What the fuck was her problem with Data?

What the fuck was her problem with Data?

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She was TNG's attempt at McCoy.
Data was her Spock.

Is that really the reason?

She just came off as a cunt

Pulaski was basically season 2's wesley in terms of how annoying they were, then they basically deleted wesley and pulaski together for the later seasons.

The shut-up wesley thing started around the beginning of season 2 this was also when they introduced pulaski.

Season 1 and 2 are severely underrated and both get rejected by the redditors on Sup Forums a lot.

Even still season 1 and 2 are some of the best when they had such awful characters.

Good call whoever removed both from the series though.

"datUHH" yes, misname a character to his face who can punch his fist through your skull in a tenth of a second

>trusting an android which could have literally anything programmed into it

To be honest, it was the rest of the crew who were plonkers for so blindly trusting that trojan horse.

There was even an episode where his programming forced him to leave the enterprise and go back to his maker.

Kate "Ballbuster" Pulaski > Bev "Doormat" Crusher

Data went rogue LESS often than pretty much any of the senior bridge staff.

Picard got mind controlled or possessed or replaced constantly. Wesley, LeForge, O'Brien, and even fucking Barklay managed to take over the ship. There was even that one time where literally every single person on the entire ship EXCEPT for Data got mind controlled.

Meanwhile, Data went rogue once, and he didn't even damage the ship or anything. He just did pretty much the same thing Spock did when Spock got horny and commandeered the Enterprise to go to Vulcan.

Overall, Data was the most trustworthy and dependable crewmember ever to appear on any Star Trek series

Double standard much?

But seriously?

>One is my name, the other is not

Is the greatest fucking line in all of TNG
And she was being a huge cunt.