Finland is a JOKE gone too far

finland is a JOKE gone too far

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>in sweden you pay 5x the price

fuck this country i want to leave

Better pipe down or Jarmo will come kick your ass.

Is that a whole pallet of beer? Why not get a keg at that point?

Because cans last longer

>1000 pakki
so racists

Does that include delivery?
Or is this only for people who own a pickup and also a forklift

The logistics, user.

päkkis out

>and also a forklift
The store would isn't going to let someone bring their own plant equipment into the store. Like every other store which sells oversized items, they load it into the back of your vehicle/wheelbarrows for you.

and how will you get it out again at home

You would still have to unload it

You'd like a 1000-pack of sweet cider wouldn't you faggot?

Never seen those 1000 packs but 100 packs are common

you keep it in the car


>tasan 100 egee

Well Karjala costs 0.85€ can
100 pack should cost just 85€

Don't worry about it



>giddings me

Fins are cute.

C U T E.

Ever since whenever it was ruled that a single can or bottle must come as cheap as it would in the cheapest -pack, the pricing has been pretty absurd.

What are you, some child?

who's that bitch


The only thing that comes in packs of 100 in Sweden are Somali rape gangs


the only thing that comes in packs of 100 in italy is poverty and le spicey meatballs

PSA AMERICANS: This picture will FRIGHTEN you if you look for too long.

Ok you too

what's that

kek what is this economic autism

It's illegal in Finland to do "two for the price of one" deals?

if so OP's picture would make absolutely no fucking sense

Just when it comes to alcohol.

Just messing with you guys. My neighbors showed me that music.

They came here from Northern Finland (Kittilatu I think) work in something related to the timber business. Cute couple. They drink 2fast2furious though.

Yes, volume discounts are illegal but only for alcohol.

Kittilä I think
I thought only retirees move there.

Public service announcement. It's rude to post kinder surprises without warning americans.

Jonne's don't remeber when a 24-pack used to cost 15€. Now It's something like 22€ at the cheapest.

I remember 12pack was 9€ and pack of cigs 3.5€ when I turned 18
t. 1992 jonne

I remember that too

t. 1990 OG Jonne

Well desu alcohol prices haven't risen that much, but cigarettes almost double

They've more than doubled if you take into account how much smaller the packs have gotten. A family-pack used to be 32 cigarettes, now it's 24.

Never noticed since I just smoke when drunk. Like those 10 packs are now illegal. Those were great for drunk smokers

I remember when 10PLN note got me a pack of cigs and two beers.

Now I have to resort to cigarettes from belarussian contraband and I have money for only one beer. #endEUnow

>volume discounts are illegal
Why the fuck would anyone buy a 100 pack if that's true

I remember the time when we used to buy 24pack of glass bottles for Jussi, but then again I'm old as fuck.

it's a meme pack
i just buy cans one by one like most people

Drink 3 sweet ciders in Sweden and blanda upp you faggot

For a house party? A football game?
These are those tiny american-style beers. 330ml. A coke bottle. 100 is fucking nothing if youre not doing liquor

First beer i've had stolen from my dad. Too bad they dont sell it anymore

I have no idea. If you bought those as singles or 24 packs they would be about 0,90€ per beer. If you buy a 100pack they are 1,15€. Makes no sense to me other than a bit easier to move. And it's the exactly same beer.

Because Suomi 100v., isänmaa, Karjala takaisin and such.

If you *actually* need 100 beers for some purpose?

check it btw


You know what's funny about this picture? They're going to fuck like rabbits. It's crazy, people with down syndrome have an absolutely massive sex drive. You literally have to separate them with a broomstick. My gf did voluntary service when we were at uni at a camp for these retards. Thank fucking God they're sterile, the earth would be swarming with em.


Alkohol is bad for you. Don't drink it.

t. swedish gubbermint

I remember legenda. I also remember getting absolutely shitfaced from those 1L cheapass lonkero bottles and being unable to drink lonkero for years.


Bro dip: No matter what you do or don't, you still lose in the end.

Are they really sterile? I knew they are super weirdo sex machines but sterility I didn't know.

Yeah where have those 1l bottles gone anyways.

>no kakkapaperi

Ei ole Karhukaan enää "Porin olut", vaan "Keravan kalja".

For whatever reason hobos used to buy those even though the price/litre was more expensive. I guess hobos aren't that smart.

Males are entirely sterile. And noone sane would fuck a female downie lets be serious

I don't remember asking you a god damn thing

Koska siinä oli korkki jonka pystyi sulkemaan ja aukaisemaan. Katsopa sitä litran pulloa

You don't know what weird fetishes people have or how desperate people are.

silti luulis et pulsun kolikot on arvokkaat sille

they aren't human then

Tiukkoina aikoina juodaan Sinolia.



and you aren't thirteen?


En kyllä ymmärrä noita pulsuja. Ite tein opiskeluaikoina kotiviiniä joku 60l kerralla siitä riitti juomista moneksi kuukaudeksi. Ja oli parempaa ku markettibisse ja paljon halvempaa
Tolle setille tuli hintaa joku 35€

Tai oonhan mä vieläkin opiskelija

>should sweden pay finland reparations

Ei niillä oikein kunnon pulsuilla ole paikkaa, kärsivällisyyttä tai 35e rahaa sijottaa seuraavaan känniin.

fuck niggers

Tai sit pöllitään käsidesiä mistä sitä löytyy.

kyllähän sillä vitosellakin pääsee alkuun. hiiva ja sokeri ei paljoa maksa ja jos viitsii niin sillä yhden 0,33l kaljan hinnalla saa reilut 2 litraa 15-18% kiljua. Jotain 12% vielä halvempaa kamaa jos menee leipähiivalla turbohiivan sijasta ja sen hiivankin voi jälleenkäyttää aina vanhoista satseista joten ei tarvitse ostaa kuin kerran
Jos kova hätä niin voi tehdä vaikka semmoisen litran kerrallaan jossain vanhoissa palautuspulloissa (tosin tämä toimii vielä paremmin jos on jostain pyörästä pöllitty duplon-venttiili korkissa)

jeh mutku ne turbospurgut elää vaan tässä hetkessä ja siinäkin tosi typerästi

sitä varten on ahne ja lievästi vähemmän spurgu juoppo joka myy niille omaa kiljuaan suurella voittomarginaalilla mutta silti reilusti kaupan gambiinaa ja tapiota halvemmalla

Koulumatkan varrella on sellanen ensihoitola spurguille ja aina siinä tien varressa ne makailee pelkästään alkon pullojen kera. Välillä siinä seurassa on jotain huumeveikon näkösiä nuorempia kavereita.

Tietenkin yleensä juo alkon viinaa mutta niissä pulloissa voi kyllä olla ihan mitä vaan. Alkon viinaa, jonkun kiljua, pontikkaa, lasolia jos on oikein fiini ja tahtoo juoda sitä gambinapullosta jne. Johonkin ne muualtakin hankitut juomat pitää pullottaa

I could unload it
Would take a fair while and some friends

Finland sounds like they need our 5L goonbags