Ashkenazi Jews calls Sephardic Jews "frankim", which is a derogatory term

>Ashkenazi Jews calls Sephardic Jews "frankim", which is a derogatory term

WTF why are jews so racist?

sephardis are nigger-tier

>whites are racist as fuck regardless of religion

makes you think

You can't expect an open mind from people that call themselves "chosen".

Death to Israel

those are probably black hats. not most jews.
also frankim just means french people

Not until the whole world are jews the fate of mankind is lost... I didnt debug the 6 gorillion for them to finish the scraps themselves!

Thats even worse

Society's tradition on looking down on people with darker skin

I prefer calling them Schwartze desu

As far as i know French are called Tsarfatim by kikes

Yeah it's Tzarfatim in Hebrew but Frenkim in Yiddish

if you ever meet mizrahim its your typical case of dumb, macho and aggressive brown people cucking the lighter-skinned guys.

its weird how the swarthy med types always cuck the light-skinned dorkier groups within a country.

It's actually the other way around. When I was in Israel a lot of the mizrahi girls would be all over me (white goy) and they tried real hard to be white. The aggressive and dumb part is true though but I saw more dark girls with light guys than the other way around. I'd also see lots of short ugly guys with tall cute girls.

That's because you have the potential to score them a green card. Ashkenazi girls don't need you cause they have EU citizenships. Expect them to throw theirselves at you if the EU ever falls apart and their Polish and Romanian passports become useless.


maybe if you're a 90 year-old you call them that

Racists are literally the worst people ever. I simply don't get the idea behind it. Most of the racists just seem to be very insecure about their identity and status.
Stop being racist.

>some jews don't like others jews

Wew, it's almost like they were actually people

ITT: schwarzem

>Jews will call this frankim

no we don't
« frankim » is plural

>french in yiddish
>derogatory te-
Oh I see.. nvm

If there's nothing else to feel good about, there's always your ethnicity. Go-to choice for dumb losers.

Jews are pretty a vile people desu, like Arabs.


Related to us?

What's even worse? :^)

I thought Yiddish was some useless germanic dialect

Why does the eternal jew hate us?

Inferiority complex