided to re-watch the original; I think I've watched it more than 10...
Apprentice Week 7 Thread
What does Sup Forums think of Emily Ratajkowski's body of work?
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
This was worse than BvS
Marvel BTFO
Died just before the disease of SJWs started spreading
Red Letter Media
Dark Tower
Is it going to be better than Episode 7?
ITT: Explain how these individuals could take down a "Superman-level threat"
*leans back*
You are a casting director tasked with picking an actress for the role of Motoko Kusanagi for the upcoming Ghost in the...
Pure actors/actresses
He's not getting away with it ANYMORE!
What route would you have taken through Middle Earth to Mordor and Mt.Doom?
Character finds a piano
You will NEVER be a movie star
What is your first thought when looking at this image?
Slightly concerned
This movie was amazing. The elevator scene is one of the best of all time. What are you honest thoughts on it?
What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood?
You are told Titanic is going down an hour before it does so...
Will you see it?
W/ Westworld Thread General
So how's pic related? I was about to cheggit out but after seeing the poster...
Wow she's gorgeous
What was the point of the Japanese sub-plot?
W/ Westworld General
ITT: "Villains" who did literally and unironically nothing wrong
ITT: We post films that make good use of colour for storytelling
What are some good movies about older men courting young girls? Preferably not pic related because I've already seen it
Modern family
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
A T-1000 has just been sent back in time to kill you
First one with dubs gets to stay on my thread!
Redpill me on 2 Broke Girls
Unpopular opinion
Sites We Lost
Defeated Jew
Leave psa kino to us
Pig in a Blanket
Uh, excuse me, sir?
Which is the best girl?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
ITT: Movies only women understand
Is she, dare I pronounce, /ourgirl/?
Tfw you're a 40yo man and you fall in love with a video game character
Smugly and the Beast
Are there any film series where the 3rd film is better than the first two?
Kristen Stewart's doing a period piece where she plays a wealthy woman struggling with cholera
What the fuck kind of ending shot is this?
Hi, french faggot here
Did Shane have a much bigger dick than Rick that made Lori cum harder?
A Series of Unfortunate Events
-Terrible acting
Rank kubrick itt
IronMan 1
Just finished watching. Holy shit, this was depressing but really fucking good
A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the fact that Star Wars VII wasn't really that good
Dormammu! I've come to bargain!
Kong: Skull Island Trailer
So I recently started appreciating cinematography a bit more and I was wondering what films are essential from a visual...
Are there actually "people" who consider Aliens, Robocop 2 and Judgment Day to be better than Alien...
Why are there so few actresses with jet black hair, Sup Forums...
Why was Marty so fucking ungrateful when Rust mowed his lawn for him?
I'm halfway through season 5
The epitome of liberal comedy
ITT: movies humans don't understand
What was his fucking problem?
Harry chose Ginny over this. What the fuck was his problem?
What shows did you drop in 2016?
Shelly Duvall
"TRUMP=HITLER"-Paul Verhoeven
I'm not part of the red pill anti-SJW gamergate bullshit, but seriously...
Sup Forums, I have never seen pic related
Fuck you, I laughed
*absorbs you*
Lol. men BTFO
Korean films ranking thread
Why does Sup Forums hate this man so?
Movie ends
What does Sup Forums think of Zodiac?
Based Grand Tour Incoming
Is the nostalgia critic still a thing? is he still doing those awful skit with those two unfunny incompetent goons...
Do you know what she did? Your cunting daughter!
Convince me that the two timelines theory is real
/Joe Rogan General/
You're mad, Max!
This was absolute fucking kino, holy shit best war movie in at least a decade
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
He recovers from being fully paralyzed in 1-2 days
He hates Michael Bay films
What went wrong?
Obsessed over a girl since he was a kid
That was just
KKKramer 10th Anniversary
Bravo Lucas
Yfw that ass is a CG render
What was his problem?
Captain America: Civil War
What the fuck is this
Why do directors get more credit than screenwriters?
Why did Art Vandelay look so similar to George? Were they related or something?
What's the worst Stephen King adaptation?
Sup Forums, is there such thing as insanity among penguins?
