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if you dont pick max you're a white privilege rapist

But Max is white.


Yeah come on, the other ones never display anything close to his over the top capabilities, except maybe the off-screen Mad Max slaughter in the night swamp. (I haven't seen the latest FAFs though)


>anyone else
Pick one

Dom already beat the Transporter, though.

The fucking Transporter.

Max without a second thought. Vin will be worried about his car getting dirty and need to shave his body each night cutting down on tracking time. Statham too will be worried about getting his suit dirty and will need to shave his head each night. Driver is literally autistic and would get demolished by max after a 5 minute drawn out stare down consisting of eye fucking and grunts.


Max, a thousand times over.

Statham is by far the most trained and well equipped.

Plus his job is literally to protect people.

Max might give him the most run for his money with car fire power and diesel could probably catch up to him, but I don't think they are as experienced with on-road combat.

Max is Aussie. We could bond over that. Would lead to late night cuddles while we ran away together.

>Driver is literally autistic
So is Tom Hardy's Grunting Gerry

An autistic guy that literally only knows brutal survival. He's not ironing his jacket six times a day or combing his hair exactly 38 times; he's killing people left and right just to breathe for another minute. Take away all of these peoples cars. Who has the best chance? Max 100%

definitely Driver

he might be severely autistic, but when the other guys come to kill me they'll be entranced by his devilish charm

I'm literally the Driver already so I don't need any help.

>Take away all of these peoples cars
The Transporter wins you goofball. He's a professional martial artist and gunman.

>Autism man nearly gets killed dealing with mobsters, wouldn't stand a chance against action heroes
>Max is a decent choice but he sucks at protecting people
>Paul Walker died

Statham is the only one who even might be able to keep you alive

I'm already the driver so I'd have to say transporter

I would take the Driver personally.


>Paul Walker
But his character didn't.

If you're gonna consider meta shit, Vin Diesel's character already beat Statham.

How did Dom beat the best solider to have ever lived?


Toretto needs a crew to back him up though, I don't think he'd do so well on his own

>I spend the night chilling with the Driver in Cranstons garage talking about how hard it is to talk to women. Morning comes and all three of the car bros arrive and make their way inside
>Driver tells me to wait inside as he takes his hammer to entrance.
>"Wear is E "Statham roars, The Driver in his coolness just stands about to respond.
>......................... I DRIVE

>The men just stand there for a second confused.
>"What tha bloty ell are ya talkin about?"
>By the time The Driver mumbles his next rendition of "I like things" Ive already made a runner.

I agree you are autistic

A challenger appears.

Dom is objectively the best driver of the 4, and would most likely have the highest performing car. I don't need him to fight for me just to drive me the fuck away.

now thats just cheating.
he kill all of them
and then kills you for jay-walking.


Driver, obviously.

>He doesn't eat
>He doesn't sleep
>He does nothing but think of youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu