/fug/ - Finno-Ugric / Uralic

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Финнo-yгopcкиe нapoды

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Midsummer's day is held in Estonia on the 24th of June, it is a national holiday. the midsummer's day is traditionally celebrated though on the evening of 23th of June. The 23rd of June was not a national holiday for long. It means that people got home after work and then started to celebrate. But on the last years, the 23rd of June has been made also into a national holiday. This means that people start drinking already on the evening of 22nd, that is today. All of this brings up a problem: who is to celebrate the midsummer's day on a real day any more, if everyone will have a hangover tomorrow??

The summer solstice was called Ukon juhla ("Ukko's celebration") after the Finnish god Ukko. After the celebrations were Christianized, the holiday became known as juhannus after John the Baptist (Finnish: Johannes Kastaja).

Since 1955, the holiday has always been on a Saturday (between June 20 and June 26). Earlier it was always on June 24. Many of the celebrations of midsummer take place on midsummer eve, when many workplaces are closed and shops may close their doors at noon.

In the Finnish midsummer celebration, bonfires (Finnish kokko) are very common and are burned at lakesides and by the sea.[5][12] Often branches from birch trees (koivu) are placed on both side of the front door to welcome visitors.[13] Swedish-speaking Finns often celebrate by erecting a midsummer or maypole (Swedish midsommarstång, majstång).[14] Some Finland Swedes call the holiday Johannes after the Finnish term juhannus – or more accurately after the Biblical John the Baptist

In folk magic, midsummer was a very potent night and the time for many small rituals, mostly for young maidens seeking suitors and fertility. Will-o'-the-wisps were believed to appear at midsummer night, particularly to finders of the mythical "fern in bloom" and possessors of the "fern seed", marking a treasure. In the old days, maidens would use special charms and bend over a well, naked, in order to see their future husband’s reflection. In another tradition that continues still today, an unmarried woman collects seven different flowers and places them under her pillow to dream of her future husband.

An important feature of the midsummer in Finland is the white night and the midnight sun.

Many Finns leave the cities for Midsummer and spend time in the countryside. Nowadays many spend a few days there, and some Finns take their whole vacation in a cottage. Rituals include bonfires, cookouts, a sauna and spending time together. Heavy drinking is also associated with the Finnish midsummer.[16]

"One in six people living in Sweden were born outside the country, shows Statistics Sweden’s (SCB) latest data from 2015."


"Finns are the biggest group, with more than 150.000 born outside Sweden, and a further 550.000 second- or third-generation descendants."

I can't wait until we can say that sw*den is Fin(n)ished. They need more refugees and migrants.


Have you ever loved a woman so much u cannot stay a minute without thinking about her?

I hate midsummer and wish all the normies having fun would just die. Luckily the weather is shit so they can't wear whore/Chad clothes without getting cold.

I have fallen in love with girls just because they looked in my general direction for a second in a bus and also because they smiled at me while being cashiers (part of the job). I have never had a girlfriend.

Same here tbqh

This is the song for you


Help lads

>Qt grill I've loved for 3 years confessed to me while we were both drunk that she loves me too
>Only problem is that she has a bf
>Her bf is my best friend

What do guys?

Thank you for the informative thŗead, uralic bros.

do what 's pic suggests

Put kahdeen litran oo haa cee into your car and go for a cruise

Right now, don't do anything. Even stay away from that girl. Things will sort itself out with time. Sleeping with a friend's girl will become the biggest mistake of your life. If you plan to do it, mark my words.

Why am I so cringy?

Does your country have songs that give you the shakes or outright make your eyes wet?


Finland, behold, thy daylight now is dawning,
the threat of night has now been driven away.
The skylark calls across the light of morning,
the blue of heaven lets it have its way,
and now the day the powers of night is scorning:
thy daylight dawns, O Finland of ours!

Finland, arise, and raise towards the highest
thy head now crowned with mighty memory.
Finland, arise, for to the world thou criest
that thou hast thrown off thy slavery,
beneath oppression's yoke thou never liest.
Thy morning's come, O Finland of ours!

