In a galaxy far, far away

>in a galaxy far, far away
>and a long, long time ago
>everyone has a British accent

>everyone has a British accent
Tell that to Kanjiklub

Remember when I stole the Death Star plans by myself?

daily reminder that the empire is a white supremacist organisation its official now

I really wish they'd stop showing Star Destroyers in atmosphere.

Don't I see basically you right there in the center of the picture?

This guy was such a mary sue.

>Story about a group stealing the deathstar plans
>>>>No Bothans

d r o p p e d

You're thinking of the guys that stole the Death Star II plans. This movie is about the guys that stole the first Death Star plans.

In hindsight maybe it would have been a good idea to go with something other than a second death star..

>mfw sjw's heading Star Wars actually believe this and clearly don't know any characters beyond the movies that would debunk this in a second and just want to push this garbage pc agenda