What's your favorite Bond film?
What's your favorite Bond film?
Other urls found in this thread:
1. From Russia with Love
2. Live and Let Die
3. Goldeneye
4. License to Kill
The one Joss Whedon wrote
Live and Let Die is such a weird time capsule cringefest. It's literally Bond crossed with Blaxploitation, because it was in at the time.
And it's not a racist film, but it definitely comes off like "this is what British people think black America looks like"
>but it definitely comes off like "this is what British people think black America looks like"
In what way? It's no more ludicrous than any other blaxploitation film.
1. From Russia with Love
2. Casino Royale
3. Goldeneye
5. Man with the Golden Gun
I like Goldeneye a hell of a lot. I know it's a popular meme choice among idiots who don't care about the franchise because of muh Nintendo, but even in its own right I think it is a fantastic movie.
License to Kill is a strong runner up for me though.
Casino Royale and even it's not that good.
From Russia with Love a shit.
>no mention of For Your Eyes Only