>Fucked you I liked it movies
>The shirtless yakuza samurai duel
>Serial Killer Topher Grace
>Danny Trejo
If it didn't star Adrian Brody it would have been a classic
>Fucked you I liked it movies
>The shirtless yakuza samurai duel
>Serial Killer Topher Grace
>Danny Trejo
If it didn't star Adrian Brody it would have been a classic
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I... I think I saw this in theatres and have repressed the memory until now. I don't even know anymore
I saw it in theatres and don't remember a single thing including any characters names
I remember there was a group of people, Adrien Brody had a romance with the sniper grill, the Predators were weak ass bitches, and there was a dumb twist where the doctor turns out to be a serial killer
I remember enjoying it in the moment, but upon reflection hated everything about it. It was so by the numbers and completely pointless to the overall story of predators that it was insulting.
It's basically a not good version of Predator, which is a classic top ten action movie.
oh yeah i forgot about the dr twist.
you guys are all forgetting laurence fishburne though.
Batman and Robin
Batman Forever
they were 60s Batman with a modern look
>everyone's fucking running, hiding from Predators
>fucking everywhere, no chance to flee from this planet, let alone survive a day
>some badass guy in a mask kills a few and rescues them
who the fuck is this
>he takes off the mask, slow reveal, he is their saviour, it's literally Morpheus
Truly a Robert Rodriguez movie. What good movie did he ever do, Spy Kids?
I think Dune is a classic in this genre
>cliche characters
>cliche moments
>weak predators
I mean it was an okay concept but it sucked.
It's not that bad. Honestly the two types of predators thing was the stupidest part I liked serial killer topher grace.
And the concept alone is suited better for vidya than movies.
Soldier, Scout, Demoman, Medic, Heavy Weapons guy, Spy
Only the Jews survived in that movie.
I had the choice between getting some and paying attention to this movie, and the movie wasn't worth paying attention to even if the other choice had been jump in a lake full of piranhas.
did they film the ending in the same place the A-Team movie filmed their ending?
>we took some of the most dangerous killers in the world and put them on a planet to hunt for sport
>that one murderer they ripped straight out of prison who just had a small pocketknife
I liked it too was actually surprised by 70s guy being so evil and Insane and Morpheus was good in it too
I'm torn I didn't like the look of the other predators I prefer the original but I liked the idea of the different clans battling and the new predators kinda of humanized the older ones by comparison
Why Predators Sucked:
>The setting is an alien planet, but it looks exactly like the South American jungle in Predator
>No one notices the giant planets in the sky for hours
>Edgy new Predators introduced for no good reason
>Muh tough action heroine
Based Slav heavy weapons guy
Quite possibly the most pathetic complaints ever, especially the last one since that bitch did nothing tough for the whole movie and was a wussy ass sniper.
Come back with some real complaints, brighteyes.
Pleb The Thread.
What did he mean by this?
>saved their asses
>shows them his decade long hiding spot
Waste of a character thqh fazmiga
In my opinion, it's the plague to Hollywood that may destroy Disney in a few years:
a pointless remake filmed just to shell extra cash.
Adrian brody is a terrible action star. It was fucking stupid pinning a movie like this on him.
>Muh tough action heroine
seriously though she would have been carved apart if it were not for brody so your point is invalid.
Didn't really like in theatres but excellent movie for chilling at home watching, especially with friends.
im not him but the predator tied up looking like a rotted banana is a pretty good complaint
Not a remake, though
>If it didn't star Adrian Brody it would have been a classic
Fucking this. Replace Brody with Gyllenhall (apparently he was in early talks) and have Rodriguez direct it so it has a bit more style... would've been fucking 10/10
So much of this movie is dope.
>that Topher Grace twist
Maybe but I liked it
Especially since they tried to make the classic Predators like the mook bad guys to the "Super Predators" boss bad guys, which was fucking stupid.
>Whoa, you thought those guys were tough?! Well get a load of THESE guys! Crazy, huh?!
Chris Evans was the bomb in The Losers, yo!
He was fine. Better than Laurence Fishburne and his shitty Brando impression.
Fucking awful points.
Only one I vaguely agree with is the first... but I kind of liked how similar the planet looked because it took them a bit to recognize that it was alien. I loved the reveal of them coming to the clearing and noticing the multiple planets in the sky.
I actually bought him as a mercenary. He got decently shredded.
My problem with him is that he lacks charisma. I just don't care about him.
Wait, people don't like this?
I fucking LOVE it.
>The Russian guy from BF3 who is a totally bro
>Giggens being a serial rapist, and that's supposed to be comedic relief
>Giggens' death scene where he redeems himself for some fucking reason while calling a Predator a "SPACE FAGGOT" and shanking him
>The concept of badass killers from around the world vs 3 Preds
you're the only one, one of the common bitches is about brody for a reason, I just cannot take him seriously.
my mind must be stuck in early 00's because every time I see him, I think of that stupid piano movie.
There was no romance though, only hints of attraction.