If you disagree kys yourself
If you disagree kys yourself
If you enjoyed these films you should kys
I actually can't. This list is objectively correct.
>How do you want your Half Blood Prince film?
>Just fuck my shit up Senpai
Did anyone else laugh when Snape revealed he was the Half Blood Prince? It had no bearing to the movie whatsoever.
Bookfags, tell me if this is true or not (since i never read the last book)
was all the cucking in the movie canon? Like did Ron really have to sit through and watch a nightmare of him getting cucked by harry?
*kys you're self
>Less than 5
Grasping at straws here user
>4 not the worst one
How can you be this pleb?
I want to know how your brain works and how you evaluate the quality of a movie.
You mean the Horecrux? Yes that happens in the books. But overall the romance between Ron and Hermoine is a lot less pronounced.
In the film they are basically holding each other from Film 3. In the books it's more glances and smiles than groping.
what about the awkward ass dancing between harry and hermione in movie 7? was that in the book?
Yeah, and it was much more detailed and worse. Harry and Hermioe are both naked and savagely kissing and touching themselves