Any monarchists here? I want to beat your ass

Any monarchists here? I want to beat your ass.

Sorry, but the masses aren't smart enough to lead themselves.

How about you lick my cunt instead

>the rule of masses
>in a class society

why you hate on the Queen for? dont you shed a tear whenever you see a pic of the Queen crying too?

>Masses leading themselves
>What is elected government

oh wow, the masses get to elect a bayer northrup-grumman mcdonald's monsanto shill who was raping sorority girls at Princeton due to his father's (((money))) a decade ago, that's so much better than the masses leading themselves!


>implying you're tall enough to reach it

>you will never lick young queen elizabeth's cunt
why do we bother living m8?

Come here, big boy

do you think the queen still have sex?

Phillip is in the hospital with an infection so no

You're right, Republicanism is too corrupt. Let's just let some inbred noble do whatever the fuck he likes with our country for personal benefit!

STI infection?

>implying she doesn't cuckold him on a regular basis

Kangz/kwaynz have to think about how their children/heirs will one day rule their country. If they screw up, they know they will either be killed or their children - it is the ultimate pressure to succeed.

A modern monarch would hopefully be smart enough to just marry a commoner or something to add diversity into the genetic pool. Maybe the heir could be adopted from birth too, chosen from children that already show potential at a young age.

There is no such thing as an actual monarchical government in the developed world. If anything the American executive is the closest in spirit given that he's a) both the head of government and the head of state and b) can pretty much do whatever he wants

Rappel qu'il n'a fait rien de mal.


>Kangz/kwaynz have to think about how their children/heirs will one day rule their country.
Yes, of course. Because despots totally have responsibility towards their people, right? Kings have no citizens, they have subjects.

>If they screw up, they know they will either be killed or their children - it is the ultimate pressure to succeed.
If anything, it's a drive to keep the nobility pleased as usually the peasants can do very little except revolt (in which case you simply need to make sure said revolt is brutally repressed). It's the ultimate pressure to maintain the status quo, often to the point of straight up censorship and repression of free thought and progress.

>A modern monarch would hopefully be smart enough to just marry a commoner or something to add diversity into the genetic pool.
Hopefully, but what are you going to do if he's not? Vote for a different monarch?
>Inb4 "muh popular monarchy"
You do realize that this is a construct originating in the French Revolution, right? And therefore a result of what you consider "wrong"?

IDK mate, the Cult of the Supreme Being was full retard.



Vive le Roy !

Que si les aristocrates entreprennent, au prix même de cette liberté dont ils se montreraient indignes, de retenir le peuple dans l’oppression, il osera demander à quel titre. Si l’on répond à titre de conquête, il faut en convenir, ce sera vouloir remonter un peu haut. Mais le Tiers ne doit pas craindre de remonter dans les temps passés. Il se reportera à l’année qui a précédé la conquête ; et puisqu’il est aujourd’hui assez fort pour ne pas se laisser conquérir, sa résistance sans doute sera plus efficace. Pourquoi ne renverrait-il pas dans les forêts de la Franconie toutes ces familles qui conservent la folle prétention d’être issues de la race des conquérants et d’avoir succédé à des droits de conquête ?

La nation, alors épurée, pourra se consoler, je pense, d’être réduite à ne se plus croire composée que des descendants des Gaulois et des Romains. En vérité, si l’on tient à vouloir distinguer naissance et naissance, ne pourrait-on pas révéler à nos pauvres concitoyens que celle qu’on tire des Gaulois et des Romains vaut au moins autant que celle qui viendrait des Sicambres, des Welches et autres sauvages sortis des bois et des marais de l’ancienne Germanie? Oui, dira-t-on; mais la conquête a dérangé tous les rapports, et la noblesse de naissance a passé du côté des conquérants. Eh bien! il faut la faire repasser de l’autre côté ; le Tiers redeviendra noble en devenant conquérant à son tour.
esi mi gwir ríu e dóth ríu

translate please google translate does not want to work for me

Mm yes French """""""""""liberty"""""""""""

We shall examine neither the condition of servitude in which the French have suffered for so long, nor that of constraint and humiliation in which it isstill confined. Its status has changed in private law. It must change still further: the nation as a whole cannot be free, nor can any of itsseparate orders, unless the Third Estate is free. Freedom does not derive from privileges. It derives from the rights of citizens and theserights belong to all. If the aristocrats try to repress the People at the expense of that very freedom of which theyprove themselves unworthy, the Third Estate win dare challenge their right.

If they reply, 'by the right of conquest," one must concede thatthis is to go back rather far. Yet the Third Estate need not fear examining thepast. It will betake itself to the year preceding the "conquest"; and as it is nowadays too strong to be conquered it will certainly resist effectively. Why should it not repatriate to theFranconian forests all the families who wildly claim to descend from the race of the conquerors and to inherit their rights of conquest? If it were purged in this way, I think the nation might well recover from the thought that thence forward it would be reduced to the descendants of mere Gauls and Romans.

When our poor fellow citizens insist on distinguishing between our lineage and another, could nobody reveal to them that it is at least as good to be descended from the Gauls and the Romans as from the Sicambrians, Welches and other savages from the woods and swamps of ancienyGermany? "Time enough," some will say-, "but conquest has upset all relationships and hereditary nobility now descends through the line of the conquerors." Well, then; we shall have to arrange for it to descend through the other line! The Third Estate will become noble again by becoming a conqueror in its own turn.