Is SNL biased against Trump?

Is SNL biased against Trump?

>have him on a year ago to make memes because they thought he was a joke who couldn't win
>now hate him because they know deep down they helped him win

This also goes for any big news corp like CNN or MSNBC

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Uhh you think? Just look at the cast and writers.

Its revisionist history to say that anyone took him seriously until this year. His last run for president he ran on the birth certificate issue. I don't think he even took it seriously until he started winning big.

the media is biased against Trump, not just SNL

But Jon Oliver said the media was on Trump's side.

>His last run for president he ran on the birth certificate issue.

That funny enough Hillary was the first person to raise the issue.

who cares? he won

stop getting your news from facebook

the media tends to be run by white collar professionals with professional qualifications and tertiary educations, so they understand all the ways in which a Trump ascendency is a terrible prospect for the country and the world. It's not so much a bias as it is a common sense point of view - it's like saying the wire has a bias against drug use because all the drug addicts on the show lead awful lives. I mean sure, they are biased against drug use, but it sounds weird to say that when everyone ought to be opposed to it.
No he didn't, he said Trump exploited his media coverage at different phases of the campaign to his advantage and the media were therefore culpable in his success.

I don't care about Trump vs. Hillary at all but if you think that's true you may have been born with an extra chromosome. Get off your ass and learn to think for yourself

Mad TV was always better

Actually got it from CNN, the network in bed with her.

Hillary lost the election two weeks ago, when are we going to stop deflecting discussion about Trump to "haha, but remember Hillary, guys?"

you trust a man who turns his back on the current year?

But it was, though. Just like it was her staffers who spread shit about Sanders' Jewish heritage this year

>mfw a presidential candidate is asked for a birth certificate and doesn't produce it within the hour

>Facebook is proven to be censoring conservative news from trending
>hurr durr you get your news from facebook

They're all coastal city liberals.

I don't even blame them, they all have 24/7 peer pressure to hate him.

You mean a terrible prospect for their wallet

tripfag talking out his ass again

>No he didn't, he said Trump exploited his media coverage at different phases of the campaign to his advantage and the media were therefore culpable in his success.

This is true. He in passing says Hillary was schlonged. The media, hungry for any morsel, pounces at the chance to call Trump a misogynist and the story catches on like wildfire. The mental image of Hillary getting smacked or violated with a massive dick is flashed across everyone's minds. Her support slightly drops and his increases. Genius strategy.

But it wasn't, though. There's not a shred of evidence that anyone involved in the campaign ever planned to use such an attack. Only people stupid enough to have supported Hillary since 2008 ever said this anyway.

Thank you for correcting the record!

>There's not a shred of evidence

Russia will reveal it soon enough, be patient.

Yes, it is, against republicans and against Trump in particular. They are borderline socialists who made propaganda disguised as skits: very dangerous since the show is well known in the foreign world, resulting in an undermining US government role globally. Alex Jones already said that SNL is anti-americanism as a comedy form.

>Just look at the cast and writers.


It's abundantly clear that the writing team is female-driven, and all the sketches look like they were written by screeching feminist harpies now

Compare to SNL 20 years ago:

this is where the 21st century gets its news from

It's nice to see that 1 in every 1000 comment on Sup Forums that shows there are still reasonably intelligent people here

Are you guys for real? Christ.

Funny, last year when he was on SNL he said he was having a good time. It is now current year and he is pouting like a bitch.

really makes you think

Glad to see you're back faggot


Based Norm. If anyone on cast, especially a male, said that stuff now there would be riots calling for his execution.

How many skits did they do that showed Obama in a poor light?

I genuinely don't know.

Imagine a right wing comedy skit show though, it would be garbage. We have the same issue here in the UK: all our comedy is anti-right wing cause it's made by left wing people. As unfair as you think this might be, it's the same issue as there being basically no women comedians. Right wing people often aren't very funny.

Compare to this:

he never ran for president before
muh "fake news"

>Federal regulators quizzed Hillary Clinton and gave her a perfect the "lying" section.

