what did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
they just confirmed what we already knew. this series is dead and buried.
>Force Awakens
>just a more diverse version of the OT, there's a strong woman villain and a black storm trooper that switches sides
>Rogue One
>now the empire are just nazis, not even allegorically and only the good guys are diverse
what the fuck happened?
I can't wait for Rogue One to BTFO Drumpf and his white supremacist voters!
The Empire has always been xenophobic and they're clearly metaphorically space Nazis, why is this bothering you retards?
Isn't this how it always was?
>trump was just elected because of this shit
>lol lets keep doing the same thing anyway
Luke and Anakin were FUCKING white males.
Lando was black, C-3PO was gay, Leia was a woman and Chewbacca was a Romani woman.
The OT had a black master Windu, a Jar Jar and a stronk independent wommyn fighting for democracy.
Seriously user, it's all the same shit. Nothing's changed.
>to BTFO Drumpf and his white supremacist voters!
How? He's already the fucking President.
Anakin wasn't really a good guy tho
In their defense it was decided before the election when everyone expected Shillary would win the election and multiculturalism seemed to be at its strongest.
They lost the bet.
>The Empire has always been xenophobic
Is that why they have countless non-human members in high echelons of power?
And why racial/ethnic agendas are never mentioned ONCE in the Original Trilogy?
So when's Thrawn getting his own movie? Never?
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
>Woman, Black, Hispanic VS Evil White Villains
Star Wars: Rogue One
>Woman, Black, Hispanic, Asian VS Evil White Villains
For bonus points and extra emphasis, they even made the new blonde haired white villain wear a white costume to emphasize his whiteness.
Disney and Marvel are leading the way in the cause of anti white racism.
What if it's a good movie and these views espoused by the writers only show themselves in diverse casting choices?
I dont want to agree with the "its the jews" Sup Forums meme but this is bullshit
also good job, they just basically say that the organization led by women was about to fail luke "the white male" had to save them
not for long drumpfcuck
if this doesn't work based Soros will get Clinton the win
What the fuck were they thinking?
Why would they possibly think that's a good idea?
>"opposed by a multi-cultural group led by brave women"
Really poor quality bait. Please reconsider what you're doing with your life. Also get some help and start taking the meds.
There is nothing wrong with the setup itself. There is a huge amount wrong with their need to release a formal statement about it.
It reeks of the desire to capitalise on the extreme leftist propaganda and make a film that should be fucking fantastical fun into some kind of political statement. It's utterly disgusting and reeks of George Soros.
My big problem with it is it literally confirms everyone's claim that they casted people of color for a political agenda and not because of their "acting skills."
No longer can anyone be trusted when they say "we didn't even think of race when we hired them, they were just the best person for the role."
Harry Potter play, Mary Jane in the next spiderman, Rae in TFA, The new Rocketeer, Idris Elba as James Bond. There's at least an argument for political agenda now for all of them.
Disney is disgusting.
Needs 175 million more registered voters
Worked out so great for ghostbusters didn't it?
They meant I'm not going to watch this shit now
I hope Trump does something about this. Star Wars is an American tradition made by the white man for the white man.
also four more years
After making sure to steer the core audience of past movies away, they also made sure to steer the new teen audience that is growing up to hate PC away. It's brilliant. They're trying to bring Disney down.
George Lucas even said that selling SW to (((Disney))) was like selling his children to (((White Slavers))).
They've got to ram SJW propaganda into established properties because it simply will not sell on its own.
do it yourself, let it die
>all white people are the same race
That's what they certainly like to think.
Sheevs own student was an alium though.
And what about his friends?
We assume all storm troopers are human but we don't really know under the helmets, and the first troopers were human because they were all clones.
goalposts get moved depending on what's convenient.
if a jew or arab disagrees with them, they're white.
>were human because they were all clones.
And not even white clones, they are all Maori.
Day by day and I am more relieved Trump got the presidency. Now these nutjobs atleast know people hate their guts.
They just wanted the deathstar plans so they could finish it and to rule the galaxy.
TFW Star Wars officially died, screen cap this!
>special snowflake admiral that was only in that position because he was so amazing!!!
kill yourself
>literally one
OK, user
so that proves that its not about race but how good someone is at doing the job, the empire was just elitist, or the rebels were just shitters thaty didn't get the job and tough they were privileged to get it
>ayy good and tactics and shit
>gets the admiral position
>ayy is a shitter
>give job to a less shitter human
>"reeee empire is racist, ayy lives matter"
Honestly I dont give a flying fuck about the women and minority empowerment, the white cape guy, the dindus stormtroopers,etc,etc,etc
I'm going to watch it only for the vader cameo
Except it was even a plot point how he wasn't liked by other people because he was an alien and he was there just because the Emperor handpicked him
can watch the camrip 10 seconds after theaters open in jewtube and not give disney money
You do realize that it's just a guy in a suit in a fanfic SW movie right? Why would that excite you?
>job analogy
somehow worse than Sup Forums food ones
so the emperor wasn't agains aliens, your point?
Because I'm a robophile. Ask me anything
What's your point, I am not the one trying to deny that the Empire put humans first and that they didn't see aliens as equals.
I don't understand. We start the one movie where the black guy is a storm trooper. Why would white supremacists let a black guy fight for them?
Vader isn't a robot
haven't keked so hard all day
fine job
That's not a question, retard.
Can someone explain to me what's wrong with having white supremacists as bad guys? Seems to me it's a pretty good ideology to be presented as unquestionably bad in film.
There's nothing wrong with it, if they had made the announcement any other time of year, no one would give a shit (it's not like they weren't goosestepping essentially in TFA). People are riled because they obviously said it in response to Trump's election, same as the safety pins.
Here's what Sup Forums actually believes:
>Grand Moff Tarkin will be retconned to have Trump hair and he will frequently say "We need to make the galaxy great again"
Here's what will actually happen
>You won't notice politics at all because it was designed by committee
>The movie will be another glib facsimile
How about Jewish supremacist bad guys? Black supremacist bad guys?
Is this the thread that triggered the niggers go berserk with the white gore threads on front page?
nah that's just the guy who posts the cunny images he's still pissy about getting perma'd so he ban evades every day to post cp
>online petitions
>doing anything, ever
How's "ban bossy" going for you?
>The Empire has always been xenophobic
Darth Maul
Dunno, Empire were always the best
Why do women think they are a minority?
Wait a second. They had black stormtrooper in the FA and high rank woman officer. How does this fit with "white supermacist organisation"?
The woman is white under the mask
Bosnian Muslim SS
A woman is still a woman. She should be oppressed by evul white men, not be in charge.
More people voted for Hillary. In terms of numbers, this is the safe bet.
When those ideologies have threatened as many, killed as many, are as easily recognisable visually, and have as much threat as resurging now, then that would make sense.
>Please note that the Empire is a white supremacist organization
So they're finally admitting white supremacists are the good guys? Thank you Emperor Trump for saving us from the social justice bullshit.
If every storm trooper looked alike both in uniform and under the helmet I wouldn't mind. They are supposed to be a monolithic entity that only a rag tag group could take out. A rainbow coalition of aliens, women and minorities fits.
>White Supremacist
Looks like they'll be selling a lot fewer Storm Trooper and Vader toys this Christmas.
>safety pin
Isn't this a symbol for safe anal sex for gay men?
Only cis heterosexual scum can support the Empire.
>Muslims are a race