What went wrong
What went wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
Casting Brad Pit
Casting Logan Spergman
not showing that sexy girls hairy pusy in that little house with the piano also maybe her pusy when she was crushed yum
>Make war movie
>Autists come out of the woodwork expecting a documentary
The movie was fine. The fact that it triggered the fuck out of wehraboos is really just a bonus.
most of it, but really the ending was stupid
being essentially just a remake of this movie but set in a tank with no Matt Gayman
final battle scene is stupid as hell.
otherwise good movie
>Implying it's anything at all like that dogshit 'Saving Private Shakycam'.
That movie single-handedly managed to ruin nearly all action movies for the rest of time, and started the endless sea of shitty, generic, boring 'historical' FPS games we're now buried under.
>DUDE rape isn't bad when it's germans being raped
Literally judaism the movie
this 2bh
but it has a Tiger
Hey Brad Pitt, we get it. You hate Nazis.
maybe Sup Forums should show him the truth
But like. Fury, Inglorious Basterds and now this new Allied movie featuring renowned French actress Marion Cotillard. It's getting ridiculous.
Naziboos are just crybabies that "muh Tiger" got btfo.
It's really good until the ending.
Getting separated and outnumbered a thousand to one just emphasizes a sense of destiny too much. It was great when they were just plodding along with the army giving a first hand experience of the march to Berlin.
The entire last battle
Nothing. 7, maybe 8/10.
4 manning a whole company is pretty wrong
I thought the last battle was pretty awesome. Not everything has to be "muh realism".
was a German raped in this movie?
Everything except that one scene in the Germans home and casting Jon Bernthal and Shia LaBeouf.
It's fucking stupid man. The Americans were never outnumbered, they fucking steamrolled the Germans who had most of their men on the eastern front getting zergrushed. Everybody loves the underdog though so they INVENT scenarios where Americans fought 'against all odds'.
Visually it was dull, and the stationary set up is the antithesis of the action that preceded it, making it a poor way to cap off the movie which had otherwise been fresh and exciting.
>Brad Pitt Fury
What the fuck kind of title is that
I get it, man, I know it's not accurate, but as I said, not everything has to be realistic.
I'm a sucker for dumb action movies though.
I liked the whole "hold the fort, last stand" thing though. Plus the SS guy letting the kid live gave the movie a different tone, kinda shows that they aren't just monsters they're just men fighting for their home.
Even as a layman I noticed little things that were off about the movie. Little annoying details here and there. I imagine an autist historian or war tactician would go nuts watching this movie.
For instance, the Tiger used was an early production version and the movie takes place mid to late war. They could have fixed little things like this in post-production like give it all-steel roadwheels, but they didn't.
During the Sherman battle, no way would the Tiger want to close the distance with those Shermans. That Tiger would stay far out of their effective combat range and pop them one at a time. Also, no way would a sane Sherman TC attempt a full-frontal assault against a Tiger at range.
Brad Pit's Tank Commander was all about keeping his men alive to fight another day, and yet he leads an absolutely suicidal fight at the movie's conclusion. IRL those Germans would have surrounded and killed them all very quickly.
5/10 didn't like.
Its a solid movie but I have problems with the final act. Namely:
Brad Pitt's character going "muh tank" for the last stand. He spent the entire movie brutalizing the young kid so the kid could perform in the line of battle, all for the sake of getting him and his crew home alive. The sudden change from such a cynical survivalist attitude seemed odd. Perhaps if it was the kid who convinced them to stay and fight instead it could have worked.
The second is an entire company should have no issue dealing with a single immobilized tank. The movie went from a fairly grounded portrayal of armored combat to stereotypical war movie schlock in the last 20 minutes. I think if they had another tank or two still around for the last stand it would have worked out better, and made for a more interesting final act.
Oh and the color coded tracers kept reminding me of Star Wars, but that's just nitpicking.
>What went wrong?
Normies thinking tracer rounds were lasers.
>I liked the whole "hold the fort, last stand" thing though
Fury is one of very few movies that depict fast paced tank warfare from a crew perspective.
It was a shame to waste a significant portion of the movie on the opposite, especially after demonstrating how good they could do it in the first half.
