He hates Michael Bay films

>he hates Michael Bay films
>only to turn around and shamelessly consume Marvel's feces
You're all fucking sheep. Bay movies are objectively superior to the trash Marvel produces yet it's cool to shit on Bay but cool to love morning cartoon movies.

>if you like X you must hate Y and vice versa

Take your loaded arguments, crumple them up into a ball, cover them in some mayo and shove them right up your momma's diseased cloaca

both are shit, like your FACE

Damn, Bay is getting them younger with each movie

Bay is a cinematic action auteur only matched among his contemporaries in the modern Hollywood sphere by Paul W.S. Anderson. The closest thing that Criterion has ever done to resembling a proper art film distributor was releasing Bay's work.

Pain & Gain was pretty decent

Pain and Gain was a better Scorsese film than Wolf of Wallstreet could ever dream of being.

I hate both you faggot
they're both fucking garbage, along with DC

Sup Forums does tend to eat Marvel's shit pretty well though. Surprising when it's so vocal towards Bay who makes objectively better films than the shitshow known as MCU.

Official Baykino that everyone needs to watch
The Rock
Bad Boys 1
The Island
Pain & Gain
Transformers 1

I haven't seen that Benghazi movie but apparently it's alright too.

Michael Bay films are like the fast food of the movie industry. You know they're not good for you, but they're so saturated with visual MSG and fat that you can't help but enjoy them.

You all know damn well that you love the Rock, Armageddon, Pain & Gain and the rest of his filmography. You lie about it, like you lie about hating McDonalds, but there are times that a big greasy Bay burger is all you're craving.