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Television and Film
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Television and Film #764
Television and Film
She's perfect
How the fuck can you say that Dexter was a good show?
Why is "Snape kills Dumbledore" the big meme spoiler when "Dumbledore told Snape to kill him" is the more important...
Will vidyashit replace capeshit?
Never seen this discussed on here
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this is one of the most important scenes of Suicide Squad?
Fantastic Beasts' box office success will justify the inevitable decades-long milking of the Harry Potter legacy...
What did she mean by this?
The Walker Brothers
Why was Darth Maul in lord of the rings?
Such is life
Set during WWI
Wait whole year for a decent movie to see in theatre
Tfw Sup Forums has made me so autistic I just spent $200 on a meme
Worst early/classic Simpsons episodes?
I feel like this is just a gigantic blowjob to NASA
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Reccomend me a film
It was a different time
Why does a military robot need lipstick?
Isnt he a little bit cruel and hateful though...
W/ Westworld Thread General
Leonard: Let's have sex!
Meanwhile on female Sup Forums
What did he mean by this?
Punished 3po
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
People really believe it was all in his head
ITT: WW2 kino
Australians get home and start posting
Is she a Mary Sue at this point?
Perfect shows don't exi-
What do you do?
Why didn't Upham kill any of the other 5 Germans
Did anyone else see Hacksaw Ridge this weekend?
Where were you when you saw past the shills and realised this was Kino?
Ash vs Evil Dead
What's your pleasure, sir?
The fuck? that looked like a tiny ass tap and that dude dropped like a sack of hammers
Holy shit this was bad
*muffled humanoid screams*
Has a movie ever put you to sleep?
Why are niggers so violent?
W/ Westworld Thread General
Serious question, have there ever been porn stars that broke out into mainstream acting?
Are there cringier comedians out there? Can't watch an episode without wincing and switching tabs momentarily
How do I get into Helena Bonham Carter?
I just came back from this film, and I nearly cried at the end. Definitely top 5 of the year
Would Buffy have been better if it only starred males?
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
So, what did Sup Forums think?
When did SNL stop being funny?
T-minus 6 months left until the telekino event of the century
Hey Sup Forums, remember CN City?
Is it worth buying all seasons of Breaking Bad?
W/ Westworld Thread General
One of the greatest films of all time? What do you think of it?
What do you guys prefer?
Anyone else physically repulsed by this relationship?
How would the Harry Potter movies be different if Harry lifted?
Yfw writing .rolldan in the Name field rolls you a Dan name
I can't date a girl with bad Carfax
So what happens in 5016?
Was Jerry's style fashionable in the 90s?
W/ Westworld Thread General
Rape scene comes up
Is he, dare I say, our guy?
Planet earth 2
"As you know, we ineherited quite the budget crunch from president Trump"
Give me the name of one movie... just one
MCU is getting more inventive with their third act, don't you think?
The mods have confirmed on irc that they are abandoning Sup Forums and all the janitors are to ignore reports for...
ITT: shows no one gives two fucks about
W/ Westworld Thread General
The episode where kramer is mistaken for being mentally challenged
Which actors have improved the most over the span of their career?
The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
I put off watching Batfleck until now and holy fucking shit this is bad
Post perfect costume designs
Is it any good
Saw all harry potter films today and I must ask
Why Do Marvel's Movies Look Kind of Ugly?
The Wicker Man
I never knew Tim Allen had once been caught with a pound and a half of cocaine. Pretty crazy, honestly...
Now that the dust has settled what is Sup Forums's honest opinion about the Meme in Shell trailer?
Was he a Republican or a Democrat?
W/ Westworld Thread General
At the cinema
How do you go from this
ITT : we cast people who deserve biopics
Get out
How dumb and self destructive is this guy?
Worst blu ray cover art thread
That episode 9 ending was some powerful shit
Captain America
3 minutes of screentime
What have you picked up during this November's Criterion sale? Also, judge other poster's purchases
What a fucking little bitch, seriously...
How did this show end up being so aesthetically pleasing, both visually and musically? It's almost, dare I say it, kino
W/ Westworld Thread General
Post your favorite film from each genre
You were never a god. You were never even a king!
