Why Do Marvel's Movies Look Kind of Ugly?
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okay. we've all seen it. stop shilling your fuckig youtube channel
not my video tho
To be honest, the video was good until he compared it to his over-saturated edits.
You do realise its intentional right? You dumb newfags.
By making each movie have the same colour pallet they make it so there isn't a massive colour battle whenever they cross-over to other movies.
This way when scenes like in Civil War occur, they don't need to worry about massive colour contrasts between everyone.
Kekereke kekekeekeeeeeee kekekereke
The video has 300k views. People other than its author have watched it.
What a fag.
"Why does it look like dirty concrete?"
I thought the marvel movies were colorful as you can possibly get before realism is out the window. What does the guy want? Finding Nemo?
why couldn't they pick a nice color palette then? because they are hacks. Also, are you saying that they would color every character differently according to their origin movies in a crossover? Do you realize how dumb that sounds?
Your argument is retarded because Iron Man was the first MCU flick and it had a better looking color palette.
this guy is obviously a butt blasted DCcuck.
>Why CW looks like concrete?
Because the directors thought they were making an action thriller, so they made it look like one, exposing the cgi.
However, the guy raises a few good points about how cheap the MCU post-Whedon looks. Would suggest watching this video too:
Nice argumemts capedittors.
Grown ass men whining about goddamn comic book movies.
> Oh it's this Shillary cuck again
>What a fag
Nice response.
>I thought the marvel movies were colorful as you can possibly get before realism is out the window.
Do you watch anything other than Marvel movies? Vibrant and saturated colour schemes don't automatically make a movie unbelievable or unrealistic. And even if they did, these are superhero movies that we're talking about. To settle for a drab, boring colour grading style on the grounds that it allows the film to retain some degree of 'realism' is entirely counter-intuitive to how the genre works.
This is the series of movies which stars a scientist transforming into an invincible green giant because of gamma radiation, and a species of camp Norse god-aliens. And a talking Raccoon.
The first Avengers movie was literally the worst looking MCU film at the time, mainly because Whedon is a tv director with no real technical knowledge in that area.
This is the reason why Bizarre Physician looked so mediocre despite having the BEST MIND BLOWING VISUALS OF THE CENTURY WATCH IT IN IMAX 3D.
>this angry mouseketeer
when will disneylets ever learn
>I thought the marvel movies were colorful as you can possibly get before realism is out the window
>people with superhuman skills is realistic enough but colour correction is too far
Is this really a surprise to anyone?
Even my pleb friends who know jackshit about filmmaking told me that Marvel movies look "like their television shows on netflix".
Why must you turn this thread into a house of lies?
M8 people are stupid but you can't fool the eye. They may not know what's exactly wrong with the movie but they will know something is off.
Besides, people are in for RDJ and quips.
I don't think they're going to dislike the movie because the cinematography isn't like the X-Men or DCEU films.
And because brightly colored comicbook movies look like comicbooks which is very, very bad. Starting with Batman Begins comicbook movies became good for the first time ever because they didn't look like comicbooks. They looked like real kino. In low saturation Captain America looks kinda cool. In high saturation color he looks like a gay pride parade.
He has a point about the MCU refraining from using heavier contrasting colors. It's weird how comic book movies try so hard not to look like comic books.
>It's weird how comic book movies try so hard not to look like comic books.
>It's weird how comic book movies
Stop right there.
*Marvel Studios comic book movies.
These posts show why capeshit should stick to comics and animation. The scenarios and designs are too abstract and fantastical, making them unable to be fully realized in a live-action format.
That looks bad.
Their Netflix shows look much better.
Hell darkness my old friend...
Also op's video is full of shit Nerdwriter1-tier, Marlel movies bleak only Civil War and Age of Ultron in some moments. But DCEU's ofc are much better, much kinoer.
>Marlel movies bleak only Civil War and Age of Ultron in some moments
It's not that they are bleak but they are bland af. See the entirety of Dr Strange
This is why I come to this subplebbit. Your opinions are worthless but this Sup Forums-speak is just adorable.
>This way when scenes like in Civil War occur, they don't need to worry about massive colour contrasts between everyone.
Wow, you think ppl mind if spiderman looks more red than in the movie they saw 3 years ago and barely remember since it was shit ?
Standardisation is pure cancer. Music, CGI, plot, and now this horrible color graduation.