How you liking season 7 Sup Forums? How would you rate the episodes so far?
1 - 9/10
2 - 7/10
3 - 7/10
4 - 8/10
How you liking season 7 Sup Forums? How would you rate the episodes so far?
1 - 9/10
2 - 7/10
3 - 7/10
4 - 8/10
>any walking dead episode ever
>anything above 5/10
Found the underage.
Can I get a reverse of this?
S1 8/10
S2 6.5/10
S3 6/10
S4-6 shit/10
S7 7/10
Season 7 would surprise you. Negan made it good again
i-is that gif an edit or did it really fucking zoom out like that?
But it sucks that there's no boisterous cursing. The uncensored version of 6 finale was so much better and high energy than the censored
So what's up with Negan telling Olivia that keeping track of guns is life and death, was he joking with her because I saw a small crack of a smile before it cut away.
It really happened
Based Negan calling out the hamplanet guarding the supplies.
Man, I fucking love zooms so much and I don't know why
I would even say that s07e01 was the best elisode of the entire series. Really enjoyed the last one too.
I somehow managed not to drop this show during the second season and now Im glad I didnt.
As a side, do you think the Saviors would stand a chance against Carol? Would it even be a fair fight?
>season 2
>better than 4, 5, or 6
>better than anything
No I know that, I just saw he was getting a kick out of it.
He enjoys fucking with people, but I imagine he would have followed through with the threat if they didn't find the guns.
>As a side, do you think the Saviors would stand a chance against Carol?
Idk she kinda solely relies on the element of surprise. She's a main character tho and the Saviors are largely redshirts so what the fuck do you think? She'd still be cucked by Negan if that's what you mean. In fact like Ezekiel Negan would see through her act.
I can't believe how shit Sup Forums's taste is in relation to this season. Everyone hyped Negan so hard you can't even think critically when watching it anymore. These episodes are absolute shit.
>Episode 1
Another symptom of just how much of a ratings slut Walking Dead is. They take nearly half the episode to get to the fucking deaths, which they left at a cliffhanger last season. Barring that, the "punishment" for Rick makes next to no sense, and every time he's about to suffer Negan pops out of the RV like a videogame villain in the most comical, cartoony way possible. Barring that, the monologues. Just the fucking droning, endless monologues that go nowhere and are completely forgettable immediately. A bore to sit through.
>Episode 2
Actually better, but a complete tonal change and a jarring one at that, feels entirely out of place.
>Episode 3
More misery porn. Nothing good happens, Negan is in control, Daryl can't get out. They spend an entire episode on this one phrase of plot. And every bit of backstory they add to Dwight to make him seem relatable goes completely out of the window in Ep. 4 when he's back to being an utter cunt.
>Episode 4
Negan comes to take stuff. Again an entire episode dedicated to one single line of plot. Effectively nothing even really happened since Episode 1 at this point, but they made sure to make this one extra long so Negan can have even....... more......... of his fucking....... slow....... monologues..... with the same........ fucking...... entonation....... while leaning.......... BACK.
Lazy fucking show which is just misery filler.
bubblegum bubblegum in a dish
Am i supposed to believe this dressed up skeleton ever won a fight for power in the saviors group?
was going really well for once, I was finally looking forward to Walking Dead again
then the last episode happened and we're back to boring filler shit
>this isn't even photoshopped
I am now convinced only pathetic skelettons and fatsos are hyping this character up. No self-respecting man with an ounce of muscle would submit to this twink bitch.
No, he probably just shot the first big meathead guy who thought there is such a thing as an unarmed fisticuffs fight for power. Just like the Governor.
>those legs
this has to be fucking shopped
but da gubnah beat the shit out of rick unarmed and was only stopped from choking him out of his plot armor by a strong black dreadlocked woman who don't need no man
i think that would have qualified as a fight for power, without mentioningI HAVE A TANK
governor was a big guy
Didn't enjoy this episode. I feel like it was just buildup for the inevitable revenge of Rick and friends. A build up of Negan as the antagonist. Or maybe it was meant to throw the viewers off and Negan really is a reasonable guy when you get to know him.
I don't understand your mental shortcomings. In the comic and show there are still lots of bigger Saviors. It's as if you're an alien who's only been part of our culture for a week. Mob bosses don't need to be the strongest dickheads around. I bet JDM could still brain you though you Jason Genova faggot.
>who don't need no man
But Carl is the only reason she isn't dead. Did you start season three and skip over it and 4?
Why do negan faggots get so easily triggered every time someone criticizes their jim carrey reject?
>leaning intensifies
When he said hot diggity dog and did his little shuck and jive I thought of a prospector finding gold ^_^
i was really excited about this season but after the premiere i don't really care that much
It's pretty stupid. No way does Negan command the power and loyalty he has by treating his men like he does. Leadership doesn't work that way.
They need to show a reason why he is so powerful. What makes him so smart? How does he manipulate people? Not stupid shit like "hurr durr I killed your friends, fucked your women, and took your stuff."
The fucking larping token black king with the tiger has more depth.
season one was shit aside from the first episode