In this episode of house...

in this episode of house, the kid had a rare disease that caused huge amounts of testosterone to be secreted despite his young age, hence he was experiencing a full blown libido. To experience this at such a young age would have been really fun. I wish I got to.

I browse Sup Forums on and off. If this is le maymay that Ive missed whatever...

...but were you *not* retardedly horny at that age?

No. your libido isn't that powerful until you enter puberty.


it was his dad's horny cream

episode season and number?

What the fuck are you talking about, I was fapping daily since I was 8.

I meant it isn't as powerful

the attraction can still be there without the pubescent reaction.

I was attracted to girls as early as 3 and 4. I used to keep Jcpenny catalog in my bed as early as 7.

the bra section always smelled nice too.

the first story at every family gathering I have to hear about is how I mooned the neighbor girl.

Oh yeah, but it's definitely there for a lot of us even at a young age.

>tfw you will never fap to a clothing catalog ever again