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International #763
Where do Slavic people originate from?
Is this 4ch?
Is this true?
Megalian in South Korea
Tfw I could buy a good middle class house here for the same prize it would cost an american some shitty nigger house in...
Why aren't you catholic,you scum?
Do Americans like Italy?
Kurva anyátok
What is the last dream that you remember?
Poland and Hungary BTFO
Which countries have the ugliest flag?
Out of the following;
Sverigetråden - Midsommarupplagan
Pass the finals
Ywn be a swedish viking travelling down river volga with your mates...
What is the most aesthetic ethnic group?
Why are people so butthurt about it?
The best country for a spanish male?
/sag/ South Asia General
This is how egyptian elite looked like
Do you love Russia?
Has your nation ever expelled Jews from your land?
How does Japan represent your country in Anime?
True fact: English speakers(especially american accent) in Japan are as loud as Chinks and I'm suffering from them at...
Why does Spain do this?
Do you love Singapore?
Comfy thread
/esp/ - Hilo español, edición: A fregar
This is what africa would have looked like if whites minded their own business
Post your fridge Sup Forums
Why is it that Irish Gaelic is still retained as the """first""" official language of Ireland and is taught nationwide...
Why doesn't China get rid of communist aesthetic and become proper nationalists?
Post your city castle
/skandi/ - midsommarutgåvan
One of those threads, haven't seen it for a while
What's the most popular car brand in your cunt
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/brit/ + /éire/
"Transgenders" belong in a padded cell or a noose
His country doesn't border two oceans
Based Norway
Ashkenazi Jews calls Sephardic Jews "frankim", which is a derogatory term
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Who /mixed/ here? I'm a vague Iraqi Christian/Catholic and Southern French mix. I'm having a very deep identity crisis
/sag/ South Asia General
This is the future european I am okay with this
Daily reminder that masculine body hair is a white-only thing
You have 5 seconds to be as muslim as possible
This was supposed to be the richest cunt in the world
You will never live in America
I support Republicans, and I'm heading to New York this fall for vacation. How fucked am I?
Go to Russia
Kurva anyátok
Even though Russia is a white country with population of about 150 million, vast land, and massive natural resources...
How do we stop war?
Started Sup Forums for studying english 8 years ago
/brit/ + /commonwealth/
Japanese girls
Do right/left policies play any significant roll in Latin America?
Culture Pals - /cp/
FINALLY have sex with grill
Is there a single country on earth that doesnt have any farms?
Celebrities that make you embarrassed about your country 2.Are you fucking hairy subhuman ape?
Let's have a comfy thread
How do you prefer your steak?
Will USA and Russia ever be friends?
His flag doesn't have red, white and blue
What happens in Novgorod?
There are people in the world who cannot speak English
Is Australia full of scum?
You will never be the impossibly wealthy king of an African empire
Sverigetråden — mysupplagan
Wtf I hate pakis now
How can we make Greece great again?
How many languages are you fluent in?
Name one country
Why communists and leftists don't care about the homicide rates of these countries...
1. your cunt
Pretty impressive desu
How many languages can you speak? How many are you learning? Which ones would you learn if you had more time?
Why do most countries prefer Boeing over Airbus?
Your country is first world but not blue
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
Why do Brits celebrate running tails tucked between they legs?
Brazilian Portuguese:
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
How can a country that has done so much for Science in general can have a population that is so anti-science?
Wtf USA????
European stereotypes in 1720-30
Post some average girls from your country
/ita/ - il filo
Brazil and Russia best friends forever
What do they eat in Argentina?
Hilo latino /lat/
/éire/ + /celt/
Canada has welfare and universal healthcare
I want to leave this shithole
Sverigetråden - JAG VILL INTE
It's coming
/jim beam und voddi/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why is the rock music so white?
Lithuanian in Portugal finds 7000 Euros in cash
Who is considered as the god of war in your country?
Which countries are white?
Meanwhile on bizarro Sup Forums
I want to learn a language for no particular reason other than just brain stimulation, and I've narrowed it to Russian...
1. country
Average person in this shithole believes in curses, jinxes and masonic conspiracies
/luso/ - fio lusófono
The Greek nose is the most beautiful
Is it common for males in your country to wear skirts?
The top design flags of each continent
What do Colombians think of the Venezuelans coming to your country?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
What happens here?