Alien > Alien 3 > ... > dog shit > Aliens
Green Room
AMA with a real doctor and my last name is Pavel
Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering...
Its time
Black Vilains
/90 day fiancée/
Is it possible to play two films at once using MPV Player?
ITT: Actors with no range who play the same character every movie
It's shut
ITT : people who did nothing wrong
What's your height, weight, and favorite film?
"A werewolf only answers to the call of their own"
Walking Dead Pre-Game Thread
Lemmeaux u sumin conan
/trek/ thread
How the fuck is this movie so unknown? It's fucking brilliant
Cast her
Why did it have to be her, Sup Forums? Why not Hermione? Why not Luna? Why not fucking Draco Malfoy at this point?!
Futuristic setting
Opinions on Jane Levy?
The never ending debate
She isn't playing Mary-Jane Watson
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
What does Sup Forums think of anthony jeselnik
Star Trek Beyond is a box office bomb
Cast him in a live-action JoJo movie
I have been eat this stuff and the turkey strips for 3 weeks I get at the doller store along with the Fanta I do this...
American Dream
Did you help the Marvel stars defeat Trump?
ITT: Villains who did nothing wrong
Now that the dust has settled
"Yeah, I live off right behind the intersection by 11 right behind second avenue on third!"
Another "coming of age movie"
Universal BTFO of BvS!!!!
Post fantasy adventure films
Fantastic Beasts
What the fuck was his problem?
Youtube comfy-core kino
What would you do with it?
How do you feel about this Sup Forums?
Aunt Zelda or Aunt Hilda?
MFW they got 5 Mil for reboot of MST3k
Cinema of the Right
Is she the only decent youtuber alive?
Shit characters in great shows
What scene is this from? What's the shows name? Any YouTube links...
90 day fiance is great, thanks to that user who posted this webm yesterday
American Nature Documentaries
Dunston Checks In
George Clooney buys NYC condo!
She throws the spear into the water in hopes of getting rid of the object that can cause Superman harm...
Movie Adaptation When?
What's next for his acting career?
ITT: post a picture, get a film recommendation
If no one knows your rich are you really rich?
Who's your favorite /israeli/ actress?
What was his name again Sup Forums?
Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god tier ideology...
Essential capeshit
So what do you think the plot will be?
Is SNL biased against Trump?
How hard is to get an actress girfriend? What are their interests? I mean...
How did he get away with this unlike Polanski?
Sorry Sir, we have a No Singles policy here
Name a better Sup Forums show
Is it worth seeing this...
Impractical jokers
How would you make a modern version of this?
FACT: No one on Sup Forums disliked the Star Wars prequels until Red Letter Media told them to
MDE World Peace season 2 to premiere in February 2018
You can tell a lot about a person by what their favorite episode of Black Mirror is
Look, he's asleep!
Why is it still acceptable for actresses in physically strong roles to be overweight,unfit and/or skinny?
Who /loveschristmas/ here?
ITT: Criminally underrated actors
Hello sir! At the cinema alone again I see?
If he assembled a team of three Robbies and taught them how to be super villains, would he finally catch Sporticus?
2016 is close to an end...
ITT: actors ruined by the 2016 election
Keira Knightley thread
Why are niggers so violent?
They do know they're not actually in Star Wars? they're in a spinoff
Civil War: A+
ITT: Dadcore
So what do YOU accept as canon anons...
Why is she so perfect, Sup Forums?
These people aren't journalists, so why does Sup Forums try to hold them to the same standard as real news men?
Star Wars: Game Of Thrones’ Emilia Clarke joins Han Solo movie
He's still posting Joker stuff, dude's not going anywhere
Why didn't they just let him get something to eat?
Its a Truman buys cocaine and stays up all night snorting what is actually laundry powder episode
Who was in the wrong here?
He chooses a film based on the box art and not the ratings
What the fuck was his problem?
Will their show ever recover?
Female comedian with a guitar walks onto the stage
What the fuck has gotten into him...
WTF americans?!
Did he do it?
W/ Westworld Thread General
At what age did you grow out of Star Wars ?
