>Wanda Sykes
pick fuck you
>Wanda Sykes
pick fuck you
>one little thing doesn't fit the kike narrative
>all hell breaks loose and people that believed it get assblasted
What a time to be alive.
>sexist racist homophobe
Bah gawd, King, BuzzwordMania is runnin' wild!
>I guess Hollywood is losing its grip on our society
Good riddance.
she's not good at math is she
Comedians make pretty good money doing standup
She was the worst thing in Curb, hopefully Larry doesn't bring her back. Bring Vivica back instead of this sheboon.
Who else got a boner from that Julia/Larry meeting when Julia said how she wanted to be on HBO so she could say "cocksucker"? It sounded so filthy coming out of her kike mouth, it got me off.
>tell the honest truth about a vile strongman dictator who didn't win the popular vote and is not my president
>get booed
>get called racist names on Sup Forums
This country is doomed
Amy got some boos too.
Hollywood is fucked wow America really is changing about time
>middle school tier bait on an 18+ image board
wew lad
That's right, faggot. And there's nothing you can do about it.
hahahaha she couldn't handle the bantz i thought comedians were good at handling hecklers
Reminder that she's an ex-NSA agent
I know where the other ones come from, even though I don't agree with them. But can someone tell me how is Trump homophobic? Are they literally throwing it in based on nothing and hoping it sticks?
Reminder she's a nigger
Liberals think he shares the same views as Mike "If he likes cock give him a shock" Pence despite never saying anything bad about gays in any interview (and actually attending a gay wedding).
I don't see why anyone has a problem with Mike "Spray and pray at the gay pride parade" Pence.
Sup Forums has been hit particularly hard by Sup Forums, some of the shit tier boards haven't been affected as badly.
>replying seriously to that post
>still whining about Sup Forums in 2016
She's finished
>implying Hollywood has ever cared about liberalism
stormfag types spin that narrative so they have something to blame whenever something they don't like happens. you're pretty retarded for not noticing that.
She had a talk show on Fox (not FNC) around the time Obama was elected. Every episode was about how she was a black lesbian and how amazing it was to have Obama as president. I was liberal at the time but even I thought it was the worst talk show I had ever seen.
Now you're just trying too hard.
How can you not be racist in 2016? You'd have to be literally retarded.
Democrats did this, so enjoy being called a nigger dyke.
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
How long is it going to take you people to understand that Sup Forums isn't a separate entity? Sup Forums is "infecting" other boards in the same way that Sup Forums infected other boards with ISHYGDDT costanzaposting backin 2011, or Sup Forums infecting other boards with baneposting starting in 2012.
Boards are not separate. There has always been huge amonts of crossover, especially on the largest boards. Sup Forums isn't infecting Sup Forums. It's always been here.
>shit tier boards
>Sup Forums ain't one of them
Pence's best friend said that Trump wants or Pence aims to be the most powerful VP in history. I'd say homosexuals have a right to be concerned. If you weren't new here you too would moan at the thought of a powerful religious fundamentalist in the white house.
...when was she "started"?
fucking never?
>How can you not be racist in 2016?
By not letting either side influence your opinion and keeping a moderate head on your shoulder?
Oh wait, sorry. I forgot being moderate is bad for some reason now.
Sup Forums was right again
>Waaaah Sup Forums waaaahh
Have your fucking (You)
She's right. Deal with it you triggered mr cheeto lovers.
can I get this is 1920x1200?
good thing the president isnt a dictator
i mean, you knew that, right?
Why is Sup Forums still a buzzword for liberal multicultural enforcement? You do realize that Sup Forums is mostly alt-right, except for the occasional trolls?
Sup Forums is the real cancer board.
This is Trumps imageboard now boy
>good thing the president isnt a dictator
The question is does Sup Forums know this? Because they seem to think he is god king.
>talk shit
>get booed off stage
It's all falling into place
There is a hope for the western world after all.
>Pence's best friend
The only thing you have...
The only thing you have is making fun of people.
That's it.
How the fuck are you any better?
She didn't leave the stage though...
God damn I love that we elected Trump, this has been the best week of my internet life.
>8 years of liberal tears
>8 years
lel Have fun with that.
>this is what the people want
>says the media/entertainment circlejerk
>it backfires in real life
so surprising.
It's hilarious. It's like poking a spider's nest and watching all the babies scatter not knowing what's going on.
>didn't win the popular vote
>3 million illegal votes
sure kid
>all my life is memes!
>I love how we elected an incompetent buffoon, it was hilarious!
Modern youth.
Why would a trump supporter even go to her show? She seems like literally the last comedian they would enjoy. What were they expecting?
For starters, I'm not a nigger.
This. I just want to talk and make fun about my favorite movies and get far away from politics. Can we not have ONE thread that doesn't bring politics into the discussion? Pleeease?
Modern youth voted for the criminal that wanted another Cold War with Russia who couldn't even handle her own emails faggot
>watching all the babies scatter not knowing what's going on
spiders don't scatter because they are confused and it's just a thing they do
they are being attacked by a predator (You) so they are running away so they don't get eating
Sure, you might not want to eat them, but you're still provoking them in the same way a predator would
The go to this thread friend
Do you feel in charge?
