Oh yeah i love cinema, i am a huge film buff

>Oh yeah i love cinema, i am a huge film buff
>what are your favorite directors?
>Tarantino, Nolan and Kubrick

>Not shyamalan, bay and burton

These MFers don't know kino LOL

Feeling pretentious as shit about liking things that few people like and naming directors by only their last name as if anyone should know who they are from just the last name even though everyone does is still homo as balls touching.

t. triggered pleb

how easy, you must be a real frequent triggerer. that acting like a retard then claiming t-triggered? woooww. incredible. your taste in directors must be sooo good.

>You're only a fan of cinema if you've watched every single movie from all of these 17 obscure directors who make pretentious pseudo-intellectual garbage

>t. even more triggered pleb

All OP.

Nice thread, think I'll slide it.

>not saying Malick to get patrician points among hipsters

Malick is the capeshit of art film