Honestly, what the fuck is this stupid bullshit and why the fuck is it on tv. Who thought it would be even remotely close to a good idea to cast such non-charismatic actors as characters written by some of the worst scriptwriters in existence? What the fuck is wrong with entertainment
Who the fuck greenlights these shitstain tv shows?
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Season 1 of Arrow was decent, but yeah, tired of these retarded DC shows. Supergirl is especially horrible
>wwaaaahhh shows I don't like exists and other people watch them!
Fuck, Supergirl is probably the worst show on television. Generally anything CW churns out is pure horse shit but Supergirl. Thinking about the fact that people get paid to make the damn show pisses me off
It's made for young teens.
Grow the fuck up and stop getting mad at kid shit.
>people complaining on the internet
crazy, I know
There are plenty of shows made for young teens that are good. The demographic is no excuse, faggot
Name them.
I never watched anything past the pilot, that was enough. Talk about abominable
Also the lack of midriff irritated me, then again it is current year
Emphasis on "demographic is no excuse". Pixar films are aimed at children, but generally they are (or were) very well made and emotionally appealing. Just because it's aimed towards teens or kids doesn't mean it has to be pure steaming shit
Hmm, it's almost like you can make something that appeals to children AND adults
Really makes you think
I'm trying to find a scene I remember watching in which Supergirl I think stops kids from being hit by a car and then they turn around and yell at her for punching the man who almost hit the kids... God that was so funny. So terrible.
Ask someone who watches over 3 hours of DC TV shows a week anything.
That includes:
Cucks of Today
The scene in the pilot that was the final nail in the coffin for me was when she has a rematch against the bad guy who kicked her ass and the leader of whatever government group questioned if she was capable. Understandable since she lost once already
But then his woman second-in-command asked "why, cause she's a girl?" Cue girl powah sequence of Kara busting heads. Damn that made me cringe something fierce
Here it is. This scene should demonstrate everything wrong with Supergirl all wrapped up into a 2 minute clip from the show
It's in the sameworld where trash like avengers and civil war makes billions.o f course people eats up the shit.
why the fuck was the camera spinning
tv is dead, and cinema is dying, it's taking it's last breaths
Holy shit Satan, can't you afford premium cable?
the dialogue, also "it's always men who go crazy behind the wheel"
Are you stupid?
He said name them.
They need to stop this shit. I don't watch supergirl or that legends show whatever its called. It isn't making me want to watch those shows, but rather not watch the episodes of flash and arrow that they are in.
Literally perfect.
Who is your favorite Arrowverse girl?
Jesus fuck.
>Superheroes are in right now
>They're easily suited to TV shows
>They foster an easy fanbase for your network
>paying for cable
Hahaha Jesus Christ didn't know it was that shitty, thank you.
I guess the better question is why is the writing so awful in all of them?
it was a rhetorical question, you dumb fuck. everyone knows superheroes sell, but these shows shouldn't be on television. these shows shouldn't even exist, they're literally embarrassing to watch
>"guys...I uh...brought...uhmm"
>S is already drawn by the time she flies up
>annoyingly self-aware writing "that time portal was cool!" "Best crossover episode ever!"
I could nitpick these shit shows all day if I wanted to, but I choose not to watch pleb bait
Then don't watch it. Not like these crossovers have any kind of permanent effect on the show's overall stories.
It's like they're trying to channel campy 90's shows and failing miserably.
Sorry, Professor
I rather enjoyed the first 2 season of Flash and Arrow.. no idea what went so wrong now.
>not bringing superman
I blame memes. You meme spouting fucks have made Tv producers think everyone just wants mascots and catchphrases. I won't be surprised if Pepe gets his own show soon.
Imagine what a Snyder TV series would be like
I wouldcream my pants tbqhwyfam
>implying anyone here pays for what they watch
Season 5 of Arrow is pretty decent so far
Mysteriously she's barely in 5 so far. No correlation I'm sure.
>tfw Gotham is safe in its own based universe
Completely shit but with a few pretty images?
you forgot this:
No I didn't
Thea reigns supreme, but I like the new girl in Arrow.
The OC
One Tree Hill
Jane the Virgin
It's safe because it's a cop show with gotham theme, you barely see any supernatural stuff. Most of the villains are criminal masterminds with odd weapons.
>One Tree Hill
No fuck you. That show is awful. The dad is just a mask and a cape away from being a Saturday morning cartoon villain, but then has an awkward redemption thrown in at the end.
How's Willa Holland's presence on Arrow, I stopped watching after the Cupid return episode
lol, you have dementia
>world goes back to literature
She's still there.
still there
she's helping ollie run the city now
slut in trainig.jpg
Literature has been dead much longer then tv/film has. The only books that sell these days are shitty young adult trash and erotica for women.
>They got rid of bigchin Laurel in favor of bighip qt
I approve
Is she still a snazzy dresser?
Those are all 10x worst then any capeshit
of course, she's mostly in business stuff now
She dresses appropriately for her position
She only dresses like that when Ollie's around.
I love these CW shows for their many many QTs
Oh, Think I'll give it a miss
Everyone does.
>being an autist
It's 1016 pal
>Who the fuck greenlights these shitstain tv shows?
WB and their affiliates
what should i watch supergirl or dark matter?
dark matter
Both, at the same time on two screens. Try to keep up
If you're a fat loser neckbeard then Dark Matter, if you're a fat loser neckbeard with a vagina then Supergirl.
>and why the fuck is it on tv
Why the fuck not, faggot?
Things I don't watch shouldn't exist
wow thanks guys
Autism to the max.
More like RAWTISM
Young Justice
They're fun.
Flash > Arrow > Legends of Tomorrow > Supergirl
Arrow > Flash right now though