Opening weekend lower than Doctor Strange
Sunday Webm Thread
Fictional foods you've always wanted to try
What's her end game?
You want to act like a nigger then I'll treat you like one!
What do you think about her newest movie? (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children)
Watching a movie
Lord of the Rings Star Elijah Wood Says Hollywood Gripped by Powerful Pedophile Ring
ITT: Actresses with feminine shapes
What's his name again?
Husbando Thread
Well that was a waste of 90 minutes
I miss him, bros
Theatrical or Extended?
Where is the movie discussion?
/got/ general
Reaction Image
Rhaegar Targaryen started a war over this?
John Wick
He loses his favourite movie on his dating profile
What's your favorite movie about Christianity, Sup Forums?
What was your favorite movie when I was 8 years old?
Stop watching comic book movies
Trump BTFO by Michael Shannon
Worth watching?
Fuck this garbage
How will SNL ever recover?
You don't really think he's a good actor?
Why doesn't Kojima make actual films instead of video games? He knows plenty of people in hollywood...
What did swaglords masseuse girlfriend mean by this?
What is the most 90s movie ever made?
Barely even in his 30s
This 'thing' is supposed to be the #1 model of all time that changed the fashion industry forever
ITT: Actors who married for money
Movie of the year?
The video that killed Marvel
Sup Forums BTFO
Ran out of hard drive space
Is this the best Holocaust movie?
So I just watched this last night. Why is it claimed to be 10/10 and one of the best films ever? It was quite boring...
Would you?
What is this film called again, Sup Forums?
As it carries their reverie on
What does his expression really convey?
Based on a true story
Is she, dare I say, /ourgirl/ ?
Literally who tier actor
This film has been dominating the Japanese box office for the past month or so
What went so right?
Will there ever be a TV show as well written as VTMB?
What are some films where free speech is censored?
JLaw's new bf is 19. These types of relationships seem to be becoming the norm among women in Hollywood
10/10 films
What is this pose trying to convey?
What role would you cast her in?
Movie bob vs Donald Trump
Tfw we will never have a scene as kino as this in the Star Wars series EVER again
Michelle Trachtenberg Thread
Is the SNL really biased?
Is it kino?
Why did he go to doormamu?
The Young Pope
What's next for MEW's career?
Muggleshits persecute Wizards throughout the ages
/webm kino/
He quits vlogging. Are you happy now?
Tfw my wife disliked all the rocky films but loves creed
/got/ general
Itt: falls from grace
What happeneded to her?
A coming-of-age story
The monster is really a metaphor for the main character's inner struggles
I'm so bored, Sup Forums. Recommend me a movie or something
Was Armond White right about Batman V Superman?
What went so horribly wrong?
>yfw last movie you watched
This didn't make any sense at all
Han listen to me! The force and the Jedi are real! My friend and ally was Yoda, the leader of Jedi!
Was it really that bad?
So they have an entire universe to explore and could've done all kinds of crazy shit with Sith and/or Jedi yet decided...
And your... beard is so... twisted
I'm so sick and tired of people thinking this girl can act
Hacksaw Ridge Christkino?
Are multiple waifus allowed?
It's a genderswap episode
Whats his endgame?
Post top tens of the year lads
Make it Sup Forums related
Come up with a spin-off for TWD
What are some good underdog films? I really enjoyed Rocky and Training Day
Will Amy finally get her Oscar?
Whats next for his career?
What are some movies about the pure and innocent dying young?
It's a 'you just wanna know the history and value of pieces brought into the shop...
The Neon Demon
Angry Joe movie reviews
The Grand Tour
Who was in the wrong here?
Best single episodes of television shows?
You will not laugh! You will not cry! You will learn by the numbers. I will teach you
Fantasy adaptations
I can't be the only one who thinks Blunt is the greatest actress currently working in Hollywood?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Left or right?
Jon Stewart says Trump voters aren't racist, comes under attack by SJWs
Do you think she has what it takes to be the next Bond girl?
This will never be Wonder Woman, how does that make you feel?
