I'm here to set you free edition.
In Will's timeframe:
I'm here to set you free edition.
In Will's timeframe:
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Elsie getting blacked
if multiple timelines is true I'll just drop the show
xth for golden showers and vacuum seals
Why do we even bother with generals. This board is shit and generals dilute the quality threads resulting in an even greater concentration of shit.
I'm going to start making threads that are topic-specific just to fuck with your shitty ww generals, OP.
It already been confirmed tho
/watersports/ thread when?
She was so cute in Raising Hope.
"Your shitty generals"? Lots of people create Westworld generals.
And you're actually right, generals do bring out tons of waifuposters and shitposters in general. They go away if we don't give them attention, though.
unless you're gonna write up a greentext about her pissing all over my face and in my mouth then FUCK OFF
Why though?
It's well done and plays perfectly into the memory aspect of the host consciousness and shit.
You drop the show if it's blatantly obvious and not relevant to the story, you obviously aren't sure, so what's your problem?
Do you just drop everything that does timelines/timeframes?
>They go away if we don't give them attention, though.
That's true, the pee pee poo poo posts probably wouldn't have happened if people didn't try arguing with them
I mean what better response to "you're waifu a shit" is there than "yeah well I want her to shit on my chest and piss on my face like she was a CIA agent and I was a taliban member in guantanamo"? There's no coming back from that
You mean the only thing they did right after episode 1?
yeah it's a stupid editing gimmick if true and just redundant really. You can have dialogue refer to past events without wasting half the show on it
Why does IMDb say the next ep airs the 22nd? I thought it airs tomorrow?
Maybe IMDB uses a different timezone.
It ties one of the central themes of the show into all of the others. That's not 'redundant' or a gimmick.
m8 it was basically confirmed last episode
well hope we can match your shitposting
There is a possibility that pissfu is MIB. she back as a guest to understand what is happening in the park. She was saved by Arnold's host and asked not to return. now she disguises herself as MIB.
These topics pretty much died after Maeve ruined the show.
Maeve didn't ruin the show. She does the best with the scenes she is given. The fucking dumb writers are the ones responsible.
We all wanted Dolores but holy shit if she didn't get put on the backburner in favor of Maeve.
Honestly I have no fucking clue what the creative direction of this show is, but whoever's in charge should play in traffic.
I'm having trouble buying the techs helping Maeve this much. Like I know it's a good job but couldn't you just quit since she keeps threatening to slice your guts out, or just tell the QA people that she's waking up when she's not supposed to. The only benefit I see for either of them not stopping this is keeping their jobs which appear to be pretty fucking terrible.
tfw your oc is poorly received
Bernard is a Host version of Arnold created by Ford
its probably to show 2 different outcomes instead of the show only having 1 arc
we will probably get a taste of the maze and the failed attempt at freedom at the same time. what 1 of the techs is probably true. they cant survive outside the theme park
like when 1 gets shot in the head you dont just "patch" that up and there is probably some cloud crap
that's not proven
bernard-dolores interviews are actually arnold-dolores interviews from 35 years ago
will is not MIB though
>that photoshopping
my sides
unless they explain how nobody in the park understands that arnold is around for 30 years the same age, I have trouble believing this theory
No but it's a solid theory now that Bernard = Host is proven
The writing of this show is sadly predictable, shrinkray might even be a real thing after Bernard.
Look how old the staff of the park is. They are all in their 30s-40s. They were fucking kids or didn't exist when Arnold was alive.
Ford is like the only old person we've seen.
I do have to say that it is interesting that Logan appeared really fucking bored with every possible normie storyline until the bounty mumbled he knew an easter egg, at which point Logan just headshots his current companion to go see something new.
Pretty similar to how the MIB operates
The maze is most likely a type of insurance trap that comes up ~a lot~ in real-life AI discussion/philosophy.
It's a way to detect and destroy 'lying' AI.
so this show is objectively good right?
if no, what show that is currently on is better than westworld
There is no better show currently than Westworld. Ignore the edgy contrarians, this is Sup Forums, they'll shit on anything.
It's okay except for the Maeve arc which gets A) Too much screen time and B) is fucking shit since it's nothing but the most generic rogue robot/ai cliches you've seen a hundred times before.
