How ya holding up senpai?

How ya holding up senpai?

I'm great again.

drugs are awesome, they make life awesome

W-we're gonna be alright, aren't we lads?

i'm so fucking high right now

Horribly, I can't even finish or get started this screenplay I'm trying to write

Checking into rehab Monday morning. Maybe there's still hope.

Glad hear that hope you got our message, it won't be long now.

I've been sober for 2 years now, you made the right choice senpai. It's not going to be easy though, prepare for he'll, you can do it though I believe in you

>Maybe there's still hope.
There isn't.

I just ate 3 ambien and am under a bunch of blankets browsing Sup Forums pretty comfy desk. I feel oddly connected to you all at times like these

Doing better than i thought i would be doing with this breakup. So not too bad, but still sad at times. There's more fish in the sea right guys?

7 billion people on the earth senpai, plenty to go around. All girls are the same though, focus on what you want to be doing, a girl will only slow you down.

My 19-year-old cat, after 3 days of crying in her sleep, wetting herself and sleeping in random places presumably out of shame, has been missing for 2 hours

Depends on how old you are. I'm 30 and seems all the good ones are married or have multiple kids

cats are the best senpai


3? wew lad

grass is greener

Date down brother, chick's over thirty have hit a wall and start just wanting kids

>all the good ones are married
All the better. They won't get clingy.

Sounds like she had a good long life, let her go peacefully. I feel for you bro. 19 years is a long time to have them around, gonna be hard when they're gone

I hope to have Sup Forums dreams

It's my birthday today (technically over now) and the only birthday wish I got today was a McDonald's automated email

What's your poison?

Welcome to adulthood.

>be khv
>meet a qt Asian chick at work
>shoot the shit during downtime
>find out she likes anime and vidya
>she loves nazi zombies
>decide to play with her
>one night
>spend 6 hours playing cod with her
>every negative thought about who I am and what is around me vanished during those 6 hours
>managed to have a conversation with her while playing multiplayer during those 6 hours
>went to bed thinking, "I may have a shot"
>converse with her more and more
>she mentions she has a bf and that she is Mormon and will do missionary work
>she left a few months ago
>been drowning in my self-pity ever since
It's not even the sex that I want at this point, just a relationship of that kind with a woman.

I'm 34, this is new

Hbd user, we care about you. Did you at least get a free McCracken or somethibg

McMuffin on the way

You'll get a lot more done before you die but no one will care and you probably won't either. It's a hard choice.

Not super great OP. My oneitis ain't going away so good and I'm probably going to be lonely forever. Thinking it might be best to just end it before my life gets really awful.

I'm dying inside, both literally and figuratively.

Trump winning made me very happy for a couple days.

AND ALL I EVER BACKED UP WAS VIDEO GAMES AND MOVIES. there goes documents and a year's worth of schoolwork

the last movie i got was Escape from New york and didnt even bsck it up or watch it

Could be better famalam

I've fucked a few random chicks recently, but that's still no comparison like having a gf to cuddle with and share things with

pretty good until I read how much my fa/tv/irgins are suffering

I found a cool jerb that allows me to do most of the work from home and avoid the normie realm while still getting dosh, but that didn't really make me any more fulfilled. As a trade-off my sister who I live with is getting more psychotic by the day and will probably murder me in a couple of years.

i know that feel dude. just be weary that you may not have feelings for her at all and that you're just attracted to the feelings of escapism that she gives you. Be honest with yourself on that and maybe you can begin to find your own happiness outside of meeting girls.

how do all your faggot hard drives die?

this has never happened to me in the 20 years i've used a computer

Think how happy trump would be if you cleaned your act up, Hurricane malt liquor will rot you from the inside out

>just met a girl on a dating site
>sent a few messages while i was high af
>no response
>even she does i know i'm gonna trash it down the line


What's eating at ya senpai? I'm here to listen

I just watched the extras for A Talking Cat!? And now I'm sad as fuck

How the hell did peta let them get away with this shit

pretty bad, some girl strung me along for 2 months and on Tuesday decided to be a bitch and call it quits
i don't know which is worse, the fact that I let her string me along, or the fact that she was the one who suckered me in hard.

Alcohol and crippling depression. It was my shrink's idea.

Maybe she couldn't understand your message, looks like you need proofreading

any of you guys that think a girl will magically make everything better are delusional

gotta learn to love yourself before anyone else will

You'll die unloved and remembered by none.

btw i got that out of fortune cookie

I spent the entire day in bed

I don't know, this is the second time this has happened to me in 10 years.

