>In a new memoir, Fisher, 60, has revealed that they had a whirlwind three-month-long, drink-sozzled, drug-addled affair while filming the first Star Wars movie at Elstree studios in Hertforshire in 1976. She was an innocent of 19 and Ford a 33-year-old married father of two.
Why would she tell this tho? I mean, for fucks sake, you're going to ruin this old ass man's life for a fucking buck?
Robert Bailey
Women are sociopaths.
Luis Hernandez
Wait, so they weren't constantly coked up and having threesomes with Hamill?
Quite surprised to be honest. This story is tame considering the times.
Lincoln Parker
>Fisher says that their co-star Mark Hamill — who played Luke Skywalker in the trilogy — almost discovered their affair when he unexpectedly dropped in on Ford’s flat.
>‘It was about 11 in the morning. Clearly I hadn’t just dropped by for brunch, as no scones or eggs were in evidence,’ says Fisher.
>‘Harrison took my hand and pronounced solemnly, “We’re engaged”. It was mocking the suggestion that there was anything going on; therefore, it couldn’t be true.’ Top cuck.
Henry Torres
Elijah Cook
Colour me surprised as well.
Thomas Roberts
>33 year old with a family fucks a teenager >women are such sociopaths
yes, I'm sure Harrison Ford's remaining 4 weeks of life are going to be ruined by this barely exciting news of something that happened decades ago
Aaron Adams
>it wasnt all bad was it? >some of it was bretty good Kek JJ