I just finished this movie. I havent cried in over 20 years yet i dont know why tears started flowing after watching it...

I just finished this movie. I havent cried in over 20 years yet i dont know why tears started flowing after watching it, non stop.

Anyone else had an experience like this? I dont understand.

Cool under the radar movie.

My super conservative Christian dad shed a tear or two when we watched it.

Yes Man from Earth is the ultimate pleb detector.

It's for people like who feel "smart" after watching it without realising how fucking atrocious it is.
It's like a bad cheesy B movie from the 90s. The only redeeming factor is the intriguing backstory, literally every other film element is utter dogshit.

From the mexican telenovela like acting, generic stock soundtrack, no character development, no actual dialogue just a long exposition Q&A throughout, constant boring back to back camerawork, no use of the one room, no creative lighting, a side love story pulled out of the ass, most cliche character traits, literally everything. I had to look up twice that it actually was from 2007, not early 90s.
This shit shouldn't even be a movie, it should be a book or a play. Or given to some other director because Richard Schenkman doesn't even know what a director is.
Just look at any other movie in his profile, everything is a meme (pic related)

And don't tell me they had no budget, 200 000$ is not small budget for this kind of movie. There are far superior movies with half the budget of that.

This movie has no artistic value whatsoever. It is just an excuse to make money from the script.
You will never see a renowned director admire this movie because there is nothing to admire except the concept.

Just try to compare this movie to let's say 12 Angry Men, both set in one room. The difference is almost laughable.

I will shill this hate forever, fucking schenkmanshit.


>long exposition Q&A
>no one room
honestly I don't give a fuck about all of that

rented the movie back in the day. felt the feels when he mentioned he met someone like him but lost contact 100 years ago


lol holy shit calm down

Non militant atheist here. Saw this movie recommended on an IMDB message board while reading about a time travel movie. It's basically like watching a play in your home. The whole movie more or less takes place in a few rooms. Moderately interesting story (I love Richard Riehle) this is a movie worth watching/10.

Showed to my dad and his gf who don't regularly attend church but are christians and they enjoyed it.

What the fuck do you watch movies for then?