>be finnic
>lose wars

>Be Mighty Russia
>Can't take on a small bordernation with ease in 5 years of war and still couldn't annex it.

What was it about tough talk?

more like never wanted t b h
already castrated your blue waters

somehow many Finnish songs really get to me
even some pop ones
it does happen to me with Chilean ones too sometimes but it's much rarer

>What is molotov-ribbentrop pact secret protocol
>What are the numerous boasting speeches by staling that he will conquer Finland in 2 weeks and his men march in Heslinki

Eh? Plead ignorance or are you just another dumb cunt?


Our command during the Russo-Finnish war in 1939 was fucking retarded.
>*Agrees in georgian*
You also had White Death, no fair.

I mean by the time they switched to Timoshenko and he actually started reforming the red army attacking Finland we were out of supplies and exhausted. I guess Stalin went for the peace treaty in fear that Hitler might start barbarossa too early by using Finland as means to break the non-aggression pact. Or maybe he feared that prolonged war could draw Allies in one way or another.

Russians are very easy to kill tbqh they cannot help dying

Voroshilov did what was demanded of him. When it backfired, he was raging mad.
I'd be too, if my boss set me up for failure. He may have had a highly mechanized force, but for an army like that, logistics must never fail.

Do you guys fish?
I caught a whitefish. Hopefully will catch something this Midsummer.

I'm guessing this is a pretty rare thing to like in Chile.

How to aquire qt GF?

Be attractive

Dropped the ball already

Be rich and move to a poor shithole


Lower your standards

How are you homosexuals going to celebrate midsummer day?

My balls hurt

I would like to fish for trout. My best catch this far has been a nice couple kilon trout. But I haven't bought a licence this year.

She burned my heart and soul. I'm a dead man now.

I know that feel bro

>tfw u upload a selfie but it only gets 10 likes

>occupied by Turks for 150 years
>subjugated by Austrians for another 100
>lost two World Wars
>had been cut in half
>forced under communism for 50 years
>raped and pillaged by capitalist filth after that
>currently occupied by Orbán and turned into a pseudo-dicatorship
>Hungary is still the most populous and "successful" Finno-Ugric country

It's true what they say, isn't it? In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. We Finno-Ugrics are the biggest losers of Europe. (and Asia)

What do you mean with most successful Fug country?

Otherwise it's very true that every Fug people have been fucked.

You mean fugged.

There's isn't much Finnic in there to begin with.

Yes, because they are Ugric. In that sense, there isn't much Ugric in Estonians and Finns. But we both are Finno-Ugric.

This is a product of Hungarz. It is verz beautiful and dangerous. Riding this on the midsummerűs night zou can die.

>Putin is a Veps
>Stalin was a Georgian
>Lenin was Mordvin
>Kievan Rus kings were Nordic and Finnic
have Russians ever ruled themselves?

Before Russia formed they have had slavic tribes.

First Romanovs were russians

Out of beer soon. Sad!

>What do you mean with most successful Fug country?
There's 3 independent and free FUG nations in the whole world. Two Finnics and one Ugric one. So compared to the rest of the family, we ought to be considered very successful.
We founded our country 1000 years ago, yours is like, brand new. So technically you're successful, but you arrived a bit late to the party. In your defense, you managed to build a way better country in that short period of time.

>>Kievan Rus kings were Nordic and Finnic
Literally one guy. Also Putin is Russian in pretty much every way

Putin is Veps. He prolly doesn't speak the language but he is ethnically Veps. He even has given money to Vepsians in order to promote their heritage n stuff. In his heart he is, of course, a tibla, he's not leading Vepsia but Russia. But he is of Vepsian heritage and may save a pair of them for nostalgic reasons when he sends all the others to gulag.

If my drink ends and I don't fall asleep while drunk I don't fall asleep at all.

Gib me an Estonian gf, pleeeaaaaseeee!!!

