Aside from Porn and Pepe what do people of this site like?

seriously especially in Sup Forums it seems every single person on this site hates everything

It's a type of counter culture.

Because someone must like it

Frogposters are dumb

We're just contrarians. Don't lose sleep over it.

Sup Forums is the biggest collection of assholes and losers the entire internet has to offer.
every board is a manifestation of slightly differing shades of autism. they all think they're superior but in reality they're pretentious teenagers and surly young adults.

>nofap/degenerate/jews want you to be distracted by your passions
>dumb frogposters

hate everything, no exceptions

I like goodfellas
Back the the future
Star Wars trilogy
Jackie chan
And indiana jones

Yeah I'm probably a max pleb, but there it is

I dunno.
Porn and Pepe are pretty cool stuff.

Every once in awhile there is a good rec thread. Shitposting is fun when I want to. Some good 'body of work' threads also. But /got/ /twd/ /who/ and /capeshit/ generals need their own board.

>seriously especially in Sup Forums it seems every single person on this site hates everything

It's as if there are people with different opinions on this site and not one big hivemind.

Fuck pepe. Coolface was always better. Besides its called sadfrog.

>tfw babyfigs will never experience the internet hate machine at its peak

The only television I watch now is sports. I don't even like Sup Forums anymore and haven't for a solid year or two. But I've been here since 2005 so I keep coming everyday out of habit. Sometimes I wish Hiro would just shut it down.

I liek pancakes, pancakes are delishus.

I like movies and tv shows

Well done steak with tomato sauce.

Same. I really didn't expect to outlast moot. Fuck, I need to stop coming here but it's hard after you do it every day for a fucking decade.

>50 Shades of Autism


I like this show, Sup Forums likes the hot milk hotel album, lurk to find out about common interests, we might seem edgy but we're just faggots.

I keep coming here one or two boards a day depending on my mood, I always think that if I don't find something interesting on the front page of the board I'll just leave it, I guess I always have good luck or I just like to waste my time.

not even close any gossip chick forum

The thing
Master and Commander

This show is overrated garbage.

Stop acting like we have sent sort of comradery, we all have different opinions and tastes.

I use mu daily and i would say easily 1/3 of the users don't like ITAOTS very much, it just gets spammed

You are obviously new or uderaged, fuck off

Yet your still here

I still like it, I will eventually get tired from it, but at the moment I enjoy it.
I'm not being serious with the milky hotel, senpai, ease your anus.

>"I'm being ironic, look I'll say some cute meme words haha isnt this so light hearted and cute"

It is, isn't it? :D

James Cameron