>alec baldwin spends all his time shitting on trump instead of working on his relationship with his daughter

Why do you think that SNL shouldn't be biased?

political comedy is almost all shit though, and right wing political comedy wouldn't even be allowed on television or in the uber lefty improv or standup comedy clubs

They all fucked up.

Cannot make fun of Trump though. I could see his twitter responses now
>Unfunny Norm is so bad he is awful. He should be fired from unfunny SNL.

>right wing political comedy

Can you give a good example of this?

There is nothing appealing about a trump presidency. You very rarely saw people talking about positive Trump things as a motivator for voting for him, it was all negative Hillary things.
Well initially they didn't take him seriously and it was all a joke. So they aired his rallies in full while failing to do the same for any other candidate, and treated it as a passing spectacle. The flippant attitude towards trump during the primaries led american males to warm to him due to his bantz
>lol rubio has a tiny dick
>lol low energy
>lol only rosie o'donnell
>lol lyin ted cruz
then as we got into the super tuesday stretch, people started to get nervous and it swung way back the other way - too far, to the point where they (the media) alienated the median voter with the non-stop trump slander. Everyone saw it. Constant accusations of racism and sexism and homophobia and lying and flip flopping and trump did this and trump did that for months and months and months.

(((They))) had to keep covering him because he was a big ticket item and people lap up anything trump related, but the msm always accompanied it with
Combine that with the fact that infowars and breitbart and other forms of digital media - that have, in many cases, larger audiences than parts of the msm but that can still plausibly claim to be outside of the mainstream - covered trump in an extremely positive light and hillary in a negative light.

If you can follow this election's media narrative and still believe that trump's victory was in spite of and not in part due to the media's wall to wall coverage, you've got rocks in your head.
I got banned from Sup Forums

did you even read his post

I think it would be allowed, it just wouldn't be found funny by the people attending such things and would bomb out pretty quickly.
HIGNFY in the UK is a staple that's been running for decades and is political comedy.

>Can't make fun of a guy who literally starred in his own roast

Trump doesn't mind being made fun of if it's in good fun, but he will defend himself if they base the comedy on lies.

"""People""" still use facebook?

Alec Baldwin said the NBC executives stop them from cucking themselves into oblivion

Yes. Now give an example of right wing political comedy.

>remembering that footage of that White House dinner where the guy was roasting Trump and Trump and his cronies sat there stony-faced


You've gravely missed the point of this thread

the mean old liberals wont allow it to exist, thats clearly why he cant think of anything, fucking liberals

I don't really like any political comedy because it's more about politics than comedy. But there are definitely conservative minded comedians out there, like Norm Macdonald or Adam Carolla. Norm said that even in the 90s the comedians that weren't outspoken liberals were despised by plenty of the liberals on SNL like Jeanine Garafolo.

HIGNFY was a lynch-mob when they Farage on before the 2015 election

[citation needed]

You do realize who funds popular media, right?

Probably because Farage is an incredibly unpleasant man.

A year ago when he was on SNL he tweeted how much he enjoyed it. Now, in the current year, he gets butthurt if they mention on joke about him. Did he not see The Rock as dumb hulk Obama? Or the Norm clip roasting the shit out of Clinton in the 90's?

He can dish it out but he can't take it. Got it.

Trump was laughing during that you autist.

You do realise that in this social media age there's a shit load of grass roots comedy being made and you still can't think up a single example, right?

Or it's possible SNL stepped over the line in light of all the frenzy the media has gotten everyone worked up into the last two weeks.

No, what you mean to say is that you don't agree with him politically.

Does nobody remember what happened when HITLER took power? Those who lampooned or criticized him were the first to go. Any day now they'll be coming for Trevor Noah and Samantha Bee. Don't believe me? You just watch!

No, I mean he comes across as a slimy opportunist every time he opens his mouth.

There are certainly conservative comedians (not so sure about Norm), but I still don't know what right wing political comedy is, if it's a thing at all. Talk radio might be the closest thing, but it typically dissolves into bringing up statistics and getting angry than making jokes.

Jesus Christ, when is reddit going to fucking leave

Why the fuck are you still posting constantly about Donald J. Trump? As a well-respected tripfriend who is known across several popular boards, your posts have great heft. Yet here you are devoting time and giving attention to Trump when your great power could be used to either divert attention away from Trump or to help motivate the population to convince electors to make the sane choice on December 19 (the real Election Day).