Fugging fuggers

>Lenin was Mordvin
He was a mix of something and something. At his father's side it was some tatar people like Mordva, Kalmyks, etc. His mother was Jewish but she probably had a very diverse ancestry too.
>have Russians ever ruled themselves?
Before Peter.

not sure if loved, but have had a huge crush and have one right now as well. It sucks.

>bend over a well, naked
something suspicious about telling young maidens to do that

What are you doing in my swamp?

>eesti, not suo maa

>Around 1/4th of Estonia is swamps


yeah, but still finland's name is practically swamp so they still deserve shrek memes more

unrelated, what kind of music is popular for normies in Estonia?

Same kind of stuff as in USA. Also so many normies listen to Estonian 90s stuff out of nostalgia

any links of nostalgic 90s estonian stuff?

Nancy - hellalt hoia mind
Merilin Uusküla - Raju reede

thanks, bestonia

Morning guys

hi finland
it's midnight here
any plans for juhannus?

I gotta pretend to be normie today and go to cottage with friends.

sweet, have fun

>with friends
you're already quite normie, senpai

That depends pretty much how you define normie

Mites Suomen lehdistö on näin vapautunut? Onko lukijoiden menettäminen pakottanut ne kirjoittamaan avoimemmin?


"Mühlhausenin raiskaus on vain yksi monista Saksassa viime vuosina sattuneista rikoksista, joissa naiset ovat joutuneet maahan saapuneiden turvapaikanhakijoiden tekemien raiskausten uhreiksi.

Vuosien 2015 ja 2016 välisenä uuden vuoden yönä Kölnin keskustaan kokoontuneet pohjoisafrikkalaisten miesten ryhmät ahdistelivat ja ryöstivät paikallisia naisia niin paljon, että tapauksista tehtiin yli tuhat rikosilmoitusta. Sadat rikosilmoitukset koskivat seksuaalista ahdistelua. Suurin osa ahdistelijoista oli poliisin mukaan turvapaikanhakijoita tai maassa laittomasti oleskelevia."

Hieno homma.
I'm not a sport fisherman at all. I always eat what I catch.
Best Bestonian fish dish? I think the best in the world is bouillabaisse, but that takes a long time to cook.

Does "Hyvä huomenta" mean "good morning"? Or should it be just huomenta?


>Финнo-yгopcкиe нapoды

Komi-Permyak here.

Hyvää huomenta means good morning, but just huomenta works aswell.

Thanks. Apparently learning where I should use double letter and where single one is the hardest part in finnish

the double letter just makes it a descriptive version of the word. even the word huomenta is a descriptive version of huomen, tomorrow. so huomenta means like "a bit of tomorrow" (or in this context "yep have a gander at this tomorrow that just came and is around us" cant really explain it well) and the adjective attached to it (hyvä) needs to be in the same descriptive form as it is (hyvää).

>"yep have a gander at this tomorrow that just came and is around us"

Vittu kun tuota huomenta alkaa ajatella huomaa kuinka kehitysvammainen sanonta.

I am the oppressor of finns and pampering of eestis

hmm, I just realized. Maybe I don't really like her that much and only liked her because she is very sweet to me.

Good morning's

In every measure Finland > Hungary


In Hungaries defence, you adopted many Turkish cultural flaws.

Any of u fags here¿




holy fuck i flipped it and it unflipped itself


head võidupüha!

There are conscripts sweating from the balls RIGHT NOW.

And we've sown more succes in 100 years than you have in 1000

Get's the old noggin joggin steppenigger.

no bully

Oh please. The only reason you're better off than us is you had the landscape, winter, and the irrelevant geography to avoid getting communism'd

It's very difficult to know what exactly went through the minds of the Soviet leadership at the time.
Possibly a mix of paranoia, fear of failure and a hysterical overreaction when faced with a small problem. And a guy on top who drinks while on the job.

>Alko menee kiinni tunnin päästä

yeh, sulle ka.

Will you be committing sin today?