Did she get kidnapped?
Did she get kidnapped?
I'm watching this right now actually.
And no, anyone who says she got taken is a literal retarded person
There was nothing hinting at child abduction at all in the entire movie. The only thing that would suggest such a thing would be your own subconscious.
Interesting fact:
The same two old men from the store from the final scene of the film, are the same two old man that was seen in the first party.
I took her where the rainbow ends
>you should wear a cloak lined with ermine
Gotta love the way Lubrick died of a "heart attack" shortly after finishing the film, which was then badly modified into the shit second half you see now.
Nothing to see here. :^)
I watched this before all the tinfoil nobodies started forming conspirishit theories. No, the Cruises just need to FUCK and get a little kinky to save the marriage.
Kubrick's casting agent sure knew where to find the sexiest raging boner chicks in hollywood.
Its not like there's a billion ways he could have told that without the bizarre occult orgy or anything. Or the entire second half of the film with him being pursued. Or the conversation with the Ziegler at the end. Or the teenage girl who's being sold by her father.
Nothing to see here; the only theme in the entire movie is fidelity, right?
And shiny boots of leather.
No. It's infidelity. Either acted upon or in the mind.
there is no way kubrick starts a movie with a shakey handheld shot of an exterior to establish a scene (appartment night). its completely out of his style of directing and he never did this in any of his films.
the other reshot scene is the kidman/sailor sex scene. kubrick never did post slow motion effects, he is a complete perfectionist and always shot slow motion correctly by changing the film speed fps in camera to achieve it, too give a fluid proffesional effect.
>liking aids chicks
> zozzle
Interesting...go on
No matter how you view the movie it is quite clear that power structures and the lurid pass times of the elite and wealthy are major themes of the film. I don't understand people who totally denounce them as some form of contrived metaphor.
Blue is the dreamy, uninteracted with world. Hence why the outside is blue.
Also when he's looking at the girls dead body and theres a voiceover with her line from earlier in the movie explaining the current situation. Felt very out of place and not like kubrick.
just feels like its been edited too.
look at the scenes that have zoom out reveals. they are abruptly cut to another scene,never completing the zoom to frame/composition. when would kubrick do this? look at barry lyndon for example of his zoom outs. they last usually5-10 secs, the zoom completes and 'rest' for a few seconds before it cuts.
1 scene i think is whole, would be the ''baby did a bad, bad thing'' scene. that feels like kubrick to me.
we need to do one thing
whats that
again, this is unlike kubrick.
that scene is a fantasy of bills. kubrick uses blue filtered brute arc lighting from outside as a lighting source. its his style of shooting available light. he does this on the shining for example.
your interpretation is cool, but kubrick never did ''dream sequences'' or used fliters like this.
I never said contrived. The seedy New York erotic underground is a damn sight more interesting than Tom fucking the secretary.
Do all woman think like her?
wow, never noticed that.
good stuff.
Yes and they go through with it.
That 90s comfy christmas atmosphere
EWS is anything but comfy.
For fuck sake everything about it is unnerving even if you try to shut off all the conspiracy stuff.
I'm talking about the sequence in OP's sequence specifically.
The soft lighting, music, and grandiose decorations of the time period are pleasant.
He used voiceover in Barry Lyndon though.
OP's pic*
EWS is paranoid-comfy-kino, you tasteless nu-male redditor pleb
Of course they could drop their husband at the drop of a hat, but only the most depraved whores would abandon their children.
i think that user meant the voice over was just inserted for expediting and clarifying the plot. which is very unlike kubrick, who was a skilled story teller.
I seriously can't get over how much of a cunt his wife is in this film. She's unemployed, has all her expenses paid and lives a high-class lifestyle thanks to her rich husband, and her husband is one of the best looking men on the face of the earth. Despite all of this she STILL comes within an inch of cheating on him and claims she would leave him and her daughter to be with some sailor she never even spoke to and has dreams of emasculating her husband; this all comes along with her drug usage and her tendency to start arguments 24/7. I'm sure Bill had a prenup; he should have gotten rid of that cunt a long time ago.
>This scene
>Cruise and Kidman actual married couple in real life when filming this
>Tom Cruise has clearly been an MK ultra subject and everything he ever says or does is bizarre
>Super scientologist to the point of no return
>That time Cruise and his new wife were photographed on vacation and one of their young female children was eating penis shaped gummy sweets that you would only see in a sex shop
>Kubricks films are occult symbolism up the hoohah
>mysteriously dies after this film
>tfw when i have no face
This post really highlights the absurdity of it all. I can't stop laughing. This is kino.
Good thread, anons.
Maybe scientology has figured it all out already
is this a good family movie for christmas?
All completely understandable once you consider the fact that he's a manlet.
i want to cummy in on her panties
Why did Kubrick hate (((freemasons)))?
because he was /ourguy/
>kubrick was literally a chess master.
he was constantly playing the 3d kind with us.