I suspect it had something to do with me shutting it down or sleeping during a windows update or something in the background. I just hope I can recover something

If it's tinder this shit happens, literally half of all girls I talk to don't reply and if they do they usually talk for a couple messages and stop replying.
Either I'm ugly or they can smell success through the app cause back when I had a good ass job I was always on dates and fucking random sloots lel

Yeah kick the booze, it's escapism and avoidance in a bottle. I got lost in it, never gonna beat your depression trying to drink it away. Sober up and take a good long look at what you don't like about your life and see what you can do to fix it

>tfw can't love myself because no woman gave me a shot at any point in my life
>tfw women don't want to because I can't love myself first

Seek professional help. I'm not trying to be funny here. There's genuinely something wrong with you.

not good. wish i die in my sleep and never wake up. ;_;

Great, learning a new language and guitar.
Life is good user.

A man finds validation in himself, not in others.

Craft beer will rot you just as much.

I ruined my body expirementing some years back with research chemicals and now I have to fight every day just to barely function. Permant Akasthesia that makes life miserable. Depressants are the only that that helps for awhile.

Its aight got a job and a girl who presumably loves me and money and a good sized dick and a family that loves me and a qt yorkie :D

cool, i'm learning the violin

was thinking of learning german and getting a minor in german studies

what language?

e-easier said than done...fampai...

these desu

Any alcohol will rot you out if you use enough of it I suppose, drinking 1 craft beer is pretty much the same as eating a loaf of bread too

ready to actually commit sudoku after all this time just don't know when to do it maine

p good, about to fly home for a week and listen to fabric mixes / read / get fed by my mother. Probably watch some arthouse too.

Trying to take a break from alcohol and weed.

>I've been sober for 2 years now

There is a a good day coming for you user. Maybe it won't offset all the bad, and maybe it won't last, but it will be fun for a moment.

I believe you have what it takes, just focus on getting everything you want in life and the girls will aways be around. All they want is your free time, money, and soul

It's basically like drinking soda. Ethanol is just rotten fructose.

>I believe you have what it takes

>All they want is your free time, money, and soul
Same thing I want from them desu, well, except the money thing.

Because I like drinking too much, but the cons heavily outweigh the pros

>All they want is your free time, money, and soul
>mfw well-off edgy stoner with assburger INTJ personality
I start talking about fa/tg/uy shit and they fuck off.

It's not from a film??

Alright I guess, could be better could be worse. Don't have any friends but I have so much school work I dont have any free time so it helps me forget how lonely I am, but it gets exhausting. Graduating this year with a shitty degree and trying to figure out my life. Taking it a day at a time

>tfw still fat

so stop being fat

Lel, losing weight is easy. Trying having nerve damage baka.

you sound like a quitter

Time to take a trip to user.

That's pretty much exactly what my doctor said. Her point was the depression is treatable but not while my brain is constantly swimming in vodka.

Biggest thing I'm worried about is getting preached at that I need to find Jesus and shit.

I got an airbnb out of desperation a few weeks ago in Atlanta because there's no production work for me here. So I drive fucking 10 hours down with literally zero connections and what do I get?

I worked on a pilot and supposedly it's a shoe-in to get picked up by netflix

Now I have to find a new apartment down there. Everything feels like a dream. Really didn't expect it to go that way.

>still haven't heard back from a couple places I dropped my resume off
>Current employer drove away all my trained help leaving me essentially alone at the gun counter for all of Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and shit-ass Saturday

I am okay but I got a question I wanna throw out there. I have seen a webm before of an asian tv show (I think tv show) where one guy talked about how he didn't betray so and so but he just failed to understand he would. Had kind of a game of thrones vibe to it but ancient Asia.

Does anyone know the show/webm i am talking about and can help me out cause it looked interesting and i wanna watch it.

In that aspect of my life, I have to say I'm a quitter and I'm not ashamed.

thank you, user, but i'm just so tired of it all ;_;

I just kinda started noticing recently how literally everyone seems to be a crude and selfish asshole these days

how old are you

German is one of the worst languages in the world. Go for Chinese, or Italian.

I did a 30 day inpatient program, then just focus on finding a good AA group. They have non-religious ones that I try to find if I want to go to a mweting

>In that aspect of my life, I have to say I'm a quitter and I'm not ashamed.
you need to start again and quit being who the world expects you to be
don't give in

shut the fuck up faggot

romance of three kingdoms?

Thinking bout dropping out of school and writing books/screenplays
Pretty miserable at school and seriously contemplated jumping off the bell tower in the quad while I was eating dinner a few hours ago
I'm failing all my classes and I don't have any friends, and I feel like an asshole because my folks helped me pay for this disaster of a semester and I've pissed away all my scholarship money too
I've been doubting my dream of being a filmmaker, and now that my GPA is in the toilet, I don't think gonna be doing anything but work shitty jobs until I work up the guts to an hero.
Doin' fine lads...

You're genuinely responding to a person on Sup Forums calling you a quitter? Jesus Christ buddy. This guy has probably raped a group of children before he stopped trying in life. DONT answer these human failures.. ever. You're wallowing in the worst fucking mistakes that humanity ever made. Don't take them at face value.

Thank you! :D

>just finished the 3 finale of you're the worst
>burst out laughing

Wash your legs bitch #jimmydidnothingwrong

>its a normalfags roleplay thread
oh boy