Have any of you heard of the nigerian version of Sup Forums?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1982
Post examples of racemixing gone right
My mom is crying drunk because i have no friends during midsummer to celebrate and party. Also im fat virgin
Which will the be first European nation to become an Islamic Republic?
How fat are you
Imagine being a soviet soldier after winning the berlin battle...
Finland is a JOKE gone too far
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
U are country flag
1. Your country
White man's dog
/ita/ - il filo
Why can't they just get along?
3 U.S. states have a higher GDP than Russia
Show me the thing called breakfast in your country
1. Your cuntry?
How old is Sup Forums?
His country is part of NATO
Culture Pals /cp/
Let's be realists, filling this place with non-whites was the worst Western European mistake in the history
/balk/ - Serbian superiority - edition
When will Italy apologise to greeks for stealing pizza and claiming it as their own invention?
Just fucking end me pls
Before int
/fr/ - Le fil francophone, édition du Pentateuque d'Ashburnham
Russia thread
/ex-ussr/ general
How smart is the average person in your cunt?
Your Heritage Thread
You wake up in commiefornia
Kurva anyátok
Meanwhile in Europe
Why "beautiful black women" and "beautiful asian men" are always the least black/asian looking ones?
Sverigetråden - Snart är det midsommar!
/hell/ - Νήμα Ελλήνων
Can you build a great career from knowing multiple languages, assuming you are not proficient in any other sphere?
There are many animal abuse lovers in Japan
Which is better?
China and Japan is so strong that Korea is so fucking underrated
What flag will planet earth use when aliens or migrations to other planets happens?
Sum up your country in one picture
/axis/ general
I read it on Russia Today
Apparently Bethesda decided to change the Eastern European version of Fallout New Vegas into Russian version...
Le grande nation
This woman claims to be Japanese
I honestly feel bad for this country. Last bastion of whiteness...
I wish I was born 1,000 years ago
An earthquake just woke me up. How did you start your day?
How did this guy and a band of misfits manage to overtake the Cuban fucking government and army!?
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric / Uralic
Anglo masterrace thread
How is midsummer celebrated in your country?
When u realize that the so-called "first world" isn't much better than ur 3rd world shithole
Highly developed
Merkel has been leader of Germany for 23 years already
/balt/ and /ausnz/
An Ideal World
Happiness Report 2017
Miss Croatia 2017
When you see my flag, what do you assume about me and my life?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw no Sup Forums bf
Turkey isn't a islamic nat-
/sag/ South Asia General
Post outside your window into
Race mixing leads to beauty
Are slavs white?
How come Americans hate California so much?
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Who is the worst shitposter on Sup Forums?
Would you rather live in California or Finland?
Polish F16 intercepts russias defence minister
/ex-ussr/ general
Why don't americans wear speedos?
If you think Mohammed was bad you haven't seen arabs before Islam
Commie blocks
Is there anything special about this cunt?
Are Finnish men hated by women abroad
ITT things that don't make sense
Your country
/sag/ South Asia General
Kansas City
/v4/ + friends
How good's your country's education?
/hell/ - /gr/ Γkριk θρεντ
Hope of the German people, kek
Ask a california chicano anything
Be born
W*ite """people""" food
TFW no hijabi to twerk on my cock
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Does Japan know what's about to happen?
What did they mean by this?
Write a story one word at a time using all caps:
Kurva anyátok
What Sup Forums drives?
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - Le Francofil Québécois et francophone
I like Chilé
Why are turks so fucking annoying online?
Just ate 2 whole tubs of peanut butter
Why are white women so attracted to the black man
What happens here?
American one is called LAYS
Mohammed the pedophile
Пoчeмy вce Pyccкиe хoтят гaй ceкc в мaлeнький мaльчикoв?
Why are whites so fucking stupid(TOT)?
This angers and bewilders the Russian
ITT : Rate your own language on a scale of 1 to 10
Why don't you come to Brazil and fuck our women?
On a scale of 1 to Melania how hot is your countries First Lady?
ISIS killed Al Habda
I want Japan to take in immigrants and become multicultural
Which one would do you have the least amount of love for?
Hilo latino
Post ur eye
Mexicans becoming redundant
Quiero charlar con hispanohablantes
How do I start dating american women...
