What are some good examples of stars leaving Hollywood to pursue more noble career paths?

What are some good examples of stars leaving Hollywood to pursue more noble career paths?

Remy a cute


to lick her pusy would be my honor

Enjoy your throat cancer.

What do you think the lunches are like with her co-workers?

Lots and lots of very uncomfortable silence.

I'd go to the hospital just to grab her by the pussy

life is not living without a pusy to lick

Who are you trying to impress?

tell that to michael douglas

>dirty butthole
>nigger lover
>not even a 10/10 face


I used to play WoW with Mia Rose. She was pretty much as normal as a brainless normie slut could be. Asking her about her work seemed like a bad idea to me, just since I figured she'd been asked that a million times and I wasn't going to learn anything insightful anyway. She sucked at WoW but got carried by our 2.6k average rated battleground group.

Avoiding eye contact and pretending like they haven't seen the inside of her colon through her gaped rectum before.

That's a shitty story bro. Next time just make up a lie, it's not like anyone really cares to fact check you anyway.

Did you call her mama mia?

I acutally sat next to a pornstar in a bus early this year
I was sweating spaghetti, she clearly noticed
She's a third worlder pornstar you guys wouldn't know tho

Is she actually working as an EMT?

She's selling pics on snapchat or some shit I think

>Next time just make up a lie, it's not like anyone really cares to fact check you anyway.

What does that even mean?

Which hollywood stars are you talking about Sup Forumseddit?

I gotta say it's pretty impressive how you took a story about being a sad faggot and turned it around in the end to being a pretentious porn hipster.

I didn't see that coming. genuinely surprised.

It means you told a story about a pornstar and talked more about WoW. Stuff like that is why you're still a virgin.

At least I have a story that actually happened that involves me talking to a female.

i dont know him how and why would i tell him that

every time I think of this I seriously consider going to wherever shes an EMT and purposefully getting into an accident.

She claims to be working as one, don't know how hire-able an ex-porn star who has spent the last 4 years posting about how much weed she smokes on social media is though.

i would watch a tv series featuring remy as an emt with a special focus on sex related injuries like plungers in bum holes and dildos stuck up vagines

You do know her real name isn't "remy lacroix," right?

It's in California. They didn't give a shit before and they just legalized it. No one gives a fuck, NO ONE.

>following a porn star on social media
>keeping up with the life of an ex-pornstar

Lexee smith


Yep, it's Ashley Cronan.

She's among the best known pornstars of the recent years.
Are you implying her employer has no clue?
Now that would be retarded

tfw finding out lexi does camshows now


Taco Belle?


i've liked her work and that but who the fuck follows pornstars on twitter and keeps tabs on their private lives? bit much imo