What went so wrong Sup Forums?
What went so wrong Sup Forums?
I saw the trailer and just didn't believe the scenario of a bunch of soft, pretty-looking white people conspiring to rob an old blind man. It's like those gangs Hollywood tries to pass off where everyone's multicultural.
>gangs Hollywood tries to pass off where everyone's multicultural.
Well, that did happen. In the 60s, just after civil rights, prison populations started being forcibly desegregated. In the cases where it wasn't "too hard" to maintain, criminal enterprise started shifting from mono-racial to multi-racial, as the inmates stopped fighting among themselves and viewed the prison guards as the real enemy.
Thankfully, before a unified underclass could form, prisons were allowed to segregate again.
It's another generic "only the main chick survives" movie
The main character surviving isn't all that unusual
The main characters are all unlikable. Obvious asshat, stupid slut who we are supposed to feel sympathy for but could have gotten money through better means, and dumb pussy boy who we have no reason to like. The audience wanted them all to die, but they did not.
>go to rob some blind guy
>fucking murders my friend
wish people would stop abusing their 2nd amendment
I didn't know Avatar 2 would be a prequel set on Earth about the life of Colonel Quaritch
The Blind Guy was a great material for a perfect anti-hero: blind, rugged, reclusive and old war vet, shifting the sentiment as the movie unfolds from creepy psychopath to a man simply protecting his home from assault and thus earning sympathies in the public. But no. They just had to go the ultra degenerate route in an attempt to redeem the shitty protagonists that should've just all been killed off, leaving the poor BG in peace to endure his pain.
I was cheering for the blind guy the entire time. I can't sympathize with criminals. He dindu nuffin wrong.
She's known as the "final girl". Generally a virtuous or moral centre of the film.
Due to this, I knew who was going to die and survive before it began.
Dreads man sealed his fate because he was wild
The cuck who loved the chick sealed his fate because of that love.
The girl had a backstory
Subversion would have been to kill her and switch up the formula. I did enjoy the film though.
Why is that a thing? They all should have died.
What kind of formula switch would you have preferred?
I love a bit of subversion. In this case I'm not sure, as I said i enjoyed the movie, but maybe they could have killed the girl and let the guy who didn't really want to do the job, survive.
The thieves should've all died, revealing in the end that the blind guy is the central character of the story, not them. That would be the best subversion ever. Also, the intro scene where he was dragging the girl was totally unnecessary.
the twist was still surprising midway through, even though it was for the worse
Great movie.
What happens is, at least I suspect, is that when a producer reads a script, they love to see some sort of attention grabbing action on the first page to hook the audience.
I rolled my eyes, because that's a typical one: open with an ambiguous action that we'll get to in the late second-act.
the ONLY issue with what you said, which I agree about, is that it probably wouldn't 'test' well. It's grim. And it would seem as though the director is punishing the kids.
I liked the twist. I just think they could have killed the girl, and the kid make it out.
>so we're going to have the main characters rob a blind man
>we need a way to make the blind man unlikable
>I know, we'll have him be a psychopath whose kidnapped a teenager and wants to impregnate her
what's not to like about that sounds like a solid plan
How can someone that old be so ripped? Is he natty?
>that moment when she was actually dreaming the ending while she was repeatedly getting inseminated for hours while she squirmed
i am diamonds
You think he'll scoop up some new random girl and squirt his pube semen into her hole?
>not feeling sad for the old man
>old man is bad for locking a girl up for 9 months
How did you not like him?
The sperm drinking scene was the best