
>Hansen vs. Predator: Math tutor busted discussing drugs with underage teen (Pt. 3) - CrimeWatchDaily
Crime Watch Daily
>46,312 views1 month ago

where is he bros

did a child chaser murder him on set? it's been so long since he encountered the subway guy ;__:

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>we will never see the neckbeard episode
damnit i bet it would blow
>what? now way!
out of the water

Hansen posting died too

What happened Sup Forums did you all become pedos

i wanted to see him teleport so fucking bad user
it really did, just disappeared over night

i was emmaposting and saw chris in my folder, he looked so lonely, so i started a thread because it made me wonder WHY NO NEW HANDSOME VS PEDO

where the fuck is he lads

Your idol is a scam artist and cheated on his wife.
Such a paragon of virtue, isn't he?

There was an episode last week but it still hasn't been posted online. Streamfags btfo basically.

>Your idol is a scam artist and cheated on his wife.

at least he isn't trying to kidnap children desu

disgusting, i could have watched it but i forgot all about christ

He makes money off of entrapping sad, lonely men. Fuck him and fuck you if you enjoy watching that kind of disgusting garbage

>tfw an ENTRAPMENT LMAO shows up to your tcap thread early and starts crying right away

it must be a sign that he will return to us soon

Is this kino