>implying anyone is human
>implying orientation day doesn't include "please go through the metal detector and turn left to the elevators" that turns out to be a 3d mapper of your entire body
>implying every employee isn't broken down into nothing then 3d printed as an identical replica but under Ford's control
>implying every "employee" in the park would not be programmed not to see the human slicer next to the elevators
>implying Ford is actually human not a robot of himself
>implying that real Ford isn't walled off at the center of the maze with acute agoraphobia and fear of death after watching his park for decades
>implying the show won't end on what a twist when Ford is actually Arnold all along but everyone is a robot so he controls facial recognition and names
This show is almost as good of a concept as ghost in the shell.
The execution and production value of this show are better than game of thrones so far.
Although in Game of Thrones, every retarded decision was backed by 20 pages of backstory by GRRM and everything else was "well preindustrial people make retarded uniformed choices". So, in Westworld, since everything is cold, calculating silicon decision making; it becomes glaringly obvious when even a tiny plot hole devleops (like with Maeve)
>if no, what show that is currently on is better than westworld
What do non timeframe fags think of Will and the MiB? Do they think MiB is just some edgy old man with a completely unrelated history?
Here's literally what's gonna happen:
1. Will and Delores go on ebin adventure, are in love but Delores gets reset (hint she doesn't rly 'cause she's special and just modest lil looping)
2. Will wants that love back but can't bring himself to do it all over again. Eventually turns from white hat to black hat evil and MiB. thematically this is cool 'cause fall from grace, WW brings out who you rly are, that shit.
3. MiB is trying to free Delores for good with the maze.
that's it.
What's with this meme? Why is it good?
i'm an ex catholic, so I think the subject matter would just piss me off constantly
is it really gud enough that i should still check it out?
delores is going to kill Logan to save Will, possibly this episode
My theory and thoughts on the first part of your theory: Logan will get killed due to his thrillseeking. Westworld covers it up with a big pay off with company shared that the Will/Logan family business was seeking and other incentives. "give that man whatever he wants" the tech says the one time techs are shown in mib-timeline.
>Why is it good?
Because it's what happens when a real director shows TV morons how to film.
The photography, the themes, the actual pacing, everything is great about the young pope.
Dolores is actually Arnold with amnesia in a female host's body
Barnard is what Arnold looked like in life, but the personality contained within the host is that of Ford's dead wife, also with amnesia
both hold half the secret to Shrink Rays
screenplay this post
>i'm an ex catholic, so I think the subject matter would just piss me off constantly
The show isn't what you probably think it is.
Yes it's really good.
alright, i'll give it a spin
cacthing up ondemand
just started episode 4
geez. this is much better than expected.
Maeve is a character, not an actor genius. Saying Maeve sucks is the same as saying the writers suck.
>get shown a photo
>it aint anything to me starts playing
Could also be that Dolores gets shot and Will goes Linkin Park
>no ass
>fridge body
Why do people find Delores attractive?
not a bad meme my friend i didn't chuckle or exhale through my nose quickly but here's your (you)
Daily reminder my cunt gf is getting dropped for insulting my based \W/.
Will gets home after his Westworld adventure and everything seems faker than before and has an existential crisis.
He goes back to Westworld to live again, but realizes Dolores no longer remembers him and does not love him like before. This breaks the man's spirit and he spends the 30 next years trying to figure out how to get Dolores to remember. During his quest he loses humanity little by little.
The introduction of the MIB in the first epsidoe would be incredibly tone deaf if he turns out to be Will. He is introduced dragging Dolores to the shed for the ol' scalp n rape
If MiB isn't will then why do we know know MiB's name?
Am I the only one who while accepting the two timeframes, also finds it pretty lazy?
To make it work would require so much coincidence to line things up using editing to on the surface make it seem like one timeframe
Nolan would be a ridiculous hack
you mean the guy that wrote Memento?
Won't be that simple.
Don't forget that in the 'future/present' timeline they said the last major incident was 30 years prior.
He has to constantly keep her active in storylines or dead to keep her from getting overwritten with a new assignment due to lack of customer interest. Techs talked about this in one episode. :^)
>Techs talked about this in one episode. :^)
Proof. Also he knows how fast they get put back into service which is like the next fucking morning. Sure, they don't show the exact number of hours but they spend a lot of time fretting and bitching to hurry up when the hosts aren't topside
He's no longer in love with her because he figured out she's just a pawn to lore him to the maze. She never actually loved him like he loved her. She's just a robot doing what she is programmed to do.
don't forget that they make a big point of saying that Dolores is simultaneously the oldest host in the park while also being in excellent condition since she gets frequent part replacements
MiB is maintaining her by "destroying" her
It pretty much is, considering the conversations between fridge girl and "Bernard" happen in the room where Bernard kills bad accent girl.
