I'm not debating the importance or significance of this movie but did it have to be 3 and half hours long?
I'm not debating the importance or significance of this movie but did it have to be 3 and half hours long?
anything can be cut down to 90 minutes by a good editor
kurosawa was just masturbating
It didn't have to, but it didn't not have too either
I enjoyed the fuck out of those 3 hours
because i liked it
It's not like there's any fat that needs trimming. All the scenes help develop characters or advance the story. There's a reason it's considered one of the greats.
Barry Lyndon didn't have to be so long but sometimes a shot is so good you just want to look at it for a while.
I call it the Dopesmoker syndrome, where a riff is so good you can listen to it for an hour straight. Well it's a theory.
>but did it have to be 3 and half hours long
why not? you had more important things to do?kek
Isnt this a general problem with asian movies?
Just watched linda linda linda and it was at least 30 minutes to long. Same with a lot of korean flicks i saw.
desu with linda linda linda i think the slight feeling of aimlessness added to the authentic feeling of the film overall, although i can see what you mean
I'm not debating the importance or significance of this movie but did it have to be 3 and half hours long?
It was a good 3-and-a-half-hours. It didn't overstay its welcome.
>black and white
>tfw it was their victory
>3 1/2 hours
>not making it into a trilogy for maximum shekels
why were old movies so terrible at profiteering?
>Silence, the new film by Scorsese was originally 3hr50min long, but the studio "asked" him to cut to 2hr40min
Why the industry don't like 3hrs+ anymore Sup Forums?
no cause I fell asleep
Oh god, director's cut when
Where would YOU cut without diminishing that importance or significance you are mentioning?
Yes. By comparison Magnificent Seven was 2 hours and felt rushed.
it was 7 protagonists + the plot. it needed the time to get some depth
This is a lie, Marty and Thelma have been cutting it down for months. Rough cut =/= directors cut
Not even top 5 kurosawa
>he can't handle films with 3 hours+ running time
>>Barry Lyndon
I never thought I would actually find somebody who had taste here.
I marathond this whole movie for the last two weeks and I think it was worth it.
If all three hours are engaging sure, but 7S slowed down in the middle hard. This was especially annoying given how quick the pace of the beginning is.
Was this the greatest 3+ hour movie?
But all three hours are engaging, guess this movie is just not for you.
Find a scene that is superfluous.
Honestly think its less about one particular scene feeling superfluous but rather most scenes dragging longer than they need to.
Its one thing to want to linger on a shot or let the tone of a situation really sink in; its another thing to do that with every scene in the movie.
Kikuchiyo chasing tail and farming the fields
No, that's Inland Empire
best scene
>Original Seven Samurai/50's Hollywood Remake
>Villains are bandits who are after the food and therefore will not retreat until destroyed
>Villagers are portrayed as complex characters with both positive and negative traits
>Samurai/Cowboys are portrayed as a doomed class of warriors whose relevance is fading away
>Latest Hollywood Remake
>Villains are Topical Evil Capitalist who keeps attacking because he's Evil
>Revenge motivation also shoved in
>Villagers are saints
>Cowboys are portrayed as fucking super heroes
The awkward semi-rape scenes between the young samurai an sister the village girl could have been removed and it would be ok with me.
That whole part of the movie dragged for me
90% of movies over three hours are too long
No, it's Godfather pt 2
Daily reminder "A Bug's Life" is basically a retelling of this story.
You think that's good?
Wait till you get a load of Scenes From A Marriage, Fanny and Alexander, The Human Condition, and A Brighter Summer Day
Only better.
It should have been 6 hours long
Apocalypse Now and Lawrence of Arabia has to be up there