How long was he in the time loop?
How long was he in the time loop?
Other urls found in this thread:
For a day.
Just one day.
what is that hairstyle called
eons... uncountable eons of bloodshed and terror.
>not simultaneously becoming God of Death and the Angel of Mercy
the retreating hairline
Does anyone ever want to be stuck in a time loop? Do you think you could make the best of it?
Like yesterday. Say you got stuck in the events of yesterday over and over again. How does that work out for you?
Long enough to make sure his brother got a SAG check.
Too long.
breddy gud
>i had a steak and a blowjob
>go to class
>go to grocery store
>have 0 monies
>do that forever
fuck that
About 33 years, according to the article I read about it. They factor in everything he learns and masters over that time.
No, I'm pretty sure I'd have gone stark raving mad long before I adjusted.
>Does anyone ever want to be stuck in a time loop?
I already am, user, it's hell, help me...
Also, Harold Ramis at first said it was about 10 yeaes, but then later changed it and said was closer to 20-30.
you don't understand the question do you?
or you didn't watch groundhog day
It would be entirely useless, unless you can somehow break the loop.
f-feel what?
That's not bad. Did you make the steak?
Do you think you'd eventually get tired of steak or accustomed to the same blowjob?
Couldn't you just rob the grocery store every day?
If I spend yesterday in a time loop, I'm forever stuck at a Women's Center for 4 hours taking my girlfriend to get an abortion. That blows.
I think if I was stuck in the loop I'd feel compelled to do shit just in case it broke.
Like when he timed out the perfect armored car heist. I'd do that EVERYTIME just in case today was the last day and I'd have the money tomorrow.
>cat died
About 33 years, according to the article I read about it. They factor in everything he learns and masters over that time.
That's actually fucked up. That's a legitimate I have to do this every time to make sure it happens. Of course maybe over enough years you could figure out how to fake the perfect suicide. I mean if you were so inclined. And after a few weeks of emotional abortion routine it might start seeming like a good idea. Man there is so much fucked up about that. you probably can't get laid unless you cheat on her before you go. She's in this shit mood for maybe decades everyday and after time you've gone completely numb to the act because you do it over and over again. Then she's in an even worse mood because you can't even pretend like you care any more. Which means maybe she keeps the kid to punish you. Or just wants to break up, period. But you still have to go through that shit everyday. But maybe you just wake up and start breaking up with her and you don't have to fake a suicide because she just starts doing it herself. And going by the rules (as I understand them) of the movie that shit probably guarantees you're stuck in the loop forever and even if you're not the next day you have to fake all this remorse for someone you stopped loving years and years ago. And the alternative is figure out someway to become financially secure in a day build a relationship with this girl in hopes that keeping the kid and being in a position to take care of them both might be the way out.
I don't see any possible up sides to your loop.
>people saying they'd be stuck doing the same shit they did yesterday
You're missing the point entirely, you'd ditch class/work/aborting babies and do cooler shit instead.
130 million years.
>and do cooler shit instead.
Post on Sup Forums?
>Post on Sup Forums?
id prefer the abortion
>Too Long
>is literally too long
Bravo Daft Punk
It would be pretty great for practising my /ic/ fundamentals (and eating junk food every day with 0 repercussions).
But I did have some tooth ache yesterday, and it would probably drive me absolutely insane since It can't really go away during the loop.
that day when some drunken slag latched on to me and said what do you want to do
I'd repeat that day
given how well he was able to play the piano at the end, plus all the time it took him to come to his epiphany, 15 years?
Imagine the world class memes and shitposting you could come up with if you have 3 decades worth of trial and error, trying new things every days for hours on end until you perfected the perfect meme that makes baneposting look like dogshit
The original amount of time was something crazy like 10,000 years since that's how long it takes to reach enlightenment.
But they thought that was too extreme so it was brought down to 30.
This is my favorite type of joke. I laugh every time someone exaggerates time. It's just so stupid
complimentary (you)
I would love it actually
I've always wanted life to slow down and be a little more consistent
and I think I'd gain a lot of courage to try new things if I knew that the repercussions wouldn't exist when I woke up again
20 years, kinda
>Go on GTA type rampage killing everbody
>Wake up to find out loop stopped
>In jail for lyfe cuz 100 niggers killed
I'd be afraid to do something that stopped the loop.
eons... uncountable eons of bloodshed and terror.
>not simultaneously becoming God of Death and the Angel of Mercy
Sort of similar but my new FWB has such a high sex-drive I'd probably be tired of it after a few days.
Incorrect. He said it was 10,000 years, and then changed it to 10 years.
Literally takes less than 10 seconds to look up, fucking kill yourself.
>ex gf visited me, used to be the love of my life
>now we're "friends"
>she's hooking up with another guy later
>lick her pussy and make her come
>she leaves
>it's night-time and i know she's smoking weed and fucking the other guy
>spend my entire day doing nothing productive
thanks but no thanks
>meme enlightenment
Punxsutawney, I've come to bargain.
Nobody would do that after just 4-5 loops. But loop number 100? 500? 2000?
At that point you'd probably prefer to spend life in jail compared to yet another loop.
>At that point you'd probably prefer to spend life in jail compared to yet another loop.
I don't have any proof. But the deepest parts of my being disagree with this.
