Why are whites so fucking stupid(TOT)?

Why are whites so fucking stupid(TOT)?

>Only two countries from the top ten are not Asian

they consume too much estrogen from drinking water thats why

because we don't cheat like you do asians do

>PISA scores
into the trash it goes.

Norway is there, my bad


because they favor leadership/social skills over studying the extra 2 hours a day to slightly raise useless test scores

its why whites tend to make more money and have larger and more profitable companies

hell, even in the US a person with a perfect 4.0 GPA is less likely to succeed than someone with a 3.7 GPA and good social skills

don't play dumb

>american education

this is only the chinese user

That' just sour grapes.

What is "Science"? Physics + Chemistry? I heard that Americans have no separate subjects for them but some "Science".


chinese power


but its true, and I say this as someone who went to UC Berkeley and used to spend far to much time obsessing over grades before I realized academic intelligence is often less useful than social intelligence in the real world

even during group projects in class people didn't want to be assigned with the Asian exchange students (this wasn't racism, Berkeley is very liberal) because they couldn't work in teams, couldn't present, couldn't write up reports, and were often uncreative. They were almost always relegated to doing calculations and nothing else. This continues into the real world

why are americans so fucking stupid?


'Science' probably means basic chemistry/physics/biology in this context

We do have separate subjects but that normally doesn't start until high school

In elementary and middle school you learn just basic science. In high school you learn the specifics like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc.

I don't know, I think dropping the bombs on you was a pretty smart move.

Whites get affirmative action to help them (relative to asians), not fair

what I said holds true within races and across them, an awkward Asian with perfect grades likely won't be as successful as an Asian with good grades but good social/leadership skills.

if they are so stupid, why are they much better than you at solving math problems ?

inb4 somebody who doesn't know what the imo is thinks this is just autistic mental math calculations

Asians get +10 intelligence but -10 personality