Which is funny, because if the battle was a real one, either of the two 76mm shermans would have shat on the tiger without any circlestrafing memes necessary. That's literally the reason the Easy 8 that Brad commands even existed.
N-no muh 88
>Make a fantastic tank movie
>Have a tense tank battle in the middle
>Ruin the finale by having a boring stand off with a disabled tank against more nazis than Jews burnt
If they wanted to be unrealistic towards the end with a last stand, they should have had an active tank versus 2 or 3 Tigers or some shit.
Actually have the fucking Tank moving.
What's with all these Fury threads lately anyways.
>The Americans were never outnumbered, they fucking steamrolled the Germans who had most of their men on the eastern front getting zergrushed.
You see I thought they did a great job showcasing that through the first half of the movie, like in this scene:
But then they go and drop the ball really hard by acting like you said, or making the waffen SS out to be the Gestapo or something so they could have an unsympathetic villain, draining the entire theme and everything it did right down the drain.
A part that irked me personally was Norman's reaction to the death of the girl his men coerced by gunpoint into getting fucked by him.
Like, up to that point they were just slaughtering her countrymen one after another and now he thinks he's getting revenge for her?
One other piece of praise I'll give it is the soundtrack though, very well done.
>spring 1945
>mid war
Opinions discarded
The tiger was there because it was awsome, accuarete, no, but who gives a fuck when you get to see an awsome goddamn working Tiger.
>muh roadwheels
Go see a bridge to far, where they put Sherman shaped tents onto Land Rovers.
>no way the tiger would have closed.
Uh yes, yes it would have, they fired smoke at it, the Tiger had no visibility. What would you have done? Sat there and waited for the Shermans to close unmolested?
The tiger should have placed its combat position further away yes, but how fun of a scene would that have been?
And at that range the shermans would have frontally penetrated the Tiger no problem.
>those germans would have surronded them very quickly
You need to google Audy Murphy, cause you have no fucking idea, his fight had even sillier odds and he won a medal of honor for it.
But i can agree it would have made more sense if the germans had been volksturm, as in the original script. But they do clearly show that the germans have no anti tank abilities and that the few panzerfausts they have doesnt do much since easy eight doesnt have much ammo to cook off left inside it.
>no anti tank abilities
Tanks are extremely vulnerable to infantry when they're on their own and have low visibility
Literally just move out of the way of the front machinegun, and the only defense it has is the main turret and the machine gun on top, the latter someone has to exit the hatch and expose themself to use
If they don't, all someone has to do is slide a grenade down the barrel to completely fuck up the cannon, after that you're a sitting duck just waiting
it just drags on for too long
>Sony pictures
Just be happy that werent all women and enjoy the pew pew lazer show.
>pew pew lazer show.
Of all the criticisims you can raise against this show, "lasers" isn't one of them
I don't understand why people keep bringing this up, do they think tracers didn't exist back then?
I have that same haircut since I watched the movie but I never could make it look that cool. Whay Im doing wrong?
Yes they are vulnerable to infantry, if infantry has anti tank weapons. Something made clear that the germans didn't have. They had a few panzerfausts that in reality had a hard time penetrating the front of a Sherman and when they got around to shooting the Sherman had no more HE ammo to explode.
Turrets are there to move you know.
I didnt get why they popped out of the hatches at all. They can be locked from inside.
>grenade down the barrel
Yeah that sure is gonna do alot of damage... When the sherman is already out of main gun ammo. And the grenade wont go deeply into the barrel, something designed to hold an explosion, since its pointing downwards, firing at infantry.
Premature balding doesnt go well with a hitler youth side cut.
nothing, it was really good
also it was a reasonably accurate movie, the only thing standing out being the ending
4 dudes fighting an entire peloton was the worst military tactic I ever seen. The nazis where going to kill their allies but they were walking. The good guys could just run and get them before to save them if radio and tank were broken
why did the nazi let shia live
They probably run out of things to do about a half way through ... the dudes in the closed joint YO !!!! Must be tough to even formulate whole story.
Yeah they did even worse than a single dude did.
