Someone points a gun at him

>someone points a gun at him
>he grabs the barrel of the gun and puts it against his forehead
>he ends up not being shot, and free

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What is the best Clint Eastwood movie and why is it Unforgiven?

>Someone points gun at them
>Guy holding the gun starts screwing up his face
>Heavy breathing
>Puts the gun down

>someone points a dick at him
>he grabs the shaft of the dick and puts it against his forehead
>he ends up not getting fucked and free

>Protagonaist being held at gun point by a bad guy
>Someone else shot the bad guy

>cop points a gun at him
>he sprays water on the cop
>cop shoots him

>main/important character fucks up
>bad guy takes out gun
>shoots a random goon
>"don't let it happen again"

this legitimately makes me angry.

>baddy points gun at good guy
>bad guy goes on and on about how shitty the good guy is, extends this into a 5 minute monologue
>about to kill good guy for real
>bad guy gets shot in the last second
>could've killed the good guy and escaped but chose to stroke his dick instead

>points gun at the protagonist
>pulls the trigger and nothing happens
>hes out of bullets from the shootout before

>this scenario happens except
>the antagonist pulls the trigger without hesitation

>points gun at character
>"you're out. I've been counting"
>"so are you"

>goodguy points gun at badguy
>the gun doesn't fire when he pulls the trigger
Why didn't McClane tell Samuel L Jackson about the safety? Or did he actually think he knew how to operate guns, when he obviously couldn't? Or that he'd act rationally even though his kids were in danger?
This shit keeps me up at night.

>someone is far away from the hero
>points a gun at him
>then walks right up to within arm's reach of the hero so that he can be disarmed

>bad guy has good guy at gunpoint with sidekick or love interest right next to him
>shoots good guy
>sidekick/love interest cries or is stunned or whatever
>bad guy has huge victorious monologue while turning his back
>good guy gets up and points his gun at bad guy
>"heh, and they said smoking would kill me"
>takes Zippo out of shirt pocket with the bullet lodged in it

OHHHHHHHH, Javelinfu. Basically a modern Valkyrie.

>Character points gun at another character
>"You don't have the guts to kill me"
>"Oh yeah? Try me."
>Pulls back hammer with his tumb

>character orders his falcon to attack his enemy
>the enemy is unprepared
>he takes out his anvil
>the falcon crashes on the anvil and hits the ground
>the enemy hits the ground, too

>turns out the anvil WAS the falcon

damn it, Shymamlamadingdong

has there ever been a movie that addressed these cliches and called them out on it?

>character is talking on phone
>ends conversation without saying good bye
>person calls back and says "did you hang up on me?
>character awkwardly apologizes for being rude

i'd fucking love a spoof movie that just makes fun of cliches

McClane also thought Zeus knew how to hotwire a car.

A lot of of movies have mocked some cliches, but movies entirely about those cliches tend to be pretty bad.

Scary Movie did a decent job with horror cliches, and every movie after that was shit.

The Other Guys was a decent spoof of cop movie cliches

Watchmen addressed and mocked some superhero movie cliches, although it's more of a "serious" movie. In particular, the whole "supervillain reveals his evil plan to the hero before it's been completed" thing is openly mentioned and mocked.

isnt that scene from Battle Royale