Tfw when you realize there is no better way to obtain your kino than pic related
That Youtube channel you have been following for years
A movie has been made of your life
People really find her attractive? I literally and unironically find her face ugly af. Yes, she has nice tits I guess...
How can you go from this
Spartacus thread!
When are we going to get the Year of the Spoon?
Best documentaries
What's the most titillating non-nude scene Sup Forums?
To celebrate the release of fantastic beasts. Post Potter Kino
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
How about worrying about your own country stupid fucking cunt
Video game movies
Just finished S3. E4 and E6 redeemed a nearly unforgivably terrible season
South Park S20E8 Members Only Thread
Suicide Squad: Deleted Joker scenes not on Extended Cut
In a new memoir, Fisher, 60, has revealed that they had a whirlwind three-month-long, drink-sozzled...
So I got about a quarter of the way through this and it still had no plot...
What youtube channels do you guys watch and are there any good film ones worth subscribing to?
Evan Rachel (gives me) Wood
Smile wryly waiting for the audience's laughter to die down maintaining eye contact with Ornella the entire time
*muffled humanoid screams*
Now that Kate Beckinsale is openly dating an 18 year old...
Unironically getting triggered by a Milo Yiannopolous headline and taking it completely seriously
Post your favorite mom. My favorite is Sandra Bullock
Does he really need the barbed wire on the bat?
Say something nice about it
It's a 38 year old wealthy private school educated melbournite tells everybody what to think because he...
Adult Swim Star Quits Network Over ‘Alt-Right’ Program 'World Peace'
What are sum movies?
What went wrong
Its a new era Sup Forums.......I present to you.....full bodied Pepe
Wtf this wasn't supposed to be a documentary
Commander, tell me about Star Trek Discovery
What are the best snacks to watch movies with?
Ywn make living by infringing on copyright materials and saying some asinine random shit about movies for 20 minutes
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Proof You tube sucks nowadays
Does this show still suck...
Will it be KINO?
So was the extended cut of Suicide Squad kino?
The following is a paid program for Girls Gone Wild
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
That's Kong, he's king around here
/suc/ general
Why didn't Clark ever Fucking like Chloe? What was wrong with her!?
How come everyone loves the 90's Disney animated movies, but no one remembers this?
Shows that improve significantly in the fourth season
Cast him Sup Forums
ITT : post a picture of yourself and have user recommend you a movie
We watch and discuss movies, TV shows, and anime over at arnabstream (com)
So I wonder, who is the bad guy in the matrix?
Is Sup Forums a Republican board, a libertarian board, or a conservative board?
Serial killer thread
What do you think of their body of work?
ITT: Characters men will never understand
Tfw you just caught a glimpse of your daughter getting spit roasted by two black guys while trying to save the world
Disney is buying Netflix
Somebody try and defend this trash
Post an image, get a recommendation
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Not quite my tempo
This is the best Korean film second only to Save the Green Planet
ITT: Infinitely rewatchable movies
Why does she stand like this?
Grown men and women who watch Disney movies
South park in 10 minutes
This is actually good casting though. Discuss. The only thing is, why does batou have a beard...
Is something wrong with me if I don't think The Eric Andre Show is funny?
I know I should have enjoyed this clown's meltdown, but I got enraged instead...
Oh come on, it isn't that bad
What's the worst movie experience you've had on a plane?
What function does she even have in the movie?
(i dont live in the US)
What am I in for? Does it ever get preachy or turn into some BLM propaganda shit
We can all agree on this, right?
Well well well, a nigga named Negan
This fucking talentless cunt and her annoying fucking character are ruining the show
Hey daddy is it okay if we watch the Romantic kino together this time??? I promise I won't talk to much;)
Name a magician with bigger balls
Sup Forums on suicide watch - Michael Shannon Says He Fell Asleep Watching 'Batman v Superman'
Who is the hottest Disney character?
American Horror Story Season Finale Watch/HYPE Thread
Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader...
At the video rental store where its buy one get one. I have Porco Rosso but need a second
What the fuck was her problem?
I began to have fantasies of becoming very powerful and stopping everyone from having sex...
What is essential Jackcore Sup Forums?
It's Waifu Wednesday
Was she best girl?
Is therapy a scam?