I can't think of a single coincidence.
>inb4 can falling
In which case you would completely miss the point of the story.
Memento wouldn't require nearly as much bullshit to work as the two timeframes
Things like numerous background hosts being the exact same, even after 30 years and the switch to flesh hosts. The hosts being just as human now as they were back then. Sending someone to get Dolores. Dolores retracing literally the same steps unimpeded in the present, etc.
refer to
But the hosts would have been exactly the same 30 years ago.
Ford says it was 35 years ago when they had crude and obvious robot hosts, and that they were nearly perfect within a couple years.
You know they mentioned that only old hosts were going berserk, right? Coincidentally several of them shown in both timelines.
>But the hosts would have been exactly the same 30 years ago.
But they've retired plenty of hosts and reassign hosts all the time.
Yet so many background hosts are the exact same 30 years apart. The switch to flesh hosts alone would mean they chose to make a new flesh copy of each host instead of making new ones and retiring plenty
They're made to fit a model or mold.
All the scenes of the designers and the construction areas makes this clear. Besides the fact that they're constantly replacing blown off faces etc.
There's no reason why they wouldn't be exactly the same in most cases, except when there's a sudden need to have one model fill in another role short term, like Dolores's father.
Stranger Things
Do we even know he raped her? I thought maybe he was gutting her to see if she was still one of the old generation models.
>ord says it was 35 years ago when they had crude and obvious robot hosts
Still, in the flash back you see that one of the crude hosts is snake girl before the snake. She looks the same with a different haircut and no tattoo. I don't get why people try to argue that robots would change appearance. They will look the same, some innards will change or they are being remade but sitll same appearance.
Dolores, El Ganso, Clementine, Snake Girl, Abernathy and probably a lot more are from the first version of the park.
The Exorcist doesn't have the same production quality, but it's breddy gud
I wonder how this actress feels about her implied role as a virginal rapable robot you can mutilate and kill in the show
>They're made to fit a model or mold.
Keeping the same fucking mold of model for 30 years when they've retired plenty and reassign "all the time" according to Felix who hasn't even been here for 30 years (and so even in his limited time can say they change a lot)?
And these same ones being in the same places?
Too much coincidence, Nolan's a hack
he gutted her, looking for clues, the same way he got the scalp with the maze tatoo
Does anyone know if you can buy replicas of westworld guns that shoot modern rounds?
So pure
Yeah, visit Texas and you get one free when you register your car and address at the DMV
A black sheriff?
What? It worked in Blazing Saddles.
>do you know where you are?
>I'm in a dream
>you're in MY dream
Confirm3d the whole show is just in Ford's head while in a coma or some shit
"You take the white hat, you stay in Sweetwater, fall for the rancher's daughter, and save her from the outlaws. You take the black hat.....and you see how many levels down the maze goes...."
They move character around and program then with different personas.
They don't add new types of models/bodies. Or at least they haven't in ~30 years.
It's almost like it's a huge plot point that Ford hates change and the park hasn't changed at all up until Ford's very recent and mysterious major revamp of the narrative.
So the corporate jockeys shuffle things around to have something to do (like messing with Maeve's aggression setting).
oh loganposter are you the only one if your kind? every thread I see the post and I can only wonder
>They don't add new types of models/bodies.
Yes they do, when they make new storylines and also when they have to retire old hosts
There's like a whole episode dedicated to "ford hasn't approved a new storyline in 30 years why do you think he'll approve yours OH LOOK HE DIDN'T" dude
Jesus christ I did not see this coming.
You think Sizemore who's in charge of storyline and narrative hasn't done any storylines literally ever?
Ford hasn't weighed in on narrative, not that he hasn't approved
>Oh, he hasn't weighed in on a storyline in years.
>The only benefit I see for either of them not stopping this is keeping their jobs which appear to be pretty fucking terrible.
Generally people with terrible jobs have them because they have no hope of getting anything better.
The actual reason is that Felix and Sylvester are clearly hosts too.
And literally from episode 6
>Sizemore: I'm... I'm Lee, Lee Sizemore. Head of narrative.
>Board chick: All these fantasies come from your twisted little mind, huh?
>Sizemore: Well, the good ones do
>Board chick: ..what's your favorite ride?
>Sizemore: Well, I write them, I don't play them.
underrated post
They showed a picture of Arnold, he was white.
Anyone else think milf was super cute when she was with Bernard?
Like when Bernard asked if everything was alright. Her smile was cute as fuck