>Murphy received the Medal of Honor for valor demonstrated at the age of 19 for single-handedly holding off an entire company of German soldiers for an hour at the Colmar Pocket in France in January 1945, then leading a successful counterattack while wounded and out of ammunition.
>The Germans scored a direct hit on an M10 tank destroyer, setting it alight, forcing the crew to abandon it.[66] Murphy ordered his men to retreat to positions in the woods, remaining alone at his post, shooting his M1 carbine and directing artillery fire via his field radio while the Germans aimed fire directly at his position.[67] Murphy mounted the abandoned, burning tank destroyer and began firing its .50 caliber machine gun at the advancing Germans, killing a squad crawling through a ditch towards him.[68] For an hour, Murphy stood on the flaming tank destroyer returning German fire from foot soldiers and advancing tanks, killing or wounding 50 Germans. He sustained a leg wound during his stand, and stopped only after he ran out of ammunition.[66] Murphy rejoined his men, disregarding his own wound, and led them back to repel the Germans. He insisted on remaining with his men while his wounds were treated
...Shia took a bullet in the eye
He let the kid live cause he was just a kid, it was kinda to show that the individuals in the German army weren't "evil".
Im not balding. Maybe its because Im not Brad Pitt
Not enough reshoots to make things "fun" :)
>They had a few panzerfausts that in reality had a hard time penetrating the front of a Sherman
Yeah, they also had a hard time penetrating the front of literally any tank, so did AT shells, that's why no one ever shot at them from the front when they had very limited ammo. I can see a Volksturm making that mistake but those were SS right?
There doesn't have to be ammunition inside for them to ignite, the rocket itself will fuck up anyone on the other side of the blast.
>However, the threat from the Panzerfaust forced tank forces to wait for infantry support before advancing. The portion of British tanks taken out of action by Panzerfausts later rose to 34%, a rise probably explained by the lack of German anti-tank guns late in the war and also the terrain where the fighting took place.[8]
>In urban combat in the later war in eastern Germany, about 70% of tanks destroyed were hit by Panzerfäuste or Panzerschrecks. The Soviet forces responded by installing spaced armour on their tanks from early 1945 onwards, despite it being easily removed by exploding shells or Panzerfaust hits. Each tank company was also assigned a platoon of infantry to protect them from infantry-wielded anti-tank weapons
My grenade comment was in evaluating the danger of a sherman.
There are three basic threats, right? The Cannon, the front machine gun, and the machine gun/soldier firing from the top of the hatch. If they just move out of the way of the front machinegun, then that's already removed as a danger. After that there's the cannon and the guy on top. There's no way anyone could poke their head up top without getting slaughtered in an instant by that many infantry at almost point blank range. All that leaves is the cannon, and even a single grenade on the inside of it will fuck the barrel up. If the barrel is fucked up, any round that you try to fire through it has a chance of exploding in the barrel.
>reasonably accurate
>implying that Tiger wouldn't have steamrolled every single Sherman before they got within 50 yards.
shiggy le diggy
>all those tl;dr posts
To compare with this man:
This guy is at range with artillery, support he isn't within 50 feet of like 50+ dudes before any fighting occurred
It's the U-571 of tank movies.
Well executed, but stupid ( or grossly incorrect ) premise that cripples the film for anyone with an ounce of military history interest.
M'ask you sumin
The Tiger scene was retarded as all fuck. No fucking Tiger commander would advance towards Shermans, especially an M4A2E8 (Fury) Sherman that had the firepower to punch through the front armor of a Tiger.
>4 Shermans, with Fury (the most powerful) being in the lead
>rear tank gets picked off instead of lead tank
>Shermans all try a frontal assault against a Tiger across a wide open field
>Tiger for some reason leaves it's position and charges forward instead of picking them off 1 by 1
>all close-range shots against Fury just bounce
>American "education"
>Opinions discarded
I didn't remember what year the movie took place.
>who gives a fuck when you get to see an awsome goddamn working Tiger.
I care. And I've seen other people mention it, so apparently they care too. It's nice seeing a fully-functional Tiger in a movie, but I would also appreciate a little more attention to detail.
