
Theresa may edition

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if you kill apregnant woman you have killed exactly 1 person.

if you abort a pregnancy, you have killed exactly 0 people

just reduce abortion limits to 10 weeks. thats the radical centrist approach.

i say 10 weeks but i really mean a limit before the foetus starts looking like an actual baby. babies can survive at 24 weeks so that is literally murder.

thats the one. cheers.


An unborn child does deserve to live unless it's going to suffer in vain like those microcephalic children in Brazil.

>s. Johnston Dennis

>are forced to bring some kid they cannot look after into existence.

oh boo hoo they can't murder their offspring.
also, adoption is an ancient and acceptable practice.

my money's on monkey

lenovo trackpads are so fucking dogshit

>Thatcher vs May
Who will win?

so's abortion to be fair


baffles me how people can claim lefties are "compassionate" when this is what they'd be okay with- the murder of 185,000 innocents a year (in the UK alone)

worldwide abortion has ended more lives than several holocausts

yeah good luck getting a kid with downs syndrome or another global disorder put into adoption mate.


ah yes the radical centrist

>o-okay let's please everyone, murdering unborn, defenceless children systematically is okay BUT only if they're 10 weeks or younger, any older and it's disgusting

mmm ah yes, also known as the 'limp-wrist' approach

I warn you, boy, you will be screwed; girl, you will be layed with;

a third penalty awaits the bearded thief.
If a woman steals from me, or a man, or a boy,

let the first give me her cunt, the second his head, the third his buttocks.
My dick will go through the middle of boys and the middle of girls,

but with bearded men it will aim only for the top.

Why are you lads awake this early in the morning?

Literally don't understand how someone could be pro-abortion.

Like, I understand the rationale behind being a social democrat, communist, Kekistani, etc. Believing in the right to legally extinguish the most vulnerable life in existence just boggles my mind.



centrist politics have ruined Europe

it's time for wagies to slave

I, self employed master race, shall just slowly fall into poverty instead

what's the difference between a cock with a glock and a cat with a gat?

cock's got a pecker

if you touch a zygote, not only are you a murderer, you're a nonce too


dumb people (nonwhite) should have abortions

yes, and so is murder and slavery
shouldn't be. Adoption keeps life, abortion ends it

been neet for so long i've found purpose and structure in my life . going to make a business


/stabo the crabo/

if rorkes are so against abortion why do they also fight effective birth control every step of the way?

on my way to wagieville

if you're so against abortion and think that fetuses are life

then why are you wanking and washing your sperm down the drain all the time


180,000 human beings are murdered every year and people call it liberation. insane.

I think that's just your hardcore religious types

cannot believe some women are so vile that they'd seek an abortion after being raped.


find it ironic that the left, who preaches about morals and ethics, has no problem killing infants

never mind. just found out if you want to open a cafe you need the equivalent of $60,000 to $100,000.

why is your country full of niggers?

>tfw called into interview for west midlands police department
>tfw i have become the jannie

more like any younger and they're not children


I know this is the same as an upvote but I do really agree with everything in this post even if the poster was being ironic.

>s. Johnston Dennis


somalis and ethiopians aren't even bantu, they're not niggers in the traditional sense

I'd LOVE to post-natally abort* these anti-abortion papist runts


get a loan

business idea: accuse leading feminists anita sarkeesian of paedophilia and coin the term "feminonce"

*does a little fart*

there's a new Steve1989 video lads

the correct syntax is simply "this"


women let children suck upon their breast, noncery is inherent to them

yes they are
somalians are literally the worst "people" in africa

I think you might be joking, but people say that in sincerity, so....

>man has build up of semen
>no intervention (masturbation being the intervention you mean)
>wait nine months
>get a few involuntary wet dreams, nothing else happens

>woman is pregnant
>no intervention (abortion being the intervention you mean)
>wait nine months
>a child emerges into the world

don't have an issue with people choosing to have abortions exactly, so much as I have an issue with how disrespectful the whole process is, the fetus being treated like just some meat and thrown in the bin is pretty depressing

I think some sort of respect should be given, like a small funeral service and cremation of the remains at the very least. if only to make the act less of a trivial thing.

britain is cucked by germany

how does this make you feel

6 GORILLION QUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

need a job to qualify

new bloke on the range video lads


wow, same

The fall of pan-Arab socialism has had terrible consequences for the world.

*breaks a little wind*

no it isn't

we are the cuckers

Stem cells are fantastic for medical science. Not entirely opposed to taking advantage of a bad situation.

we would be if it wasn't for the fact that we retained our currency
about the only thing of UKIP that agree with.
They should have supported the sterling currency union and stopped right there

harvest them for stem cells. a foetuses body is more useful than any of ours after we die.

Trivialisation is what gets people to go through with it. You reduce the act so some abstract thing.


do I object to slaughtering babies? no

>reddit cells

the euro was probably expanded too fast too soon

none of the runt countries were complaining back when things were nice though

how can you even be a neet in Gods blessed america

>sperm == sperm + ovum

the Euro is shit and only benefits Germany
if the EU collapses it will be because of the euro

Embryonic stem cells are not as practically therapeutic as autologous adipose tissue stem cells and will eventually not be used. They have a high affinity to potentiate into tumorous tissue, if benign, but still useless tissue.

So using fetuses for stem cells is more of a scam than it is anything worthwhile.

>s. Johnston Dennis


wrong thrice

fuck off leftist scum

Would any Irishmen here prefer their own version of the Sterling to the Euro


as it stands, they're useful. they're gettng outdated as time goes on, but they're still useful for research nonetheless.


don't have a problem with even late stage abortion

in fact i think parents should have the right to kill their own child until it turns 3

>the other swede ruining my internet reputation
probably scarred my precious thailad for life with his shitposts

why don't we abort the elderly and not the babies?

we need more abortions if anything, especially in africa

On my tea break


umm thats not true sweaty x

just so people can run away from death a little bit longer?
so many people are basically walking dead as is, they can only prolong their suffering rather than face it.
you can get stem cells elsewhere now anyway
I just think some degree of respect should be given
its depressing enough how little respect animals we eat are given
I just don't think we can take a moral absolutist position on abortion so easily in every case.
if someone is intent on having an abortion they will have it, and are probably not great parents to start with. its sad for the child but at least its suffering is minimal rather than protracted through its life.

why stop at 3

think we should be able to terminate runts until they are 18

pretty sure all these pro-life anti-choice posters are KHHV who will never be in the position to have their life ruined by an unwanted pregnancy

Good luck Yosefa von Finkleberg but the evidence is that your scam clinic in Tijuana will never be more than a fridge for Mexican border hopping housewives vaginal secretions.

>s. Johnston Dennis

7 hours of toil remain

Levels of worthlessness: critical
Happiness: nonexistent
General outlook: utterly defeated


sterilization is more humane


dude... that's pretty gay man, what the h*ll?

I've argued many times that small children are not people and that their deaths are justified in the same way foetuses are. Nobody ever takes me seriously.

>white cis men who will never have carry children argue about abortion


I'm releasing my offspring out into the world, nothing like abortion

The euro isn't a good currency because it was half arsed. Hopefully are macron sorts it out