User you coming to see Moonlight with us?

>user you coming to see Moonlight with us?

I was thinking of seeing Dr Strange instead. ;)

Tell that to Dog's snapped rectum

>During the trip Chris was a dark cloud, a very brooding presence in my happy home. We tried offering to go out and do fun things but he only wanted to see movies and do his reviews.

>He's the type of guy to make everyone miserable and then apologize for it and play the victim. I can't stand that type of person.

big money salvia is based

Marry fuck kill

marry erik fuck chris kill adam

I voted for Trump and who the fuck are you people and why are you talking to me?

Does Adam actually have autism? Does he think making a frowny face in every picture is actually funny? Is he incapable of showing genuine emotions?

Is that Adam Johnston from YMS (YourDogSucksMyCockDOTorg) who is a dog rapist and enjoys bestiality ?

yes he has autism and he fucks dogs

It's the reason him and Cuckmann get along so well. They're both extremely autistic "cinephiles" while lacking a lot of basic social skills but manage to have huge followings regardless.

How do you think Chris would feel like if he knew Adam fucks dogs?

Chris is an animal lover (not in the Adam way) and has two rescue dogs

That all depends, what's Rotten Tomatoes view on dog rape?

>Going anywhere with a literal dogfucker who says he should be allowed to suck a dog's dick because people eat meat

No thanks.

Are you asking because Adam Johnston, creator of YourFamilyPetIsCannonFodderForMyPerverseFetishesDOTorg is a dog rapist, bestiality defender, and believes that animals can show consent to his sexual contact despite them having lesser minds than human chidren?


Chris would go full Driver mode on him

I swear my gf and I sat beside these guys during Anno Godzilla.

Does Adam think we should rape babies too, since we can tell whether they enjoy being molested or not

Reminder this degenerate used to shill his show here and moot sold him adspace to further shill it here. Check the oldest picture on his Twitter if you don't believe me.

WTF?!!? Who the fuck, what dude in their right mind tweets or facebooks his animal dildo collection?!!?

Good to know. Will our Japanese master sell ads to degenerate dogfuckers when he sells this Mongolian knitting board fully?

The kind of guy that goes on le reddit and writes 500 wall of text replies during an AMA about how he should be allowed to fuck suck and get fucked by dogs and horses and they can consent etc.

The type of guy that dislocated his knee during a "babyfur" dance competition at a furry convention. Protip: If you don't know what "babyfur" is, go ahead and keep living in that world and don't look it up.

It's certainly possible considering Adam Johnston of YourMovieSucksDOTorg (YMS) enjoys animal cocks of all kinds regardless of whether they can consent or not.

>Protip: If you don't know what "babyfur" is, go ahead and keep living in that world and don't look it up.

Come on, you know you I can't leave that page unturned now that you've teased me.

I looked it up.



I did too. ;_;

does Sup Forums like Salvia Erik?

Is it weird that I think it's worse that he wants to get fucked by male dogs and not just fuck female dogs? What does that say about me?

i looked it up too but i don't understand what does that had to do with dislocated knee
he sucked too much dick while kneeling?

oh god why

Nah, the dislocated knee was from him dancing like a retard at the convention with other babyfur enthusiasts. I just thought I should point out why he was there.

Eh, I've heard of worst stuff.

After losing 70lb Susan Boyle is actually gorgeous!

>Hey adam, we're going to see a movie thats produced before the year 1970, wanna join us?
>Before 70's you say? gross! I'd rather fuck a human female! Thanks for the offer, but i'll pass...
What did he mean by this?

Is it true that Stuckman is a cuck that let Flickpick fuck his wife?

No one is defending Adam in this thread for now.


I can't believe anyone would defend him. I've seen it, but I still hope they are just trolls or actual retarded people with speech to text programs running on their Macs.


He's not awake yet.

twisted fu**ing psychopath

I like his videos, but what's there to defend? he's a fucking furry faggot, but just don't take him too seriously, just like any reviewer

does the new red dog movie come out in the states or is adam gonna have to fly to australia?


It's an easy way to hide being insecure about your ugly looks. Because if someone makes fun of you in your picture you can just pull the irony card and say "but it's a joke!".

Adam's still sleeping.

he's not sleeping he just posted on twitter

Was it about loving dog cock and being mad that RLM won't let him on BOTW?

Wait yms guy is into beastiity?

Why the fuck do people follow him let alone listen to him


>two meme reviewers and a literal who pose for a picture
>reddit will upvote this

Adam on Best of the Worst would be the most embarrassing thing ever. He was terrible and awkward as fuck when he was on Movie Fights.


the new mel gibson epic

Wait, it was Stuckmann they were referring to when they were talking about a "certain other youtuber who's an asshole"?

Not specifically, no. But Stuckmann still got ass blasted over it.