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Name ONE (1) MCU superhero that has more depth than DCEU Superman
Its a hurley says dude episode
Webm Thread
Survivor thread
What happened to her?
There's bad, and then there's baaaaaad. Do I have to have had a lobotomy to enjoy this? lol
Suggest some comfy core space films
What's your mom's favorite movie?
W/ Westworld Thread General
Who wins in a fight?
Dear FUCKING lord
Would this show be any better if it was on HBO?
Why does anime fail so miserably when it's adapted to live action?
It's over. Star Wars is finished
Serious Mad Men discussion here:
You haven't liked a single movie this year
Wake up with a bad taste in your mouth and a sore throat
Did she crave for the BBC?
Hurr durr i'm smarter than you and here's why
What, in your opinion, constitutes a "good" actor or actress
ITT Generic movie lines
Why did Negan infinitely improve TWD?
I'd rather pretend this doesn't exist. So sick of blackwashing, or niggerification
Who will make decent films when David Lynch and Werner Herzog die?
Wait so this movie was like 90% pure fantasy?
It's a "Bill talks about sports" episode
I don't get it, and I expected this to be a comedy, instead it's just kind of boring and hard to follow
Alright, yesterday we talked about shot theory, now lets talk about pre production...
Watch my movies please
So it's agreed that Disney is bribing critics, right?
You created another monster
Why is this funny
Just marathoned this
Has Sup Forums ever witnessed the glory that is The Star Wars Holiday Special?
I need good gaykino
Pig in a blanket
Cinema is the ultimate pervert art. It doesn't give you what you desire, it tells you how to desire
What do Sup Forums think of long take sequences that Hideo Kojima use in Metal Gear Solid V...
Its an "Alexandra Daddario being a dumb whore" episode
Post your favourite alien movie ITT!
Name 2 (TWO) films
Show me an example where he was a shit actor
This was the most boring, uneventful and prententious film in recent history
Say something positive about this film, I'll start the title is fucking brilliant
Based Mel
Miles Teller
So, Scarlett, what kind of physical training did you do for this role?
Wait who was in the wrong here?
So why was a gray Jedi allowed on the Jedi council...
Adult Swim's stars want World Peace cancelled
Punished 3po
Remember when people were really upset over Ben Affleck playing Batman?
Michael Shannon: Don't talk to your Trump-voting relatives
How long was he in the time loop?
What did you think of Love, Sup Forums?
I'm A Celebrity Thread
Transformers The Last Knight
Oh boy
Why does every show Sup Forums likes have some form of cuckold fetish in it?
Character drives a shitty old car
Female (((Comedy)))
Is there any concrete evidence of this man's pedophilia?
Brendan Fraser is playing a guard in The Affair
If I could quit being black today, I'd be out of the game
Tfw no camus gf
National Geographic Mars: It's bad
Can show this on basic cable
What is the most fucked up movie you ever saw?
Lostboy short
Spoony is having a meltdown over Trump on twitter
He's overly critical. He never listens! He just doesn't understand. It's not fair!
What's his endgame?
ITT: We solve TV and film character's problems
"user, what's your favourite movie?"
GitS 2017
Any cool shows that promote right wing values?
Star Wars Episode VIII teaser trailer when?
2016 and celebrities
Remember me?
It's a Kate and Lily prepare for "rub together night" episode
Will brie larson be the female love interest of Kong in Kong: Skull Island?
Tfw you realize that all your animefu will be perverted by jewllywood if GITS is successful
/pod gen/
How badly are they going to fuck up season 2?
That episode of The Sopranos where they go to Italy
Will this be any good?
It Ain't Me starts playing
Can't wait to see Wonder Woman butcher countless Germans!
Cast her
Is this the most cringeworthy moment on television in the last 20 years?
Is he the greatest comedian of our time?
Reminder that Sup Forums is board number one
More Info On The New Characters Of EPISODE VIII
Who are your favorite transgendered actors ?
/got/ general
Who's this
Just watched this, did I like it?
What does Sup Forums think of Atlanta?
What happens if Wolverine gets shot? Does his flesh somehow expel the bullet or does it just heal around it...