Ben, f-family comes first
I know women age like milk, but God damn
The Double Life of Veronique
I'm playing super mario on a poorly coded Nintendo 64 emulator
You will never have abs like Camren Bicondova
Is this, dare I say it, Christmaskino?
Why do normies push the "the prequels were bad" meme?
Can I ask you something?
*muffled humanoid screams*
In the 50's, this was honestly considered attractive
Buffy would have been better if it finished with season five
Why are niggers so violent?
Is she /ourgirl/?
Recommend me a movie user
Walk into pyramid
This is MOTY. Too bad Sup Forums will dismiss it because
*rolls around in the snow*
'Monster Trucks' Loses $115 Million for Viacom/Paramount Before Release
Is there no better feel than getting super drunk and rewatching Indiana Jones movies?
Being a woman, I only have access to the equipment, 30, 45 minutes per week--and that's on a good week!
Straya hours
Watch where you're going, fat ass!
*muffled humanoid screams*
Should I skip season 1 and 2? Which are the essential episodes that i shouldnt skip?
(You)s thread
Is there an actor better when it comes to looking like you just killed 20,000 toddlers/thousand yard stare-look?
What happened?
SNL General 2
Modern Family feels like a bizarre nightmare written by a 13 year old girl. Dad is always wrong, mom is a tyrant...
So I finished the uncucked version of Leon: The Professional, did he buy this dress whilst being injured...
People are not happy about Fantastic Beast's lack of diversity...
This is First Lady Melania Trump
Music video kino thread
/boipucci/ general
Has there ever been a movie that was falsely advertised as a genre in the trailer than what it was meant to be?
ITT: We pretend we're pirates
ITT: People who deserve an Oscar more than fucking Leonardo DiCaprio
This is Major (American)
W/ Westworld General
Ugly actresses that you would fuck silly
What comedy shows/comedians should I watch to become a funnier person?
What are your favorite movies that take place in a Desert setting?
My flatmate and I both love cooking and cooking shows and wanted to start a youtube channel with this new video camera...
Contact is better than Arrival
Ok but why did they end it like this
The modern world is a Jewish disease
Was this fucked up?
Hey faggot, wanna pet my snake?
Frig off, Ricky!
/SNL General/: Comfy Gentlemanly Comedy Edition
The Main character of the last movie you watched fights pic related, who wins?
Marvelfags BTFO
No Black Mirror thread?
Ronda Rousey's movies postponed/cancelled due to her acting ability
Nice haircut bro
How the heck do we save Sup Forums?
ITT: post unique characters
What's the weirdest boner that you got while watching a movie?
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
What were they smoking when making this?
Was it too smat for the general audience?
Robbie Rotten thread
Oh boy. Sounds like Michael Rooker fucked up
Dormammu! I've come to bargain!
Are you fucking kidding me?
ITT - Failed Attempts At Pathos
Idiocracy proves that Mike Judge is a complete sociopath who supports eugenics. Prove me wrong
What are some good President films? I've seen W and Frost/Nixon. They're both pretty good
Movie adaptation when? It could be a perfect Nightcrawler or Taxi Driver pastiche
What did it mean, Sup Forums?
Apologise.. right fucking now
Whats next for her career?
Now that the dust has settled
Does she have what it takes to transition into mainstream movies and TV shows?
You snoze, you loze
Is he all day drunk?
Movies you've tried multiple times to sit through and failed
That's Kong. He's king around here
Well that was a waste of 90 minutes
What are some movies that btfo plebs
Thoughts on this? I thought it was hilarious
Wtf i wanna kiss my cousin now
Leo BTFO by tina fey
Is Funhaus Sup Forums approved
"user, why do you say such bad things about us Muslims?"
Am I in the wrong for feeling disgusted at celullite?
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Seriously, what happen to her?
ITT waifus only you have
This is such a bad movie
Whats the best film from every genre
What's a good movie/cinema/kino/flick about crippling depression?
Who /90 Day Fiancee/ here?
*leans back*
Is there anything positive about this movie?
Why is hanging the most elegant form of suicide?
Mfw Jared Leto just posted this and another Joker pic
Imogen Gay Poots
ITT: Villains with more badass right hand men
What are some movies where the main character gets what they're after, then realize it wasn't what they wanted at all?
