You're mad, Max!
You're mad, Max!
Yeah well your kid's a nigger, Baldy.
What? No way! You're Mad, Max! Fury Road is where we need to go!
>rubs head
>leans back
>gets in car
>points gun
>eats 27 lizards
2 fastus 2 furiosa
That face...with that line...I can't even...
Hola, reddit.
What's middle school like these days?
Get the fuck off my board
So mad
Get the fuck out, kid.
I kek'd heartily.
Shouldn't you be protesting outside Trump Tower or prepping your wife's bull?
>call out obvious childish response
>"ur a cuck and i bet u voted for hilary!111"
>mad that his 14yr old behavior got called out
"m-must be leftist cucks!"
You called someone reddit for doing something Sup Forums has always done. You're obviously a tourist and total cumguzzler.
>IP count doesn't go up from either of these posts
wew lad (singular)
>called someone reddit
Says something that out of the multiple replies to that post you assumed I was the one that called him reddit, is it cause you lack any real response to the other posts?
You're bad at this
>Being this dumb
stupid faggot.
>Posting from your PC and phone after getting called out for being an obvious liberal cuck samefag
Thanks for correcting the record, one person.
>ITT: Shitskins get triggered by Based Mel
He keeps doing it. White God bless him.
>he's still trying to save face
jesus chist, reddit.
>get btfo
>u-u-u-uh u were a mobile poster first!11 i-i-i'm not wrong l-l-leave me alone!!1
Lmao this is just pathetic, just stop posting and save what little dignity you have