decided to finally start watching this show
Sup Forums, what am i in for?
decided to finally start watching this show
Sup Forums, what am i in for?
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First 3 seasons are excellent. Season 4 is the worst (Still not terrible) and 5 is good but cut short due to HBO needing more money for Game Of Thrones, one storyline in particular never gets closure.
Fifth season is short, kinda weird season too, but the rest are good.
Also a major character got killed off by Scorsese because he was showing up to work high on heroin, couldn't remember his lines and was a general asshole to work with.
Best HBO show since The Sopranos ended.
mad men with guns
ie based af
its a lot better than anything hbo is currently airing
People like to rank the seasons but honestly they're all fucking amazing and it's one of the best shows HBO has made.
2 awesome seasons, 1 entertaining season, and finally, disappointment and the crime-drama storyline equivalent of blue balls.
first 2 seasons are kino, the rest is generic schlock inb4 jimmyfag
>Jimmy dies
>quality of the show drops
Really make me think.