Total Recall
Name a flaw
What's his name, Sup Forums?
The Grand Tour is awful
So who was right?
Alpha thread
This scene is genius
Did she get kidnapped?
What're some good military op movies? A couple that I really enjoyed were Sicario and Lone Survivor
Mfw it's the comfiest period of the year
W/ Westworld General
Is Dexter's Laboratory cartoonkino?
You did see this masterpiece when it had its original cast, right?
Would be possible to film a movie with aesthetics similar to Dark Souls, without CGI...
Why did 80's movies always portray the future as dark and dystopian?
Best films of the century so far
Trains for 4 months
Cary Fukunaga: "Cinema is dominated by white, middle-class males"
Is he the undisputed voice of our generation?
We finally settle this
/ourguy/ general
When can we expect trailers for the following?
Are there any cyberpunk movies worth watching aside from Blade Runner?
Italians talking scene
Marathoning this right now. Its pretty bad. I wanted to like it
What was the purpose of this character?
You're a supple boy on the playground in 1994
Get a job
Worth checking out?
Does this talentless heck needs to be in all movies
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
ITT: delicious movie theater snacks
I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here
Defiant best ship. Enterprise fags get rekt
Young Maleficent is best malefica. Youth appreciation thread
This is a very shitty inaccurate moive
What's his best """"""""""interview""""""""""?
Ayn Rand and King Wallis Vidor made the greatest pro-liberty film of all time...
Whats the infinity gems of the DCEU?
Remember when Sup Forums's favourite show was Community?
I'm going to blockbuster
Did anyone apply to be a janitor for Sup Forums?
ITT: Essential Fedoracore
Why shouldn't the NSA and the CIA watch everyone to protect Americans...
Why do people say this was good?
Populars movies you still haven't watched
Childhood is idolizing Sportacus
What went wrong?
GitS 2017 will suck and you know it
What does Sup Forums think of Tim Heidecker ?
How shall I sum up my life? I think I've been particularly lucky
Early 2000s
Leaves larry because she met another guy on the plane and larry couldnt hear her on the phone
What a some good films about hospitals?
What was her problem?
Will this be the film of 2017?
Do you find this clip funny, Sup Forums ?
Going to see weekend movie with your family. It cost over $100 for everything includes tickets, popcorn, and drink
What an overrated shit show
Is this kino?
The ending isn't what's important it's the journey that matters!
Why does cloverfield lane get so much praise while this movie gets so much shit? It was literally better in every way
So now that Casey Neistats finished with vlogging
So we some kinda suicide squad
What will she do now? Now when hillery lost
Riddle of Steel
Movies high schoolers watch to feel smarter than everybody
What went so horribly wrong?
Now that Kate Beckinsale is openly dating an 18 year old...
Can we discuss anime on Sup Forums?
Is blade runner any good? im thinking about streaming it but i never saw it
New Ellekino
Who is your favorite sharktank? mine is robert
Member house?
Why are people not going to the movies anymore?
Why don't you make your own movies, guys?
Is Extreme Love: Autism Louie's most memetic documentary?
PTA and Thomas Pynchon BTFO
Pls encourage me to watch one movie a day
Will it be Shit?
Very hyped
Did anyone watch this show...
My wife wants me to cum in a cup. What's that old phrase Raymond, monkey see monkey do...
Will you too Rebel™ in December ?
Norm + Normies
“They can’t be happy about this internally,” opined a rival distribution chief about Warner Brass brass today...
How will the inevitable Trump episode play out?
Hey Sup Forums
Who would win in a game of wits if the turf was a big abandoned house?
Is this the greatest piece of TV comedy?
Overrated Movies
What is with the feminization of asian men in tv shows and cinema?
/got/ general
/got/ general
How to kill the movie theater business in one simple step!
Are these fuckers literally immortal? I've seen some of them with vegetation and shit growing on them...
Dark Matter has started filming, No word on an air date yet though
Recommend me some movies about clingy girlfriends
What was his fucking problem?
Show me a anime better than this
Police: "He was fired over a month ago"
If you went back in time to 00s and someone told you Donald Trump was president. Would you believe them?
