Died just before the disease of SJWs started spreading

>died just before the disease of SJWs started spreading
>tfw we'll never hear his opinions on all the stupid shit going on in the world right now

It still hurts.

Other urls found in this thread:


There's tons of hours of Patrice talking about pc bullshit, alt comedians, liberal gay Hollywood's mafia-like control on the Industry and who is allowed in or not, etc.

Sorry there's no clips Of Patrice saying "feminists are stupid, fuck tumblr" but he was an adult, so there ya go.

reminder Patrice gang raped a white girl


>Sorry there's no clips Of Patrice saying "feminists are stupid
have you even listened to patrice?

I bet he would've voted for Hillary.

Nah, he was far too into conspiracy theories. Would've probably said "LOCK THE BITCH UP"

i don't think that's even important. he would've had a field day pointing out the hypocritical bullshit on both sides, which is pretty lacking atm...

He agrees with Trump on every issue immigration, nationalism, and political correctness. He likes people being open racism too so he would like trump supporters. Patrice's political align very closely with the alt right in that he thinks western civilization is superior he thinks other cultures suck and hates being called an african american cause hes not african. He wants race to be based off color coding each other

Would O&A still exist if Patrice was alive?

Yea, he talks about women are objectively inferior to men, he doesn't waste his time bitching about liberal arts students taking gender theory classes.
Have you ever listened to Patrice?