>Uh yes, yes it would have, they fired smoke at it, the Tiger had no visibility.
So you're saying the Tiger should get in close.
>And at that range the shermans would have frontally penetrated the Tiger no problem.
So you're saying the Tiger should stay far away.
A suicidal Tiger makes for good cinema, but not for good realism. Also, the Shermans grouped close together during their attack run, making them easier targets. Those Shermans should have spread out and tried to flank the Tiger.
>What would you have done?
I most definitely wouldn't have tried to engage those Shermans up close.
>But they do clearly show that the germans have no anti tank abilities
It seems more like a cheap excuse to justify the absurd ending if anything. Even then, it doesn't matter because they literally leave the confines of their Sherman.
It's just silly to try to take on an enemy platoon with four men and a crippled tank. Trying to defend a very exposed, easily surrounded position with absolutely no support against an enemy with far superior numbers is suicidal.
And lastly, even by the movie's own logic, they mostly all get killed anyway.
I can appreciate that you like this movie, and that's just fine. I don't like it, though.
>this thread has descended from comfy shitposting to actual discussions about tanks
fuck u Sup Forums. fuck u all.
>has artillery
>has terrain advantage
I saw this movie when I was high and 2bh the acting was pretty terrible desu. Brad Pitt was like some pretty man that was supposed to be a rough sergeant, but I never got that and when he commanded his men it looked like a pussy was in charge. Shia was the only one that looked the part. Logan was alright for his part but was not that great either. Overall pretty bad casting and shitty setting killed this
>thinks the panzerfaust is a rocket.
>thinks its the explosion that penetrates armor in a shaped charged grenade.
Yes ive agreed with you, they should have gone with the original script and had them be Volksturm. And no the SS at this point wheren't supermench they where drafted 14 yo who thought they would be fighitng in an elite force.
>advancing brits
Yes the brits used idiotic tactics with their cromwells. Moving tank into positions where ambushing germans will get your tank killed.
In the scene however there is a stationary tank that already knows where the germans are and are forcing the germans to advance towards it under fire.
You did notice that brad pit got shot rather quickly when he got on the .50 on the outside right?
>what is coax machinegun senpai?
You do realize that when the germans where close enough to contemplate fucking up the barrel of the main gun the sherman was already out of useful ammo for it? And if a german climbed up so he could throw a grenade into the barrel he would have been cut down by the coax...
>WWII movie
>Lazers start firing
>cant remember what year,
>US advancing into germany
>any other year than spring 45, the end of the war.
Well then you know jack shit about ww2 then?
Yes i know its highly unrealistic, but personally i forgive that because its the last working tiger in the world.
Im saying the tiger was in the wrong position to begin with. But from the movies standpoint it had no choice but to advance cause it could see jack shit.
If it had been realistic the tiger would have been in hull down position a thousand meters away. Not very engaging cinema.
>wouldnt have engaged up close
So you would have stayed in the smoke cloud and let the shermans surround you without being able to defend yourself?
those were tracers
turrets do not move quickly, at all, you can outrun the thing easily at that distance and pop one shot at the most vulnerable part of it
Even with no ammo in the tank, if it hits a crew member (tanks are very tight spaces) that man is done. If it hits fuel, it will have the same effect of burning up and roasting the boys inside. If it has none of these things, the guys inside are still extremely vulnerable.
>But those were SS, right?
I wish this company of heroes meme of SS being crack troops would die already. At the point of the war that Fury takes place, SS were monkey-tier troops that the wehrmacht wanted nothing to do with, grossly incapable of conventional combat due to their insipid fanatacism.
And to be honest, it wasn't like they were that great to begin with in the first place. It's not like they were Brandenburgers or some shit. It was simply an ideological branch of the german army that caused more harm than benefit over the course of the war.
>ambush situation
>15 second for 360 degrees rotation is now slow.
You did see the loader get the copper jet right though him right?
And dont forget, their officers where rejects that Heer didn't want
The lack of empathy of the main characters made them unlikable and unrelatable.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the German soldiers run in both directions when they got shot at? Who was covering both sides?