Arrive to new region
What were your thoughts when A Real Hero started playing at this moment?
Hacksaw Ridge
WebM Thread
You posted in the Baneposting threads?
I don't get it. The pacing was rushed, the plot was flimsy at best, the action sequences were laughable...
Who the fuck greenlights these shitstain tv shows?
Is it too much to ask that a group of people with decades of watching movies and how they're made use some of their...
Waste Oscar speech lecturing about climate change
Opinions on a critically acclaimed drama "Mayli"
The Grand Tour
Who came out the worst in all this?
Is anyone excited about new Gilmore Girls on Netflix? They even got Melissa McCarthy to come back...
The epitome of liberal comedy
Luke, did I ever tell you about your mother, Padmé Amidala...
Any chance of a gundam film now when the anime craze will hit Hollywood?
This guy is by far the best mainstream director working today, right? he's like an actually talented Nolan
Implying wolowitz isn't best character
For England, James?
Is the Bionicle Cinematic Universe, KINO?
People who literally did nothing wrong
There is a rumour that a ghostdirector is helping out Zack Snyder with Justice League
What's this guys' name again?
Wizards must accept muggles
Who was in the wrong here?
Emilia Clarke Joins ‘Star Wars’ Han Solo Spinoff
You need to be murrikan to enjoy this series or something?
Foreign film
He's half berry
Do burgerclaps really wear shoes inside or is that just a tv and movie thing? It's fucking disgusting
Who is more of a Mary Sue between these two?
What happened with him? This is just sad
What did they mean by this?
Is Hellboy 1, 2 worth the watch?
Will he ever be able to top this performance, or should he just retire?
This looks like a reboot of the original with modern pop culture / social media references. Do not want
Why does modern film and tv industry cater so much to manchildren?
Am I the only one who liked this?
A Terrence Malick flick
She has milky boobies
W/ Westworld Thread
Then and now
Movies guys with small dicks like
Is there a more based Jew than Jerry Seinfeld (other than Larry David)
The Terror
Excuse me, Rick, may I ask you a question?
What are his best roles?
Do Americans really tip the cashiers in theaters?
Emma Roberts is a breath of fresh air in an industry dominated by shitty basic brunettes right now
Doctor /who/ general
Why is he always doing it?
*sips tea*
What are the best movies in the mini monster horror genre?
What's his end game?
Ok guys we have to cast main female character of Obi Wan Kenobi inevitable spinoff film. She has to be:
Westworld BTFO
Seriously, what was this guy's fucking problem...
2006: I like him because he is Johnny Depp!
What did Charlie Brooker mean by this?
/typ/ The Young Pope General
ITT: White actresses who would make a better Kusanagi than ScarJo
Alright Sup Forums, I have to ask seriously, do people only like Aiden Gillen because of the memes...
Is the fact that all her shows get cancelled and films flop karma for her political beliefs?
Does someone understand this?
What's his best film?
Walk into the theater
Movies non racists will never understand
What made Dave Chappelle resurface again?
How does it make you feel?
Was she a good person?
Women movies will never understand
Movies women will never understand
Shannon on Batman v Superman: "I watched it once and I fell asleep"
What are some Kstew kino?
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
How come there's no IRL hype for Rogue One? Is there a Star Wars fatigue already?
What are some actors that the Hollywood machine have tried to convince you are attractive?
Wait, did they give her CGI boobs?
What aren't there more ebony goddesses in tv and film?
So what is the best kino for this year?
Has Trump ever said what his favourite movie is?
Do you think George Lucas regrets giving up the Star Wars franchise?
I went to go see this cinematic excretion today
Who's the bottom though?
Whats the comfiest movie you've ever seen?
Reluctant to have sex with his bangin' 7/10 sister
Does anyone actually watch this?
Cory Monteith was a drug-abusing degenerate, GLEEfags need to stfu about how much they miss that scumbag addict
I..I could eat a knob at night
Is it a problem?
What was his fucking problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
What was this shit?
Why aren't women allowed to be late night hosts?
Characters that are literally (You)
Why isn't he married or have children yet?
