>Arrive to new region
>Bring horse to a halt
>Say name of region outloud
>Continue riding towards the city
Arrive to new region
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Where is the farmland? What do they eat in there?
There's a protection spell around the city, that's the only way you can enter it
Vertical farms.
The trilogy is full of moments like that Peter Jackson did fantasy so fucking well
Whatever was on the menu, generally maggoty bread.
How do the Orcs get in then?
This always weirded me out. The only place that farms is The Shire, and that has a tiny population of tiny people. Everywhere else in MIddle Earth is giant cities full of thousands of people and not a farm in sight. Doesn't make sense.
Similar to Moria
Remember the time Gandalf, one of the wisest being in middle earth, took hours to solve basically the easiest riddle there is? In the end it wasnt even he who solved it but Frodo. It wasnt even a riddle. It straight out told you what the answer was.
>tfw the riddle is figuring out the answer was actually the question itself fampai
Take that worldbuilding shit back to /tg/, nerds.
They knew the name of the region too
That was an oversight. The men of Gondor weren't the sharpest tools in the shed
Do people actually do this?
He didn't actually do any of that you as the viewer are just seeing his thoughts visualized
yeah that always bothered me too
middle earth felt so empty.
Youve got Shire, Bree, Rivendell, Mirkwood city, Lake-Town, Misty Mountain, Lorien, Isengard, Helms Deep, Edoras, Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, Pelargir and few minor Gondor cities and thats it, no villages or small towns. Theres nothing in between.
Feels almost like Mad Max
> no villages or small towns
Most of them got wiped off the map in the endless search for meat on the menu
dark souls is shit
almost all of those have farmlands, it's just that the movies glossed over that.
lol what a fucking dweeb gandalf is
In the books Pelennor fields are literally fields for farming, and there are lots of farms, people etc. around Minas Tirith.
That's why LOTR is shit
isnt that fanmade?
There was an outer wall (in the book) that surrounded the country side around Minas Tirith. That is where the farmland was.
They probably wanted to spend more time putting in the actual plot relevant land marks in the movies rather than a bunch of CG Farms or tearing up the New Zealand country side to make a bunch of fake farms.
In the second movie extended edition you got to see Rohan villages attacked by Wild Men and Uruks.
Honestly the battle wouldn't have been as great if there were farms and shit in the way. Also in the books, iirc Sauron releases some thick volcanic clouds the days before the siege, so when it finally comes it's dark as fuck.
it was actually an ad lib by ian mckellen having to remind himself what he was supposed to be looking at. gondor was only added in post-production.
It's only a model!