And yes, 8.5 seconds AT THAT DISTANCE 10 cover 180 degrees is a long time
I'm not saying they super pro or elites or anything, but they weren't a bunch of goons handed a gun and pushed to the front either, they at least had some training.
Hell, even civilians in the battle of Berlin knew when to shoot at Russian armor, fucking 12 year olds were doing it.
7.5** excuse me
>European "Education"
The 76mm could frontally penetrate Tigers. Let alone if they had an HVAP round. They only struggled with Panthers because of the sloped armor negating HVAPs. Tigers are the biggest fucking meme of WW2.
Don, Maskusum
The 76mm cannon Fury was armed with was capable of penetrating the frontal armour of a tiger out to at least 500 meters, and the battle in the movie takes place at very close range.
The first shot they fired that bounced off the front in the movie would have penetrated and knocked out the tank in real life.
Are you fucking retarded? Save for Norman, they had all been fighting since 1943. Why the fuck would they have 'empathy' for the people trying to kill them for almost 3 years, that they've killed countless of in order to survive in the most brutal war of human history?
This movie is the perfect example of wehraboo salt. You niggers expect a WW2 movie to portray the wehrmacht as happy go lucky good guys that won the war, or else you start chimping out in every movie or game thread you find.
As with all weapons, they are great until they are outclassed. The Tiger was amazing when it first rolled out.
>I'm not saying they super pro or elites or anything, but they weren't a bunch of goons handed a gun
They kind of were, actually. Their discipline was historically really fucking terrible and caused all sorts of conflicts with the conventional standing army, and that's to say nothing of the strategic liability they often became in actual combat due to their questionable 'tactics' that often devolved into slav-tier memes against entrenched enemy positions.
Casting Pitt
Casting Shia
Doing the "war is hell" trope badly
It should've been easy
>character the protagonist is supposed to look up to shoots an unarmed prisoner of war
>"war make you tough and shit"
Only edgelords and WoT fanboys liked this shitty movie.
it was pretty overblown. The window of it's 'dominance' was incredibly short-lived, and the tank itself was plagued by all sorts of mechanical faults that were cranked to 11 with it's successor, the panther. If anything, the tiger actually suffered one of, if not THE worst attrition rates of any heavy tank in the war due to the ridiculous manner in which it was typically manufactured and later deployed. They would have been better off sticking with P4's, desu.
>Pretending this wasn't extremely common practice in WW2 on all sides
Wew, lad. 'Edgy' has got to be one of the biggest fucking buzzwords on this site. You don't walk into a WW2 flick expecting a feel-good movie.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but the heavy tank was more or less a means of striking fear in the enemy when they were fresh on the battlefield. There's a reason they stopped making them after the 60s.
People do awful things in war. That goes without saying. But how am I supposed to feel bad when the whole crew gets shot up by Germans at the end? They're pretty much as disposable as any other dead soldier in this movie.
The most morally sound person in the film is the fucking kraut at the end who lets the protagonist go.
>He doesn't remember the scene with brad pitt and the kid in the german chicks house
>>Have a tense tank battle in the middle
Do you mean the Tiger part? That was awful.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe the movie wasn't trying to portray a generic 'good vs evil' story?
Are you 12? Just stick with Star Wars if you need to be spoon fed black and white alignments of characters with no basis in the reality of the human condition.
>sudden, unexplained change in character makes all the booboos go away
What kind of lobotomized person doesn't want to feel a connection to at least one character in a movie?
They still weren't well written characters. They were incredibly inconsistent throughout and poorly acted. It honestly felt like parody at times.
Thats not what were talking about.
The Tiger would have knocked out all the Shermans, before they even spotted the actual tank (not just the smoke).
you're a poorly acted parody
now be gone fatass
how will user ever recover?
>Sudden, unexplained change in character
>not a moment that reveals a new depth to a character
Underage b&
Also earlier than that
>Why don't they just give up?
>Would you?
He knows that the enemy aren't inherently evil and at that stage in the war were just men fighting for their homes. He's harsh in war, sure, but he's dealing with people who have been trying (and succeeding) to kill his friends and allies for nearly 3 years. War is complex. It reveals complex emotions and motivations.