Here's to the lady of the white shoes edition.
In Will's timeline
Here's to the lady of the white shoes edition.
In Will's timeline
and again not Lawrence edition yoz faggot
xth for golden showers
>no ass
>fridge body
Why do people find Delores attractive?
>phone picture
can you imagine anal with Elsie
At first I thought that was Ted Levine. Hopkins and Levine together again.
But it's Michael Wincott.
Brandon Lee is dead.
is she gonna be ok lads?
It's okay. Everybody turns. There's no pain after you turn.
Look at the flowers.
>Bernard, analysis
>show tight black boipucci
You know this happened right?
She better be otherwise I've lost all hope in this show
Who is the biggest Mary Sue and why is it Maeve?
maeve is gonna die soon though, as a practice run for Dolores escaping
I can imagine her pegging me while calling me names
wtf why does dolores look so big compared to her?
Post yfw they don't reveal the two timeframes for another season or 2 and just keep playing it up
Has literally no one figured out that the guy in OP is William yet? Are you guys retar... wait. Nevermind.
II think you are mixing up the time lines user.
maeve is still alvie in the MiB-Teddy time line. Dolores already tried to escape and failed.
That feel when to white for Westworld.
theyre given clothes going into westworld dued
Why don't they just shrink the evil bots
loganfags and lawrencefags are just fagfags
this desu family
at least make a qt fuckfu bot
I think the fact that his tie is the same as Logan's is probably more of a giveaway than him and William both having a slightly crinkled shirt.
I want to lick it.
who has the best bot acting
good taste user. I was literally going to post this
But Ed Harris is easily the best or second best part of this show. Why would you be a fag for barracking for him?
post yfw Ford is revealed to be some half human half host hybrid that is extending his lifeline.
he is neither lawrence nor logan, stop this nonsense
I really feel pity for people that waste their time doing things like this.
there is 1 (one) timeline
The Mary Sue is obviously pissfu and that corporate black chick.
>Old Bill
>Oh shit
>William=OB confirmed
What did they do to the guy?
what's a Mary stu
chingchong-kun and Tom Green fired when
so there's a tiny park and an even tinier park that you can shrink to, right?
Do you think that Ford abused the robochild? It's still ok for a visitor to fuck a bot resembling a child?
But he has already been confirmed to be Logan you dirty speed watcher.
Will doesn't know how to tie a tie?
I'm not seeing anything.
>Here's to the lady of the white shoes edition.
wats that mean
And they are both inside your mom's pussi.
He stumbled across Ford's hideout and got host-ified just like everyone else in the park.
yes and yes
Why didn't it rain when drunk british asshole took a piss on the park?
They shrinked the shrink ray
what's the piss thing from? a deleted tweet?
In the case of Ford it's technically masturbation considering that's himself.
the old bar drinker from OP
she's a big gurl
Watching the show for MiB and Will's adventures
Watching the show for both Western hijinks and philosophy lesson #87 about robots and free will
Watching the show to find out le ebin lore behind the park and Arnold and robots gaining free will
Did I get it right?
Actually it's an embiggening ray. It explains the giant broken leg statue on LOST.
She went looking for a rogue host and had to pee in the bushes.
It was better when she was fuckfu because at least that came from her cursing a lot
Nah, it's from the only good scene in the show so far
>tfw to smart to believe in shrinkrays
oh yea, bothered me that she didn't wipe
That happens in a different timeline. The yellow rain comes in S01E10. My dad works on the show as a set decorator. Don't laugh. Jon Hamm got his start as a set decorator for Cinemax movies.
Really can't wait until she gets butchered and incinerated.
You just can't enjoy all three toghether
This scene was recorded to show us that she is human
bitch is WOKE
We Wuz Hosts Wunce
Yes. Years ago Shannon Woodward admitted to liking golden showers but after she was cast on Westworld she hastily deleted the tweet.
Let me see if I can find it.
you got it all wrong
God tier is watching the show to solve the misteries before anyone else and post it in the general
Acceptable tier is watching the show for MiB and Ford
Shit tier is watching it for any of the Mary Sues in it.
Yeah wtf
i want this to be true...
>Westwold has the rights to your bodily fluids
>they know your size enough to tailor clothes to you
>they know your health history and psychological profile
The board just wants to replace people with hosts to be honest.
Westworld isn't a theme park, it's a trap for the rich and famous
>didn't wipe
How can she be topped?
her pussy got a piss beard then she just tucked it back into her trousers
I want to wipe her with my tongue if you know what I mean
shame she's super liberal
>being low test
This show is boring as shit.
One more day till we get her back lads, honestly can't wait
i threw up a little
lel based Matt
>tfw no extreme leftist gf to tease about her crazy feminist views
brb kms
shes her master
Dolores looks really different OOC.
Where can I get a shirt like that that has folds for design? It's awesome
fucking hipsters
i wanted to say suck it
these are starting to make less and less sense