Is Disney not aware of the phrase "Too much of a good thing is a bad thing"?
Even EP7 is already suffering from problems the Marvel flicks have. Mainly that there isn't a memorable soundtrack, which is unheard of in a Star Wars movie and it's only going to get worse with each new movie.
Hell, In 6 years from now Star Wars is going to be a lifeless husk at the rate Disney is milking it.
Pretty much. Disney is destroying the film industry.
Cameron Brown
Since it Disney I dont really mind it. The odds of them accidentally making something decent while shitting out movies are probably better than if they'd really try
Austin Wood
>too much money is a bad thing
c'mon, fampai.
Levi Morris
Disney universe bro! Marvel universe bro! Conveyor belt movies bro!
Joshua Taylor
Star Wars is slowly becoming a commercial franchise.
Tyler Hill
The Han Solo spin off will be the worst one. And hopefully will teach them the lesson of not over doing it with all the spin offs.
Or do like rogue one is doing and just completely focus on different characters.
Leo Moore
how did it creep up on us??
Nathaniel Hill
Star Wars has been THE commercial franchise for 40 years bro, literally every "franchise" since 1985 has been trying to be the next star wars
Robert Gomez
Is it inevitable that Disney will start releasing two star wars movies every year at one point?
Matthew Davis
If Rogue One does successful, probably.
Christian Brown
It worked for the MCU. Teenagers still aren't sick of superheroes.
Josiah Murphy
>The Han Solo spin off will be the worst one
What if they do a Leia movie?
Carson Hernandez
i think that was the joke
Isaac Cook
oh well I'll be on my way
Logan King
To think that this franchise started as a weird low-budget art film by the guy who made THX 1138... nobody wanted to touch it. Flying space dogs, British gay robots, "force"? No chance.
Maybe they could find a new franchise if they let some young visionary do whatever the fuck he likes
Jordan Edwards
Good. I've been waiting for some kitsch to come out of hollywood. Some of these will probably be blaxploitation-tier awfulness. Should be fun.
Easton Harris
>It worked for the MCU
The MCU is just a bunch of mindless action flicks. So it of course it works. Star Wars is a space opera/western. With actual story elements in it.
Unless Disney is trying to turn Star Wars into the SWCU, it won't work.
Nathaniel Ramirez
wake me when they aim one towards adults
they've already made the franchise a joke by rebooting the OT.
Dylan Ortiz
They pretty much already have.
Robert Cruz
The only good thing I'll say about TFA is its production values trump Marvlel's movies. They won't be able to keep that up.
Jeremiah Lee
>even episode 7 is suffering from problems.
user, Ep 7 was a smash hit with both audiences and critics, and made Disney a shit ton of money.
People bitching about it on Sup Forums a year later is not a problem for episode 7. At least not for Disney.
Chase Perez
They are wrecking it on purpose.
Ian Torres
>Mainly that there isn't a memorable soundtrack The fuck are you talking about? The soundtrack is great.
Why would they care? Executive performance is measured by annual profit not profit 10 years from now when some other schmuck is the new ceo
Hudson Nelson
>posts a year old article for (you)s
Justin Stewart
>>even episode 7 is suffering from problems. >user, Ep 7 was a smash hit with both audiences and critics, and made Disney a shit ton of money.
So the prequels were great according to you?
Also the Michael Bay Transformers series is the pinnacle of filmmaking since they make the most money?
Why are "it made money" fags never consistent?
Landon Ramirez
>Is Disney not aware of the phrase "Too much of a good thing is a bad thing"?
Of course they are, that's why the Disney Vault exists.
But Star Wars is not special.
Parker Jackson
Critics love TFA. Critics don't love Transformers. Fucking autismo take a deep breath, calm down, then read. Maybe leave your room too.
Lucas Ramirez
There will be more Star Wars movies released between 2015 and 2021 than there were between 1977 and 2005
Bentley Hernandez
Critics seem to love most Disney properties.
Nicholas King
What are you implying?
Gabriel Gray
The Force Awakens = The Empire Strikes Back > Star Wars > Return of the Jedi = Revenge of the Sith > The Phantom Menace > Attack of the Clones
Noah Gonzalez
What are you implying?
Chase Richardson
Jace Torres
Nothing. It's not like a studio that can literally pass legislation would ever be able to influence media figures.
Connor Morales
He's implying that critics are paid off by Disney.
He's implying that you're implying that critics are paid off by Disney.
Ryan Myers
I don't even know why people like Star Wars.
Shit is literally retarded
Ryder Morgan
>Marvel >memorable soundtrack
I don't know why this surprises people. there are many heroes, are they all supposed to have their personal soundtrack? are they supposed to all use the same soundtrack? it doesn't work, no matter what. Spidey has his own, Cap kind of has his own. but if you give all heroes their own, it is IMPOSSIBLE for Marvel to have a Star Wars/Jurassic Park/007 tier soundtrack.
DC doesn't have a memorable soundtrack either, just in case any of you cunts think otherwise. it's impossible for capeshit.
memorable =/= good
Isaiah Williams
Because of laser swords and telekinesis.
Gabriel Cooper
George Lucas >spaced out the series so it would maintain its hype factor in the public eye >gave birth to LucasArts, producing great vidya >introduced great non-film spin offs in the EU like Heir to the Empire >films have poetry while consistently introducing new stuff so it wouldn't be aping of the OT
Disney >marvelized the series, producing annual movies until franchise fatigue sets in >killed LucasArts, outsources vidya to EA if not cheap mobileshit >rendered the EU non-canon yet copies from it for the new movies >films lack poetry and rather copies the OT in every possible way
Wyatt Campbell
>Star Wars is a space opera/western it's a fucking action movie for kids, get your head out of your ass
Nolan Sanchez
They will run this franchise into the ground.