ITT: talented actors / actresses who you think should get more roles (this is not a waifu thread, pls don't delete)
This movie was actually better than I was expecting
7pm - 60 Minutes: President-Elect Donald J. Trump Interview (CBS)
Overacting: The Character
U happy now?
Name 10 Hollywood stars that haven't benefited from nepotism and aren't Jewish
Why are older woman/younger man movies so comfy? Even the shitty ones are enjoyable
3x3 or grid, mosaic thread, for old time's sake
Why do some people think Lynch is "pretentious" literally the most honest and unpretentious filmmaker there is
Matrix Energy Source?
Why were filmstars from the 1930's so much better looking than the ones of today by average...
Beauty and the Beast
Fantastic Beasts
Rate the last movie you watched
ITT: people hollywood is still trying to convince us "can act"
Whole season based on Hillary's inevitable victory with her victory highlighting the girls vs boys divide
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble...
Commit armed robbery or we'll show a video of you wanking to everyone xD
It seems a lot of people are convinced David Blaine has real demonic powers...
Why is Finn Wolfhard less popular than the other characters on Stranger Things? He carried the show himself...
He chose Peyton over Brooke
Porklet Johannson
Early 2000s movie scene
Mask u summid rick
Is it going to be kino?
Who's blood is this? Is it the other stormtrooper's? Why did he bleed, was he attacked with spears or something...
Why exactly did Ripley have a queen alien growing inside her instead of just another regular alien?
W/ Westwolrd Thread
Someone points a gun at him
ITT: Times you acted like the Joker
Donald Sutherland Says He's 'Ashamed' of Being a 'White Male'
Why do I feel so fucking gypped of an ending?
ITT: We post Gaykinos straight males can watch
What the fuck is his problem?
Japanese Films
When it comes to flight plans, nobody knows flight plans better than me. I have the best flight plans. The best...
Can i watch this as a straight male?
Is this the best movie ever made?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
The book ‘Dear Mr. Rogers, Does It Ever Rain In Your Neighborhood...
Any movies about men with disabilities overcoming the odds?
Tfw no qt 3.14 wife to spy with for Mother Poccия
*leans back*
ITT: Red Flags
CRUNCH crunch crunch... CRUNCH crunch crunch crunch
What were his final thoughts?
What are the arguments against the people who claim this is now "literally" reality?
Albus Severus Potter... you were named for two Headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin...
If you disagree kys yourself
Oh yeah i love cinema, i am a huge film buff
Angel, Buffy, Charmed General:
User you coming to see Moonlight with us?
"And this is my step son's room, he's quite the film buff"
"Placebo....Bitter End, on XFM 104.9, I'm Ricky Gervais, with me, Stephen Merchant"
Just finished DS9. It was pretty good but Dukat and Bashir turned to shit towards the end
Takashi Miike's "Blade of the Immortal"
How you liking season 7 Sup Forums? How would you rate the episodes so far?
What the fuck was this?
How did Kubrick get those gorillas to do exactly what he wanted?
Watching this character, all I can think is how bitter and insecure Paul Feig is...
Because it's only $10 a month
Star Wars is the perfect proof what an absolute source of cancer Disney is...
Who's better the actor/movie star?
Anyone watching T@gged? Is it on normal TV or do I have to download the app?
Let's play Fuck, Marry, Kill
Leonardo Dicaprio won an oscar
Any capeshit with young girl as main character?
What did she mean by this?
See you, space cowboy
Hollywood Ghost in the Shell
Arrival film discussion
Wait who was in the wrong here?
Is there anything more pathetic than a big dick denier?
Beauty and the Beast
Just finished this baby. AMA
I always see memes saying Cartoon Network "died" in 2004, and my question is "Why though?". CN City began in 2004...
Wtf is this shit?
Rogue One
Is The Room a Secret Masterpiece?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Pork in a shell
Why is Sup Forums so mean to celebrities?
Would you do anything to January Jones?
Why was Marvel so desperate to get us to vote Hillary? What's their end-game?
Is she the only good female comedian of the 21st century?
Just watched the first episode of Black Mirror and thought it fucking sucked and I'm a little upset I wasted an entire...
