How hard is to get an actress girfriend? What are their interests? I mean, thanks to their job we could take money out of the equation. What's left? Confidence?
How hard is to get an actress girfriend? What are their interests? I mean...
>I mean, thanks to their job we could take money out of the equation
Still need money
Wonder who you need to know to get the celeb escort menu
Women don't have interests
I'm a girl btw
I never dated a successful actress but I live in LA so a lot of the women here in their 20s are aspiring actresses who maybe have booked commercials or bit parts. They're vain, insecure, they always talk about themselves and are always looking for the next opportunity. Actors and actresses are damaged people for the most part and it's best to stay away. They're easy to manipulate and are always looking for daddy so actually getting a date with them is pretty easy.
>always looking for daddy
You almost made it.
Could you give us the correct answer?
they actually are very lonely since most guys are afraid of them and male famous are cokehead/gay/adulterous.
That's why most of them end with average men.
Can people these days "make it big" in Hollywood without having connections to people in the entartainment business?
>thanks to their job we could take money out of the equation
Beginner's Guide to Women
Rule #1: All women want money. They want rich men. A rich woman will want an even richer man. Job and income is the topmost priority for any female you'll ever meet.
They want a guy who's richer than themselves.
Has a cock the size of a pringles can (while being white).
They'll settle for 2/3 but will fuck 1/3.
Get lucky like the Harry Potter cast, I guess. I think Ron was the only one who appeared in a film before.
>How hard is to get an actress girfriend? What are their interests?
Their interests are attractive and/or wealthy men.
>I mean, thanks to their job we could take money out of the equation.
It's actually more common than it used to be. People like Daisy Ridley come from nothing, just so Disney can give them a shitty (but fair, because they're a nobody) contract for like 8 pictures, then blow them up into a star through their media machine. (Ridley got 10 million for a 3 picture deal, whereas Ford got 25 million for just the 1, for example).
Be white with good social skills,have a big dick and be good in bed.
I wonder if she had to go through a "special audition"
Yeah no.
10 million for three movies is far and away from a shitty deal user, there are thousands of incredible and well known Hollywood actors that would kill for that deal, let alone a literal who that also gets to star in a Star Wars flick
This. If anything, them being rich means they want a man with even more money. Many known actresses only have a few million, thats nothing when they want to go on the best vacations and fly on private jets, get mansions etc..
Grinch isn't jewish
She only got $350k for TFA, where the fuck is everyone getting this "$10 mil for the three movies" bullcrap
We would need a real girl here that could give us a proper answer, but wanting more money when they have enough to have a nice life seems pretty stupid.
>inb4 women logic
Nice quads.
You need to become a forward, young man.
>People like Daisy Ridley come from nothing
And she will go to nothing after they finished the new trilogy.
Not true, just look at the Harry Potter actors. They're all shit but they will be around forever.
I bet you can get Chloe Moretz for a bargain, OP.
so she caught your soul too huh op, do you also live on the other side of the planet or is that not one of your problems?
But I don't want to become a forward.
just be confident
Perhaps when she was 10yo, but now... Not even with a stick.
>We would need a real girl here that could give us a proper answer
No user, women are the worst possible person to give you advice about women
I am a real girl who makes enough money to live a good life and my bf doesn't work. So, there's at least one of us, I guess.
>Job and income is the topmost priority for any female you'll ever meet.
You can't really blame them for that, it is in our genes. Same rules apply to animal kingdom, and who we are but not glorified animals?
>ywn wake up to this
Weird i've read somewhere that daisy got only 300k for TFA
>dating a NEET
Do you hate yourself?
Looking into the abyss
Wheeew. If her and I would have kids, they would inherit blue eyes, and 50/50 chances of Heterochromia iridum.
they have the same interests as normal girls
All you need to do is give them something to whine about. That's why you need to treat them like shit.
dude is living the dream.
want a setup like that, hopefully i can find a job that lets me work from home and a """real""" grill like you.
No, but my boyfriend does all of the cooking, cleaning, etc., since I'm often quite busy with work. I'm a really terrible cook and enjoy having a super tidy house so it's actually pretty convenient. If I were a celeb making literal millions, having a stay-at-home partner like mine would be a pretty attractive option tb h.
Do you mind if I ask about your age/job?
Good luck, my friend. Although I'm probably not the norm of most girls. I am posting on Sup Forums after all.
in her eyes i can see the devil reaching out for me
Late 20s. Work in health care informatics.
yeah, could actually just forgo the grill part 2bh, don't really care about that as much as other people apparently do.
just the telecommuting job would be fine.
Not that tough actually - just be fit (I don't mean gym rat just not fat) and funny and "tolerant" of all the fags in her life and you're good to go. You must live in NYC or LA and have a connection to the biz. BOOM you're in. I bagged an A+ list actress drinking with her and a producer friend of mine after a long night of coke and booze @ Ace Bar in NYC circa 2008. Feels good man.
might as well pay for a high-class escort instead of going to an industry just to fuck some pussy put on a higher pedestal than the rest.
>tfw live in yurop
considering moving to america
I'm not in the biz, my best friend in HS became an agent and I met a few fun people through him. People in Kansas think it's hard to meet and fuck celebrities because it is if you're in Kansas. It's not if you live in NYC or LA and you know people. I'm a lawyer, my name has never been in the paper and never will be. At the time I was still an Associate making 225K so it isn't about money is my point.
Eh so he is at least doing all the housework, fair deal i guess.
Gender role reversals are kinda weird, but come on it's 2016!
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I appreciate the info. Must not be easy to talk about it here.
You need to understand user. Acting, other than the few who really made it like JLaw and other millionaires, is a cutthroat business, and to succeed in it means to stomp on your rivals, your friends, your family, and your romantic partners.
You don't want an actress girlfriend.
Dating an actress is one step above dating a porn star.
>I bagged an A+ list actress
>I bagged an A+ list actress
>won't even give her name
>cock size of a pringles can while being white
No wonder there are so many single girls
>not sure if photoshop or demonic possession.jpg
>not wanting to get your heart broken by a heartless bitch
excuse me normie
user, lena dunham isn't A+ list
definitely not true.
my gf pays the rent, loans me money and will generally buy me stuff.