I think Mike "Alternating currents for alternative lifestyles" Pence would be a terrific advocate for the LGBTQ community.
Modern youth doesn't even know where Syira even is on a map. They think the world revolves around their faggots and feminists.
Now that's what i call edgy
Russia is an aggressive corrupted country and deserves all the sanctions in the world.
(((They))) don't know how to react. (((Soros))) has spent tens of millions these last two years to influence Brexit and the US election and failed.
We've officially broken the (((conditioning))).
Okay nerd
Hillary got almost all of the millennial vote. Modern youth wanted anything but this.
Take a civics class.
>Correcting the Record 1 week after defeat
They're entitled to protect their scope of interest and we have no right to try and harm them economically and expect no consequences.
The world would be better if nations cared more about their interests, like Russia, and less about some (((globalist))) agenda.
It's absolutely fucking mind-boggling how idiotic non issues are in the center of their attention
>the economy is going to shit, everything is falling apart
>I know! The root of ALL my problems is faggots not being able to marry!
How the fuck did it come to this
But the best thing is that the next 4 years are going to be a wake up call for them to realize they went full negro for nothing
By very careful planning. Look up the Frankfurt School.
>tfw you break the conditioning
2016 is the beginning of a new age. Current Year didn't know how right he was.
If Russia is so corrupt how did it revive itself from the brink of collapse despite sanctions and become a superpower on the world stage?
>their scope of interest
Except Ukraine is an independent country. They don't want to be in the Russian sphere of influence. No one wants to be there.
>The world would be better if nations cared more about their interests, like Russia
Yup, the world would be great, like Russia, lol.
you have to go back
>implying they'll wake up in the next decade
They're literally pushing for a black muslim to run the DNC, not even joking:
You lost. Get over it.
Russia is "a superpower" only because of their army. Oh, and I guess their propaganda is pretty good because dumb teenagers fell for it.
Both candidates were bad. Should've voted third party.
Let's see if Trump becomes a walking punchline like George Bush did.
Ukraine was a farce that suffered because the globalists did not want them to join the nationalist coalition with Russia.
topkek, they're so fucking delusional. It's been fantastic watching the different factions of democrats pointing fingers at each other and blaming each other for hilldog's loss.
And basically none of them (besides fucking Michael Moore) seem to understand that the reason the dems lost is because they took white people for granted, despite constantly shitting on them with anti-white rhetoric.
Crimea was part of Russia until a few decades ago, and they have a very large military base there.
What do you think would happen if all the South American countries, backed by Russia, staged a coup in Cuba with the aim to instil a Russian friendly government and take control of Guantanamo Bay?
Do you think we would do literally anything to stop that?
You also forget that the majority of Crimea consider themselves to be Russia and voted to become part of Russia. Thatcher did the same thing with the Falklands, if you think about it.
She was right too.
Most of other boards' meme are syncretic, in that they adapt to that specific board's culture (Sup Forums's sheevposting with /his/'s characters) while Sup Forums is mainly evangelical, where their memes has a point to sell to the native board. That is the biggest difference imho
The biggest problem is that the Jew narrative is breaking and globalist liberal faggots like you can't handle it.
Hey now, he's pretty sexist and racist but he's no homophobe
>expecting liberals to actually understand geopolitics
Good goy. Stay ignorant and pediojudeophobic.
There is only one man who should be put back in charge of the DNC, he even said he would come back.
I refuse to see why this is up for debate
Russia is a superpower because of their army and their nukes and their natural resources. U.S. propaganda was pretty good. It convinced millions of people to defend the globalists against their best interests.
Unlimited oil if you believe the rumors
To be honest it still baffles me why they didn't run him or Jim Webb this year (and this is coming from a Trump supporter), he's much more charismatic than Hillary.
The dems go so caught up in their social justice bullshit.
>few decades ago
Crimea has been Ukrainian since 1954.
>Thatcher did the same thing with the Falklands
Completely different thing actually.
Now hopefully something can be done about those Muslims invad-er I mean immigrants.
Can't wait til January when Trump deports you cukcs
>any country that's not America
>implying anyone cares
>completely different
Not really. Argie scum wanted British land because they felt entitied too it, we fought them off. Thatcher even threatened to nuke Argentina if she didn't get disarm codes for the French missiles.
Faggot EU and (((NATO))) wanted Russian land because they felt entitled to it and Soros told them everything would be ok, Russia fucked them up. The local populace chose Russia as they felt ethnically closer to Russia.
Who can blame them?
Stupid bitch is a Comedian not a Political Scientist, nobody gives a shit. Just make a joke nobody wants your fucking social commentary.
She's there to tell jokes not preach for the MSMs agenda.
>he won't win a single state...
>he'll never win Florida...
>he won't make it past the primary
>he won't win the general election
>he'll never get re-elected...
>Helen Mirren
>Shakespearean actress
>has been knighted
>calling anyone privileged
The issue youre having is that you don't believe Sup Forums memes are relevant. But they are almost always relevant, because the kikes have pushed their SJW bullshit on basically every form of media and entertainment out there.
People on Sup Forums don't make holocaust threads. They make threads about shit-tier TV shows and this progresses into a conversation about how shitty Lena Dunham is and how all these jews are promoting racemixing and literally talk about wanting white men to die off