Please, for the sake of the United States of America, focus your power on helping electors make the right decision and STOP promoting Donald Trump.

You think it's bad now? You really thinbk this is bad? We have at least, AT LEAST 4 years of this shit. This thinned skin crap just shows weakness in the long term. Trump no longer projects himself, he is speaking as soon to be sworn in POTUS, not Celeb Trump.

Exactly: he disagrees with you so you need to paint him as a bad human being because you're a mental child


hmmm, you sure, bucko?

I'm watching it now and no, he doesn't

Whereas you, a paragon of grace and maturity, have risen above pettily insulting people because they don't share the same view as you.


Hahaha mate, anyone who lives in the UK knows how much of a twat Farage is. Even if you wanted to leave the EU, he was a means to an end. Nobody likes the bellend.

I guess my point was the conservative comedians feel like they have to hide their political beliefs if they want to have a career in comedy. Norm definitely holds some conservative beliefs but I don't think he's interested in politics.

They invite any major politician on who agrees to attend. Is SNL biased against Trump? Most Americans are biased against Trump. This election had the lowest voter turnout in years, AND he lost the popular vote. People stayed home because they hated both candidates.

It isn't reddit, it's normies. You're going to have to comes to terms with the fact that Sup Forums isn't a niche, autist-only website anymore. Not even /r9k/ is safe no more.

Odd how nobody is laughing in that screencap.

>Actually got it from CNN, the network in bed with her.
If CNN was so in bed with Hillary then I wouldn't have seen it constantly running Trump ads throughout the general election.

Trump a shit and most Americans agree.

haha mate, I do live in the UK, if you think Farage is by any means unpopular then you're almost certainly underage b& or a reddit tourist.

> Nobody likes the bellend.

Farage was the popular party leader before the general election:

Yes, see my original comment. None of his entourage were laughing, you turboretard. Look in the background and you can see the people sat quite near him smirking awkwardly.

Why am I even arguing. The video is here and people can see for themselves how retarded you are.

3:50 he's laughing you dipshit

Yet he got the highest voter turnout among Republicans in the history of the primaries.

But no one was laughing.

There's some conservative comedians in the Christian scene. Or were, I haven't heard of any in the last couple years.

>not understanding politics this hard

Wewboys. Farage was undoubtedly the most popular leader. He put UKIP on the map, got them a lot of voters and got Britain out of the EU in the end. But leader "popularity" (in that survey meaning "he's doing well as the leader", which he was) and "being a slimey bellend" are not actually related.

They may suck her dick but they aren't above taking Trump's money.

And what do you mean IF? It has been confirmed multiple times its employees were collaborating with the DNC to feed them early debate questions.

>excited for Hillary to win just so I could wind up alt-right retards on Sup Forums
>realized that was short sighted and would actually empower the alt-right in the long run
>it's actually preferable that Trump won since now I can simply do the low effort thing of criticizing the president for the next four years straight
>alt-righters flip their shit even though they're literally defending the establishment now despite supposedly being le ebin edgy rebel contrarians

>scrolls through entire video until the point where he politely smiles at one of Obama's jokes

Wow boys

You said

>nobody likes the twat

They do. Demonstrably. Then again those people don't get their news from reddit and the guardian like you do.

>hurr durr he doesn't shit his pants crying at lame-ass jokes he must be super pissed what a baby lol

Even in that survey it was "is he/she doing a good job as leader". That isn't "liking". You have to go back, man.

>people who didn't like the old establishment are now hypocrites for supporting the people who replaced them

really makes you think

>>it's actually preferable that Trump won since now I can simply do the low effort thing of criticizing the president for the next four years straight
You have no idea how much I'm hoping I get to post "I like presidents who weren't assassinated" some time in the next 4 years.

You have shit taste in presidents then.

Where were they on election day? Certainly not winning him the popular vote. He had fewer votes than Romney did and Romney lost the election.

>triggering Trumptards is now easier than triggering feminists

What a time to be alive.