Blake Lewis
I thought the worst was over after the prequels. I'm fucking sick of Star Wars and I have been for over 2 decades.
Thomas Young
>space opera It's a b-movie that aging fat fucks get a nostalgia complex about, even though it's actually not that good.
Adam Ortiz
I personally think Rogue One will make less than $700m. hell, wouldn't be surprised if it were in the $500m range
Nathaniel Wood
>star wars >good
Alexander White
>"Too much of a good thing is a bad thing"
this phrase isn't even relevant here,they are just making the thing,it's up to youhow much and when you want to consume it and the amount that is 'too much' is different for each individual
one movie per year is not too much for me, ten movies in one day would be to much
Aaron Hill
Of course Disney isn't aware. They can't hear themselves think because of the sound of shekels being poured into their bank account.
Ayden Foster
they don't care disney owns a monopoly on films now, they'll milk a franchise as long as they can and when it stop profiting they'll move to another one
James Martin
More like Reshoot One: A Star Bore Story.
Blake Foster
>Mainly that there isn't a memorable soundtrack >Soundtrack in capeshit
LMAO, although The Dark Knight trilogy had a few good tracks though.
Gavin Moore
Star Wars is gay as fuck nigga
Robert Anderson
none memorable, nowhere near the levels of 007 and the like.
Jace Evans
I called this when Lucas sold out.
Nolan Butler
Movies were never supposed to be assembly line productions. The jews ruined it
Chase Clark
They're going to run the franchise into the ground but they don't really care as long as they can sell toys.
Luke Smith
Disney IS the film industry. They own everything.
We can't fight this OP. It pains me to say it but even if we where to boycott it they would not stop.
It's not Disney fault though, it's people's fault for supporting this kind of shit. Disney is like a dealer, they'll supply them with their fix for as long as they demand it. Once they get bore and stop paying for it they'll just move to the next...
It's the same with the game industry or even politics... we have underestimated the power of dumb people in large numbers.
Parker Morris
Noah Ward
gotta like something.
William Anderson
How bout deez nuts faggot?
Nathan White
Isn't Star Wars basically just an SJW propaganda crusade now?
One of the writers was ranting on Twitter about how the Empire was a white supremacist organization
James Lewis
>Disney >Aware They are literally the quintessential corporate entertainment machine, the only thing they're aware of is market research and how best to keep everything squeaky clean and family friendly They'll milk Star Wars for all it's worth, and when people stop showing up to the movies they'll just keep selling Darth Vader T-shirts in Walmarts across the nation, just like they'll do with the MCU In a perverted way, they'll almost be doing Star Wars a kindness by giving it the death it's deserved for 30 or so years
Joshua Moore
No that was his wife's son using his account.
William Rogers
Would Superman be anywhere near as good as it is without it's score??
star wars was always shit tier get some real taste plebs
Jonathan Russell
>new franchise by a visionary director What are you going on about pesky goy You'll watch your yearly sequels and rehashes made by a board of executives going off of whatever focus testing tells them is hip and safe, and you'll like it
Xavier Baker
Didn't Walt Disney hate Jews because they locked him out of their animation studios, forcing him to start his own?
And now his company is run by them
Blake Nelson
This is almost objectively correct. Tfa is worse than a frown
Hudson Scott
>slowly >becoming
Charles Nguyen
They didn't like some of their live action remakes. Or the Pirates series other than the first.
Camden Collins
This is wrong. TFA should have a "meh it's ok" face, TPM should have the guy vomiting, and ROTS should have a frown.
Logan Taylor
Jayden Adams
Yeah. But nothing memorable. Even the prequel series were capable of making memorable tracks, like duel of fates and that mustafar duel music from ep 3
Ethan Myers
I'm not gonna bother with any movies other than the main series. Otherwise it'll all be diluted to hell like capeshit is now
Dominic Foster
>Kylo Ren's theme and the Resistance's theme aren't memorable
Josiah Davis
Anthony Bennett
But both of those tracks are utterly mediocre, you tasteless autist.
Ryan Hernandez
>Being this buttblasted because of your nostalgia
Mason Murphy
This. The Episodes are the only ones that matter.
Brody Stewart
they're all gonna suck anyway
Hunter Scott
>Doubting based Rian Johnson
Jonathan Ross
>having faith in disney WEW
also literally who
Tyler Jones
Uh, Star Wars was never aimed towards adults
Thomas White
The music was way too low in that movie. Too low at times when it had to be louder to be memorable.
Jose Perez
>Star Wars >a good thing
Carter Adams
8 Star Wars movies. The main plot of 4 has revolved around blowing up a death star.
Jason Davis
>Mainly that there isn't a memorable soundtrack The soundtrack was great, problem was it felt too quiet in theaters.
Matthew Williams
>Lucas knew this would happen >he didn't just hire a chump director to do his dirty work and continued to collect fat royalties
Andrew Watson
there's been 4 death stars?
John Torres
it's been one since 1977
Xavier Brooks
I'm just hoping we get that Ewan Obi Wan kino we deserve.
Ian Flores
The storygroup is there to not allow this to happen. But we'll see what happens within the next 10 years.
Owen Diaz
Brody Ramirez
Fuck 'em. I wasted my time with TFA but I'm not watching Star Wars ever again.
Brayden Wood
literally perfect. Clones and TFA are trash, ROTS is GOAT
Angel Rivera
you joke but lucas was as indie as it gets
Jordan Smith
I'm sure after they episodic releases are done, they'll reassess what they wanna do with franchise. Disney already made their money back on the Lucasfilm deal. I don't see yearly Star Wars theatrical releases being a thing.