I have thought about this.
1. Find guns so that you can kill yourself if you want to restart
2. Find backup guns to your backup guns
3. Fuck everything
4. Find transportation options for reaching any place (cars, trains, planes)
5. Fuck everything else
I don't get why the only time Bill Murray tried to stay awake overnight he fell asleep anyway
Long until the groundhog wanted to bargain.
Yesterday was actually awesome for me, I would have been OK with being stuck in a loop yesterday because I had a wide range of emotions.
Still, after the 1,000th time or whatever it would probably be terrible.
Harold Ramis specifying the "about ten years" thing is what I recall as well.
Dad is a curmudgeon. He has long maintained that Groundhog Day is his favorite holiday, because it requires absolutely no travel or obligation whatsoever. Tangentially, dad has described the "best christmas ever" on many occasions, before I was born: Early 1980s sometime. he worked his third shift as a radio deejay, went home in the mid-morning, drank a bunch of beers, slept through the day, and got up later and watched television alone in the evening, without having called any relatives or interacted with anyone all day, short of a cashier or two maybe. Best. Christmas. Ever.
The point being that when I was a kid, we had a sort of tradition that ran maybe 4-6 years where we'd rent the Groundhog Day VHS and get a pizza, to celebrate dad's favorite holiday. I have fond memories of this.
would be fun
>I have fond memories of this.
You have fond memories of your dad at the very least being annoyed if not full on hating every Christmas he spent with you.
That's gotta be in the top ten of sad delusional things I've ever heard.
complimentary (you)
>implying I wouldn't just go out and try to rape a new person each day or several each day
> just moved to Houston
> have $900 in cash at the ready
> big city tons of hookers
> tons of Guns
>kill niggers and Mexicans all day
> move on to the next day because apparently I lived the "perfect day"
He became an expert at several things which takes time. Also didn't he say something about reading every book in their library? That take a while. I'd say a full life time... 100 or so years.
>Caught in a time loop
>Muscle memory still knows how to play the piano
please no
For all you know you have been in a time loop for millions of years. You've lived this day countless times before
Please wake up
my plan would be kill my self in the last second
The ride never ends.
We have no idea how important muscle memory would be in this situation. We have never seen a case of someone who mastered piano in a body that didn't.
Is god autistic?
Would you continue to be a cuck over and over again?
How long were you in the Sup Forums loop?
It takes a while for a meme to catch on, even the best ones.
So even if you created the best meme it would never be appreciated
>go to school
>go to gym
>go home
>fug gf
>she makes me dinner
>watch planet earth 2 while she rubs my back
>fug again before sleep
Im okay with this.
there is THE meme. like the first time I saw pepe, I knew, this was the meme to end all memes.
>wake up, go to work
>go out and get dinner with my roommates
>go home and smoke/play vidya
>go to bed at a respectable hour
I'd live
>fly plane towards building seconds before reset
>not realizing its the 100th day of the loop
>it doesn't reset
Why didn't he just stay wake?
I think most people would just end in i similar situation to Bill Murray.
First couple of days you get slowly disillusioned, then you live in hedonistic glory, then you become disillusioned again, before you start learning so much as possible, until youve become a super human and finally you start helping people, creating the perfect day that releases you.
Of course this is only possible if the condition for release is that perfect day.
look around you idiot
have you tried not taking her?
iirc, he tried that once, he still ended up waking up the same morning as always as if he was teleported back there
Today I had my final class of a shitty quality assurance workshop and I didn't ask a qt I'd sort of become friends with out.
lad everyone knows to blow to cargo bay doors if that happens
The ground hog movie was not filmed in Pennsylvania.
Here is a guy who goes back to the original movie site's,his two Rambo ones are good.
Ok looked up the ground hog film location Harvard,Illinois.
Here's the first Rambo one , the second one Delmar berry, also good.
>f5'ing Sup Forums with same threads for eternity
>it just so happened to be a day off
I'm already in a better off than 80% of people. When it's over I can reintergrate like nothing happened.
I wasn't awake for long enough, and quite frankly, even if I didn't sleep, I don't know if I'd have the time to do my consequence-free hedonistic stuff before the loop starts over.
>slow day at work
>pissed off a female coworker
>fighting a cold i caught
It would be a terrible loop, but I guess I could work with it
>Caught in a time loop
>Brain remembers the events of the repeated day
WHY was he in the time loop anyway? And who did it to him?
But I wouldn't repeat the actual events of yesterday. After a few days Phil starts skipping out on work and doing whatever the fuck he wants.
What does it feel like to be a murderer? Does she ever worry about hearing the baby cry out for her if she was ever in total silence? I bet it would.
God or fate or whatever
>Like yesterday. Say you got stuck in the events of yesterday over and over again. How does that work out for you?
Not bad. I woke up, ate a bagel, went to work, got off work, went to a friend's house where I got drunk and played beer pong with some chicks until 3am where I proceeded to pass out next to this 21 year old chick after I face fucked her and made her keep sucking me until she swallowed every drop of my cum.
So yeah I think it would work pretty well. I could probably wrangle a threesome or do crazy shit like drunk ride a motorcycle off a bridge if I knew I'd just wake up in my bed Tuesday morning ready to do it all over again.