Move over 2001
The Walking Dead General /TWD/
Is the movie Snowden good? I'm not sure I'm a fan of JGL
Speaking of something orange and racist, DONALD TRUMP
Who /christmas/ here?
Whats the best hair ever in tv and film?
Dating an SJW
So what does Sup Forums think of the Suicide Squad Extended Edition?
I want to get a spider pet
Why did Mike "Third Reich" Stoklasa beat up Richard Evans?
Go in for your annual prostate exam
Has anyone been watching channel zero? Pretty decent for a cheese ball scifi? Tooth monster related
Choose your words carefully big guy, this is my wife you're talking about here
Movies where the only people that hate it haven't seen it
I've watched thousands of films, and hundreds of series...
Star Trek will never, ever be good again
Wtf it was actually good
Name a more terrifying unstoppable force of nature monster in cinema?
I cried
Was this episode definitive spongekino?
Aggravating Films
The Flash
Why the fuck didn't they have his silver hand strangle him to death like in the book...
Does anyone here still buy physical media? thinking of starting to collect criterion releases
James Bond
Are there any actors whose films you're currently boycotting?
Fucked you I liked it movies
What's the most quotable movie of all time?
Without spoiling anything, is it worth watching or is too numale?
Why is this show so popular all of a sudden?
10 years ago Day Break premiered and only lasted 6 episodes before being pulled off the air due to low ratings
If Breaking Bad characters were GoT characters, who would be who?
Cr1tikal made a video on Brendan
ITT: Shitty comedians everybody pretends to love
Abbot is death process
W/ - Westworld General
Let's hear some good Breaking Bad fan theories
Why are chinks so evil?
Just watched True Detective S1
Be you
Is she still going to get roles?
Start movie
When did the Alien franchise go off the rails?
Say my name
I wanna bury my dick in her ass
What are some good examples of stars leaving Hollywood to pursue more noble career paths?
What did they mean by this?
I just finished this movie. I havent cried in over 20 years yet i dont know why tears started flowing after watching it...
Has she done anything since Stranger Things?
Is wes anderson capable of making a film that only relies on the plot itself and doesnt use all of his trademark...
Why do people insist on calling Aliens an action movie...
Clearly the japanese are shitlords and are on the wrong side of history
The Faculty
What went so wrong Sup Forums?
Leto is out
This movie is beautiful
David Blaine Beyond Magic
48% on Rotten Tomatoes
In a galaxy far, far away
Donald Sutherland Says He's 'Ashamed' of Being a 'White Male'
Does Kylo Ren Is Gay?
What is the best Wes Anderson film?
Why dont they just pack up their shit and go two states over?
W/ Westworld General
Is Katt Williams the most red-pilled comic?
Commentary of a film is better than the film itself
Scream Queens - Live Thread
He imagines being interviewed for his new critically acclaimed film
You tell a friend to watch a film
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Best alcoholic movies, I'll start
Why is there no hype at all for this movie? It's release is two days away and no one gives a fuck...
Let's be blunt. Martin is never going to finish ASOIAF...
Did this movie make you more racist or nah?
What the FUCK was his problem?
Why isn't Toby Kebbell A-List
You HAVE read everything, right..?
Make Comedy Great Again?
Who is the most punchable character in cinema?
Decided to finally start watching this show
I forget how competent this film is, As a Silent Hill film it's lacking but as a general adaptation is pretty ok
Memes aside, I can't think of a more impressive stunt in all of cinema
Why didn't the Rebels take over the galaxy and restore the Republic like Leia wanted to in Episode 7?
My threads barely gets replies
Reminder that this will ALWAYS make your television/movie watching experience better...
Aside from Porn and Pepe what do people of this site like?
What did you think, Sup Forums?
A Sup Forums JUST edit in literally the first row of image results when searching "Brendan Fraser"
ITT: episodes that aged like milk
Is this the best sketch of all time
What happened to the american dream?
If Sup Forums can meme Trump into the white house, what's stopping Sup Forums from unjusting this man?
Gooks in White produced, backed and made movies?
Overrated celebrities only remembered due to premature death
What the fuck happened to HBO? They used to be the kings of television no more than 10 years ago...