I slowly start to believe that letting in all these refugees wasn't such a good idea after all
Why are Anglo Special Forces so good?
How would your family react if you brought her home?
This is the average BR woman
Which spanish-speaking countries have the best/worst accent?
Goodmorning Sup Forums
You wake up
I-Is it too late to start university at 23? I just feel its too late
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1869
Going to japan in 10 days
Why don't Europeans tip people working in the service industry? It's considered very rude here
My ancestors
You can only post ITT if your not from a genetically inferior race that can't handle the Sun (Rah)
Hello, my international friends
Why do Koreans draw themselves like they really are, but Japanese draw themselves as white or with white features?
/ita/ - il filo
Post old flags of your country with the time it was used
Why is it that so many Japanese people have a vaguely semi-Caucasian look, whereas Koreans and Chinese typically do not?
What parts of the World are White?
9th highest country in terms of iq
Ameritard """""""""education"""""""""
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
When will the Australian government return to be friendly with immigrants?
This is what happens when yellow people chimp out
ITT: Interracial Couples
/éire/ + /celt/ = /thelads/
Do you like the way your country is portrayed by Americans?
Why japanese believe brazilians are green ape-like people?
Be American
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why are diaspora always so much worse than origin countries?
Alright Sup Forumsellectuals, Finnish user made her dissertation about Finnish meme culture (in English)
Recommend some sad or depressive songs in your language
/esp/ - Hilo español, edición: La realidad del hilo
How many cities are there in your cunt?
Kr*uts how do we stop them?
Asians and whites be like "dat ass"
Culture Pals /cp/
ISIS just blew up an 800 year old mosque in Mosul
Ask a drunk Italian anything not personal
/fr/ - Le Fil de la France
Ask a German something
Losing my virginity to a grill
Why the fuck are white people so delusional?
Which countries could collapse within the next ten years?
Duolingo finally introduced Japanese course, is it worth giving it a try?
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Would Britain or France win an all out non-nuclear war between them with no allies?
Ah yes, Japanese "art"
How would your family react if you brought her home?
Le grande nation
30m tall transparent anime grils
Faces of Sup Forums
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Is it true that flying the flag of tour nation is illegal in Europeistan
Bokstavligen jag
Match qt on Tinder
I'm tired of chess... when do I get to play with your cock, user?
I want to travel worldwide through the wilderness with nothing but a sword and bow...
Redpill me on Poland
Groß/deutsch/land in den Grenzen von 1942
Americans marry their sisters and put benis in their sisters bagina to make more americans
Northern european vs southern european
Rank the Cities You've Visited on Your Travels
Italian girls are uuuugl-
ITT sure way to trigger lots of people from your country
Swedish is the official language in Finland along with Suomi. Then why is not Russian also official in this country?
Ladies and gentleman: Euro stereotypes from the 18th Century
J*pan pedophilia BTFO on national TV
I want a Spanish gf
To none Euro anons - how do you view Europe at this present moment?
Kurva anyátok
/deutsch/ - homonationalistische Ausgabe
Why are american houses not build with stone?
How prevelent are credit cards in your country? In America, everybody has at least 3
Dear germans
Did youre a cunt have dragons before?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
This land is for the ______
/fr/ - le fil de la langue française
What do people in brown countries think of really white people? I mean like ginger white
American tries to speak german again
Mfw the 72 virgins are actually big dick niggers
/sag/ South Asia General
/ita/ - il filo
Any monarchists here? I want to beat your ass
Rate my map. Template next
Do Germans get mad about how many times Jewish movies portrait you as evil?
Draw your country (or any country you want really) from your memory only
Hello guys, I'm thinking about switching my major from economics to translation studies
Кpым нaш
You have 10 seconds to prove that you are white
Have you ever kissed a girl?
Do girls in your country post on Sup Forums too?
Post your body, Sup Forums. No need to show your face
LOL bugerboos btfo
I am a failure and, particularly today, have a strong feeling I'll end up becoming a cat lady...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
ITT: Try to guess the first and last name of the poster above you
Bongs will defend this
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Would you like to live in a luxury flats in London?
What is you're honest opinion about Tunisia and the tunisian peoples?
Extinct Animal appreciation thread
Do you love Pakistan?
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric / Uralic
Why koreans are always so butthurt about everything?
