ITT: Characters men will never understand
ITT: Characters men will never understand
Do we need this fucking thread again? Seriously?
She's a whore but it's ok cause daddy touched her. We get it.
Selfish bitch does selfish things: the character
fuck you again
>Do we need this fucking thread again? Seriously?
Sup Forums has been this way since I've visited, which was 2009. People post the same threads over and over and over again.
>people say she didn't get with him because she felt like she was taking advantage of him
>she only does it after she fucks every chad, gets aids, and has a child that's not his
Sorry mate, i'm a grill and i don't undrstand her either beyond the fact that she's a self-hating and distructive bitch
Don't you get it? She did all because she loved Forrest. This is actually why men like you will never understand her. Sometimes I wonder how Neanderthals like you can even type.
-.-# typical male.
This was my first kino.