>The Faculty
>I Know What You Did Last Summer 1 & 2
>Urban Legend
>Halloween H20
What else is essential late90shorrorcore
>The Faculty
>I Know What You Did Last Summer 1 & 2
>Urban Legend
>Halloween H20
What else is essential late90shorrorcore
Jason X
Blair Witch Project?
Event Horizon
Idle Hands
Lake Placid
Bride of Chucky
The Craft is kinda shit but still mentioning it
Scream series
Final Destination series
house on haunted hill
good movie
>tfw I'll never be in the last days of elementary school, bringing the fucking VHS of this comfy horror flick to watch with some other misfits, knowing deep down that from now on all the coming years would get shittier and shittier...
>house on haunted hill
Mfw I rented this on vhs a had a sleepover with a friend. Was shit and turned it off halfway through
>deep blue sea
>joy ride
I used to think the name of this movie was something like Cocaliens or some dumb shit before I learned it's actual title.
I'll never understand how Famkke Jensson got her head cut off then was fine at the end and fucking Zeke. Why couldn't the milf principal survive when Jon Stewart got stabbed in the eye?
Good fucking movie imo.
Oops. That would be fear dot com
>i'll shove my foot so far up your ass you'll be sucking on my toes until graduation
ill never forget that line. she was so hot in that movie.
2000, but still qualifies imo
I was cool in elementary. The dark ages started around 15 for me
Disturbing Behavivor is pretty kino
fuck i forgot about that one. katie holmes was hot as FUCK.
The Faculty is awesome. One of my favorites
She was HNNNGH worthy in Summer of Sam and Tadpole.
Summer of Sam is the only Spike Lee "joint" I like.
>Do good things lunch boy
That janitor was based as fuck.
Cherry Falls
I thought about that, too, and assumed that when her head and body put themselves back together the healing of the parasites carried over to when she was cured.
Anybody consider Slither a semisequel to this? It's very similar in premise with the water ayylmaos and it's got the humor.
Mission to Mars 2000
Final fantasy
Matrix 1999
nice reading comprehension you got there
>Cherry Falls
Underrated tbqh
turn of the century teen horror, as well as turn of the century music will never be replicated
Is there a better homage to 90's American slashers than Cold Prey?
I know it was pretty huge in Norway, but outside of that country I think it's severely under rated.
i remember renting Scream from blockbuster and Drew Barrymore was featured on the rental box list of stars in the movie.
she died within the first 10 minutes.
still makes me chuckle.
watching are you afraid of the dark, then scream, then playing super ghouls n' ghosts and never getting past the first level... 1997 was a good year.
i probably still cant get past the first level, that game was hard as fuck
Deep Rising
Almost all of the '90s Hollywood horror movies are extremely self-aware, is there any theory behind that?
I'm Brazilian and watched the whole Cold Prey trilogy with my mom on Netflix, we really liked.
I loved the first movie a lot and the 2nd eventually grew on me with how over the top they took it, but god that 3rd movie was irredeemable.
Ghost of Mars
So fucking comfy
the hole is 2001 but it definitely feels late 90s
Yeah, it's 2001 so it doesn't quite make the cut.
Still though, it's my guilty pleasure
I was happy
>Summer of Sam
Why have I never heard of this movie? Sounds cool as fuck.
Deep Impact
Dante's Peak
what's the name of that 90s horror movie about some high school/college were the athletes were like replaced by robots or some shit and they became murderous when sexually aroused, you nerds know the one I'm talking about
disturbing behavior?
>disturbing behavior
awww sheit that's the one, that cuck teddy is also in it, all smiles
deep rising
how is the skulls a fuggen horror movie?
Tons of fun too.
Those last three are certainly on the list, but the only one I really enjoyed was the Faculty. Disturbing Behavior definitely fits in this list.
if this flick came out in the 80s would it be considered a "classic"?
No idea, but I really enjoyed it along with "Vampires" even though I see people tear both movies apart like they're the most utter trash.
*The dark ages started around 15th century AD for me
comfiest thread of the month
Not a horror movie, but if you like that 90s feel in your movies, "Go" is a very good, if annoying to look up, movie.
the blair witch project. the kids in it are so '90s. it makes me extremely nostalgic.
Idle Hands
Supernova (released in 2000 but very '90s)
The Rage: Carrie 2
Lake Placid
House on Haunted Hill
The Bone Collector
End of Days
Deep Blue Sea
Sleepy Hollow
The Mummy
the mid-to-late-'90s was a magical time for trashy, dumb, fun studio horror movies that actually had budgets and could be R-rated. teen horror especially.
End Of Days is some Ahnoldkino
Loved Supernova even if it is technically 2000.
House on Haunted hill is fun, but I highly recommend giving the black & white version a try.
Didn't like Carrie 2.
Idle Hands is amazing, Virus is iffy. Lake Placid is exactly the sort of dumb fun you're talking about. End of Days was kind of terrible, but hey, more power to anyone that likes it. All good. Deep Blue Sea is stupid, really really really stupid. Sleepy Hollow is fun I guess. The Mummy (and I guess its follow ups) have been something I've enjoyed for years, adventurous romps, no horror at all really. I come across people, especially critics that absolutely loathe the Mummy movies though.
The Son of Sam shit is more background plot and Adrien Brody, Jon"Pest"Leguizamo, and Richie Aprile actor is more of the plot line.
Pretty comfy movie for Spike Lee.
Fallen, 8MM, and various other knock-offs of Seven (Seven spawned as many clones as Pulp Fiction)
Wild Things
Small Soldiers
The X-Files: Fight the Future
Oh shit nigger.
I'm been trying to search for this movie for a while and you just gave me the name, thanks. I watched it during a trip but could never find a name until now.
An American Werewolf in Paris
The Relic
Alien Resurrection
Kiss the Girls
The Devil's Advocate
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
I would watch The Faculty with my mom all the time.
Behind the Mask
a bit of a tongue in cheek deconstruction of the slasher genre
Quite good
Was Devil's whatever the last good Pacino movie? I can't believe how far he and Deniro have fallen.
I don't care what anybody says. Species 2 had some very good visual effects and I loved them. I think it would've been better as a movie of its own than a sequel for Species, but Species was a cool concept done poorly. I consider both a guilty pleasure of mine.
Can't say the same for 3 and 4 saddly.
this movie, hell yes
Pacino: The Insider
De Niro: Ronin
Anyone remember this?
The Crow is pretty good and KAW KAW BANG FUCK I'M DEAD.
>No one mentioned Octalus
The Crow is awesome.
90s capeshit > this new wave capeshit