Every thread on page 0 is politics related right now
Walk into pyramid
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
What are some movies about the innocent and pure dying young?
Armin Tamzarian
So I watched this with my brother and dad, I had seen it before, they had not
Directed by Josh Trank
It's a truman decides to cum in his own face and immediately regrets it episode
Why was this so good?
What was his problem fucking problem?
Could I literally make a successful indie film by stealing scenes/writing from my favorites and just tweaking/editing...
So Mike Pence was booed at tonight's performance of Hamilton
Anyone applying? Why?
Dunkirk: Nolan makes a patriotic film about the British military running away to let an ally die
Just got diagnozed with prostate cancer...
A happy ending in MY Black Mirror? Get outta here
What was her fucking problem?
I'm a computer
How do we feel about Leon: The Professional?
Man, they are not happy. Opinion pieces in 3...2...1
This is one of the most obnoxiously stupid things I've ever seen
Plot hole Wouldn't the aliens simultaneously be trying to learn earth language with the advantage of better technology...
Why hello beautiful
I watched Alien today, and enjoyed it quite a bit
Leia Thread?
Is this out fit age-appropriate?
Don't even bother arguing
Is he the Antichrist?
Find a flaw
What went wrong?
Star Trek Thread
ITT: Favorite movie quotes
Remember when they ruined an entire movie pretty good production values and great cinematography and mostly good actors...
Has a TV ever jumped the shark as quickly as this one has?
Will this go down as the most important episode of late-night TV in history?
I don't know what to do, Sup Forums. If I get caught torrenting movies again, my ISP permanently shuts off my internet...
Is ҫunny the path to enlightenment?
W/ Westworld Thread General
Kanye presidency
What do you think when you see this logo?
Who was in the wrong here?
The Grand Tour First Episode
Old white guy appears
What does Sup Forums think of Rooney "Roon Roon" Mara?
What is the name for this type of humour?
Lets settle this debate once and for all: Who was in the wrong?
If citizen kane were made today and set in modern times, what would be kane's last word?
Post something Sup Forums related that will really make us all think
Only 70 million
Reminder: James Cameron is making 4 Avatar sequels
Film was shot in 2012
The Pacific
Emoji Movie
Which one is the true TeenDrama Kino?
Why aren't there many conservative comedians?
Dormammu! I've come to bargain!
Who's the better actor? Who has more range?
Mean Girls 2 when?
Is Abigail Spencer's acting in Timeless good?
Do niggers actually do this?
Ramona or Knives?
Who will play Alice in the upcoming Resident Evil reboot film...
Yo guys what do I watch tonight
What was her superpower?
Little kids show
Shitty actress
I miss him everyday bros ;_;
This movie is severely underrated
Hacksaw Ridge
Shows only you remember
I am interested in watching Black Mirror. But how heavy is this show? Will it mentally fuck me up...
Will J.K. Rowling ever recover?
Jesus Christ
The plot twist blunder of the century
Brosnan > Connery > Dalton > Moore > Craig
Is Disney not aware of the phrase "Too much of a good thing is a bad thing"?
What does Sup Forums think of Heavyweights?
Why does everyone hate her?
Are there any good movies about Rhodesia? I was never taught anything about the place in school...
The Warcraft film should've been Arthas' story
Cuck destroyer here
The Mother of Burgers is gonna be in the Han Solo film. Well, Sup Forums?
ITT: Your favorite quotes from either the American or UK versions of The Office
/bb/ Big Brother OTT
Marvel BTFO by this qt
W/ Westworld general
Passengers (2016)
Why don't people like this movie? The plot is interesting and compelling...
Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman
Space Jam
This movie was really boring. Anybody actually liked this?
So he was cucked by both Shane and Negan and I am supposed to root for him?
If you disagree kys yourself
Spends her whole life doing drugs and getting gangbanged
Why did it fail bros?
Look at this image
Watch Sopranos for the first time
ITT: People that no one hates
Asked what he thought of Jared Leto’s portrayal of the manic, deranged, murderous clown, in Warner Bros...
Simpson jokes you never got
How have special effects barely progressed in the last 11 years?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
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