Spartacus thread!

1>4>2>3 is the correct order


1=0 > 3 > 2

1=0, i don't recognize the seasons with the other guy, that 's how bad they are


0 shows off the real main character of the show, Batiatus

This is the closest to correct one can come ITT.

They honestly should have just called it "Gladiator", done season 0, then 1, then called it quits.

Everything after 1 was downright boring.


>you will never be her slave fucktoy

As much as I miss Andy, the first few episodes of S1 were pretty shit so I objectively can't rate S1 as high as GOTA or S4.

My ranking goes:

>implying you didn't cry like a child

The more movies he ruins the less I care

i honestly didn't saw that one coming.
even when that little fucker chose varro instead of crixus. didn't thought he'd go that far for pussy though i can't blame him

i hate her smug face

Spartacus always delivered. It's part of its charm.


>tfw you remember spartacus threads fondly
Why don't we have quality threads like that anymore?

>Digital Blood
>Soft Porn

Lasted one episode. Worst series ever.

you forgot
>digital backgrounds

anyway, you should give it another chance, 2-3 episodes more. The characters and plots are great.

Maybe it's the oposite of the term what """patricians""" on Sup Forums call "kino", because it doesn't have 10/10 photoshoots, cinematography, but instead it only has great storytelling, and actions presented effectively

And tits. Beautiful, round and ripe tits.


reddits and Sup Forums children

It's universally agreed that the first few episodes were shit and don't represent the series as a whole.