Why the fuck is everyone in Alien so sweaty?

Why the fuck is everyone in Alien so sweaty?

Why the fuck does everyone in Alien fucking mumble their lines?

Alot of cheap airlines have a similar issue i assume it would be poor climate control / air recycling. Also i imagine the technology to create interstellar space teavel would emit alot of heat and energy. Like a ships engine room.

Because they are being chasen by horrefying killing monsters. gee i dunno

They black guy still works on steam pipe on the space ship

Coolant tower got fucked up

What enemy did the Colonial Marines before fighting Aliens?

Brown people with valuable land.

Are there other alien lifeforms?

Acturian pussy


Nervous about the bonuses

Bug hunts

Arcturians look like space niggers. Why would you want to fuck a space nigger?

It doesn't matter when its Arcturian


What I don't understand is this

They all seem pretty self confident on this mission. Why???

1. They are confident because they are all war-hardened.

2. They have never fought any war harsh war

Neither makes sense

global warming


Hot studio lights of course

What I don't get is this.

marines look like they were hardened by some tough battles, but not against aliens.

If the "bug hunt" aliens were a fearsome enemy, the marines would have been less optimistic about an unknown race

>They all seem pretty self confident on this mission. Why???
They probably weren't expecting any real resistance, everyone thought Ripley was insane, remember? If they suspected something major, they might have sent more than a dozen people to take care of it.

its a dumb james cameron action flick
they didn't want to send any more and probably wanted a bunch of novice hotheads going in to get fucked up because they wanted burke to bring the aliens back with the least amount of people knowing.

because it was from the era where your actors didn't have to look like they'd walked out of a photo shoot 100% of the time, and audiences were actually okay with people looking sweaty / dirty / tired / generally unappealing

oh boy here we go

it's just a pretty simplistic vietnam allegory dude

because in space nobody can hear you


Because a black man dressed as a weird looking creature is loose

>he hasn't seen A Time To Kill

Sweatyfu :3