Give me a good reason why you arent watching Planet Earth II
ITT: Movies that are mandatory viewing in the Trump Era
ITT: Films that made you less intelligent
What was his most memorable line?
Star Wars
You have ten seconds to name a more overrated pleb-tier shitshow
Tfw getting to smart for kino
Cast it
Its amazing how awful japanese flicks have become
Why aren't we seeing more of her? She's probably the best eye candy in the whole show
This is European TV created by the dutch government and funded by tax payers
Mel Gibson looks like he gets fucked by guys, always has. He's got a major case of "gay face"
W/ Westworld General
"How the fuck can white people sing the blues? What do white people have to be blue about, anyway...
What are some movies that take place in a single setting?
I know I'm pretty late to the party but just watched 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower'...
Who is the Death Grips of Cinema?
Fat in a shell
What the fuck was his problem?
Film Makers of Sup Forums, how do you conceptualize interesting shots? Do you have them in a spark of genius...
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of The Dark Knight Rises' opening plane scene?
Is this the best war movie ever made?
Man and woman avoid the villains by kissing each other
Would Sup Forums agree these are the artistic highpoints of their mediums?
So, I've watched 1, 2, 5. Halfway through 3
ITT: Post your perfect True Detective Season 3
Gotham genral
What was the point of this dialogue?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts of debicki?
"Oh, user, you're home already! Your dinner's in the oven!"
We're still here guys... we're still he... ;(
See your reflection in your monitor during a dark scene
/got/ general
Forced adoptions in UK
No ass meme aside, I would Ripley so hard
It was the biggest movie hype of 2007. Now that it's been 9 years does it hold up?
Why is Marvel so much better than DC/WB?
ITT: Actors you would like to see in more movies
You have 10 seconds to name a comfy 80's movie
Which Harry Potter film is this from?
Shane was right
What's next for Da Spoonah won?
Why good things never happens ?
Why is black male / white female relationships being pushed so much harder than white male / black female relationships...
Why didn't Dumbledore just teleport away?
Makes a joke
Mr. robot
Have you experienced all these Sup Forums?
During the war
Post some good "corrupt cop" films
ITT: shit film criticism
How did Highlander get to be a classic?
Jay Bauman of RLM destroys a poor director's dreams
Oh shit niggers, Negan's here. What do?
What should I expect?
How in the the fuck did Geordi going from being a Helmsmen to a Chief Engineer in less thana year?
Jesus Christ stop putting your stupid wife in everything you do
Describe this film without the words classic or dano
What's the moral of the story?
Literally kino
It's a "woman blinded by emotion" episode
Beast and the beauty
Why are opinions of this film so mixed? Every time I see someone here praise Snowpiercer...
Comfort Movies
This is a fucking masterpiece
FUCK 2016
W/ Westworld General
Why didn't she make it big?
Describe these film without the words dullest or franchise
Space Jam is now 20 years old
Who will play him in the inevitable Hollywood adaptation?
Young Pope
Ezra Miller refuses to sign Marvel comic
Do Americans really keep little flags on their office desks?
Who was objectively the best power ranger?
Is it true that movies were never good?
Why was the ending of this show so safe and boring
ITT characters whose deaths marked the downfall of their show
Chris Chan biopic when?
Wtf is this
Wanda Sykes
What do you think of Lena Dunham's new show?
Pork in the Shell
Is she right?
All-Female 'Ocean's 8' Is A Sequel, Not Remake; Matt Damon Will Cameo
So this smug cunt is going to be killed off, right...
What is this shit?
Well, was it any good?
Imagining the impossible
When did you realize capeshit had gone to shit and there was no appeal whatsover left in the genre?
Harry Potter thread, Anyone?
Whats next for his career?
ITT: childhood favorites that REALLY don't hold up
You guys will defend anyone. Did he do anything wrong, Sup Forums?
Ghost in the Shell 2017
When was the last movie that had a black bad guy?
Just pirated all 7 seasons
Movies about reckless driving
Do you guys remember Veronica Mars? What did you think of it?
What are some of the most powerful scenes in modern cinema?
Here comes Slipknot
Who was in the wrong here?
It's a hngggggg episode
I'm not debating the importance or significance of this movie but did it have to be 3 and half hours long?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...