Christian only edition
Islam in South America
Feels good to be white
/axis/ general
We miss you <3
Sverigetråden - Ta livet av dig
Why do Italians have no national pride?
Say something nice about my country
I would lick her asshole with the force of a thousand suns
Why are white and white friendly countries so gay?
European virgin nerds
I feel more European than Italian
/sag/ South Asia General
W*ite people food
Invades china
Post your face when you see the cultural enrichment in the west
Hey !
Hey Sup Forums sorry for my shitty question but can an Italian user tell me how to say "Can you tell ____ to call me"...
Mfw cars sold in Slovenia only have 3 gears because they would drive out of the country before shifting to the 4th gear...
Hear this meme that lithuanian girls are the most beautiful
Why kids are so far on the right side these days?
/ex-ussr/ general
Can a Turk explain to me what this thing is?
Wanna see a magic trick?
Help me!!!
He imagines himself heroically saving people from a terror attack
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
How do I get a gf from Brazylia(Brazil for you non-polish speakers)
Fil /fr/ancophone
I've asked this question before, but why do hispanic/latino people h8 Muslims...
How old do I look?
Kurva anyátok
Be American
/sino/ - 中文
How many can you name from this picture?
So, what is up with turkish soap operas?
How is your city called in other languages
How hot is your country right now?
Your country
What is life like in bad europe?
What do Russians think of America?
Balt + ausnz
South*rn and w*stern europeans
/afg/ Africa General
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Fall for the consumerism meme
Kill me
Why the fuck was this allowed?
Hilo latino
What do Asians think of the phenomenon known as "yellow fever"?
Faces of int thread
How deep does anti-American sentiment run in your cunt?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Thank you, Sweden
America has never lost a war
Southern US hate general
Please, colonize us!
When will Indonesia annex this shitty cunt?
How come a lot of Europeans really love 90's American rap music like 2pac and Biggie?
What years does one have to be born in to be considered an "early 2000s kid"?
Was yugioh ever a thing outside of nipland and North America? Never graced with the old yugioh kino?
Has Sup Forums read the Quran? How about the hadiths?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals und später dann wieder /deutsch/
/cum/ Cambodia Uganda Macedonia
Tell me about Kazakhstan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
America, a traditionally tea-drinking country, has abandoned tea in favor of coffee
If you had a button with the option to either Kill
Why is Spain so inferior to Portugal?
I want more Sup Forums wojaks
You wake up in a Black Neighborhood
Australia, Argentina and Brazil have signed a contact and agreed to take US refugees if yellowstone erupts before 2024
Hair of Sup Forums
Is America a dying super power?
Is it true Europeans don't pledge allegiance to their flag when they're in elementary school...
Why don't these countries have their own smartphone or car brands?
This kills the white race
International Survey on Wh*te "men"
When will they leave?
How does a mulatto American acquire a qt white Mexican gf?
Why do pardos look mostly southern european, yet choose to act completely black and exclusively fuck black people?
Sverigetråden - Mysig nattupplaga
Tfw no friends because no social skills
It's an American teaches you new stuff about your country despite having never set his fat legs on the soil of it thread
/luso/ - fio lusofono
Would you rather be an Asian American or Asian Canadian?
Do people genuinely think slavs are as capable as western europeans?
Why do Europeans fear the Turk?
You may only post in this thread if you support Quebec
/éire/ + /celt/ = /theboys/
Is this average/below average/above average where you live?
Wh*tey hate thread
/hell/ hellas general
If you're white, PLEASE! don't reproduce with browns!
How can Europoors compete with THIS!?
Post a song from the place where you are, something emotional with the potential to make you cry
Why are white males so fragile?
Circumference 50cm. Fifty-fucking-centimeters
His country doesn't have an aircraft manufacturing industry
Western Europe literally have terrorists attacks on a weekly and sometimes even daily basis
Could she pass as a local in you're cunt?
Your flag
Why are Finns either depressed and sad or mega shitposters, Sup Forums?
Culture Pals - /cp/
What is it like being from a country that is historically irrelevant?
Are you cut?
What do they eat in Herzegovina?
Sverigetråden - Ensamma upplagan
Why the fug is CNN telling me the Celsius temperature
Ask me anything
Why do Nords have so much land per capita? Why aren't more people living there?
「ITA」 ひろ
Seriously guys, why Spanish people hate White Hispanics so much?
1: Ur flag
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...