Star Wars is the perfect proof what an absolute source of cancer Disney is...

Star Wars is the perfect proof what an absolute source of cancer Disney is. Not only have they turned superhero movies into assembly-line focus-tested garbage. But they're now applying the same mantra to all their other films. They come out safe, coupled with an obnoxious liberal agenda to please the liberal bloggers and a story that is as forgettable and non-existant as the talent that went into them.

Disney has turned filmmaking into a design by committe. It has perverted the medium and made it into a science rather than an art. Directors are no longer directors but glorified yes-men to the businessmen. There is no surprise anymore. There is no mystery. None of the artist makes it to the film.

There is no greater threat to this medium than this giant looming over everyone else.

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Lucas sold out to jews. The bible warns of this.

The movie costs like a quarter of a billion dollars to make not even including marketing
At that point focus groups' opinions outweighs the director's

What do you describe as "liberal agenda" OP?

>its a grown man crying about his action figure franchise being jewish episode

Starcucks will never cease to amaze me.

Hollywood in a nutshell

>idealistic hippie artist selling out and leaving
>lazy cookie-cutter "exciting" director showing him the door
>ads all over the place
>guy on his phone taking a picture of the ad
>Mexican kid with his mom in the background, no father present

Lucas was a hack. TFA is probably one of the best Star Wars movies to date. Return is the only one better.

>babbys first troll

>have they turned superhero movies into assembly-line focus-tested garbage
Marvel would have done that all by themselves

I agree, but they could have saved the movie if only they had made the black guy kiss the white girl